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U.S. Deploying Jets Around Asia to Keep China Surrounded

If US and China are really so much at odds then how come US/west have been allowing drift of capital and technology to China, and accepting Chinese students at their universities for so long? The Chinese/US standoff seems fake to me and I suspect the Chinese bogeyman (underhandedly supported by US) is there to scare the countries in the region, South Korea, Japan and others to remain dependant on the US and to accept any terms for US occupation of them. I have a feeling US and China are both on it together. Good cop, bad cop.

Kinda like Al-Qaida in ME region, another US bogeyman, which appears to be at odds with US in Af-Pak region but helping US cause in Syria.

America allowed military technology to anti Soviet countries including China during the Cold War. After Tiananmen square it imposed an arms embargo and does not sell any military technology to China. The American media is alao very anti China and many American politicians attack China in ways they would do to not other countries like Pete Hoekstra and Dana Rohrabacher.

And Chinese students also go to South Korean and Japanese universities and trade with them as well, your point? China trades and does business with every country in the region.

China exuberates little hostility and in fact the official media is mostly positive towards mostly all foreign countries, including South Korea. China doesn't want to stir up hatred with other countries because it would damage China's interests.

And if you go to China, ethnic Korean citizens of China are mostly pro China and anti South Korea when any trouble arises betweeen them. The South Koreans discrimnate against them because of their nationality.

These is hatred and racism coming from the south Korea and Japanese sides. Korea is one of the most homogenous socities innthe world and there is a nazi like "pure blood theory" in Korea. Koreans and Japanese are percentage wise more racist against non asians than Chinese. China has accepted several hundred thousand African traders in Guangzhou but south Korea and Japan have not done the same. Alot of the problems Korea and Japan have with China have nothing to do with any countries manipulation or China bullying them but plain nationalism and racism.

Japanese politicians like Shintaro Ishihara have made nasty racist comments about Africans, South Koreans, Chinese from Taiwan, and virtually all non Japanese while you will not find any Chinese politicians making such stupid comments.

If China bullying Japan is the cause of Japanese hostility to China, where does anti Korean and anti African racism in Japan come from?


The Japanese politicians, who represent their country started making racist remarks about other people and China is much more liberal in letting foreigners in than Japan. Japan has denied the existence of the indigeneous Ainu minority for decades.

Japan's hostility and its agenda is obvious from its choice of allies. It allies with the Philippines government and Vietnam and supplies them with patrol boats and criticizes China's internal affairs while ignoring the Philippines repression of the Moros and their own suppression of the Ainu. It also sides with India against China. It does not care about other asian peoples, only in attacking China.
Gibberish. US companies have been in China for long and helping China develop technical infrastructure and raise revenue. From there China can easily make military equipment and it is doing so.

Like a typical propagandist you write long essays hoping the BS will stick but in essence it’s all hogwash.
And if you go to China, ethnic Korean citizens of China are mostly pro China and anti South Korea when any trouble arises betweeen them.

What choice do they have? China is an oppressive country (both Tibetans and Muslims in China are well aware of it). Koreans in China need to survive don't they?
What choice do they have? China is an oppressive country (both Tibetans and Muslims in China are well aware of it). Koreans in China need to survive don't they?

The communist are naturally oppressive in everything.

The minorities are still far way better than the majority Han Chinese, as they are the kings of China right now. Han Chinese culture was almost being wiped out completely.

Gibberish. US companies have been in China for long and helping China develop technical infrastructure and raise revenue. From there China can easily make military equipment and it is doing so.

Like a typical propagandist you write long essays hoping the BS will stick but in essence it’s all hogwash.

If you read US media about China, there are far far more negative and twisting news about China and their people.

But it's true that US-China relationship is kind of confusing. Frienemy.
If US and China are really so much at odds then how come US/west have been allowing drift of capital and technology to China, and accepting Chinese students at their universities for so long? The Chinese/US standoff seems fake to me and I suspect the Chinese bogeyman (underhandedly supported by US) is there to scare the countries in the region, South Korea, Japan and others to remain dependant on the US and to accept any terms for US occupation of them. I have a feeling US and China are both on it together. Good cop, bad cop.

Kinda like Al-Qaida in ME region, another US bogeyman, which appears to be at odds with US in Af-Pak region but helping US cause in Syria.

Agree with you.

Now if we SOUTH ASIANS get this sense and understanding, it will do great to our people and focus on development.
Just nuke one capital city of our Asian enemies like for example India and everybody else will back off real fast.
For a while i was scared , came back to normal after realizing that they are made in China .
China is provoking its neighbors , better they realize that they are being surrounded by US .
"This is just the start of the Air Force's plan to expand its presence in Asia, according to Carlisle. In addition to the Australian deployments, the Air Force will be sending jets to Changi East air base in Singapore, Korat air base in Thailand, a site in India, and possibly bases at Kubi Point and Puerto Princesa in the Philippines and airfields in Indonesia and Malaysia."

As I had mentioned, India will soon allow US to base planes first in port Blair. Then a US fleet will be based in the Indian coast line. Eventually, India will allow US to base rangers and air bases close to the Chinese border. So station in port Blair is just to get the feet wet.

You dont get India do you. In India politics and policy depend heavily on peoples reaction. And no government will do a move which is largely view hostile to its own interests.

No foreign boots on Indian soil.

PS: India largely wants to be neutral i hope China realizes it and solves the border issue asap looking at the bigger picture once the issue is solved i dont see India and China having conflicting interests may be then we can stand together and guard each others interests. But time is definetly running out we should capture the moment and take the leap.
If US and China are really so much at odds then how come US/west have been allowing drift of capital and technology to China, and accepting Chinese students at their universities for so long? The Chinese/US standoff seems fake to me and I suspect the Chinese bogeyman (underhandedly supported by US) is there to scare the countries in the region, South Korea, Japan and others to remain dependant on the US and to accept any terms for US occupation of them. I have a feeling US and China are both on it together. Good cop, bad cop.

Kinda like Al-Qaida in ME region, another US bogeyman, which appears to be at odds with US in Af-Pak region but helping US cause in Syria.
are you serious....i mean just look at them...they have developed a huge power...and nobody including USA allows foriegn students to study in thier universities because of love or affection....its the foriegn policy that rules man,its diplomacy that forces other country to accept our people....and the other thing is if china and USA goes to war there is no way you can stop russia iran pakistan middle east or the rest of the world including USA allies to get involve in that war......just keep the relegion on one side but you know the prophisies about 3rd world war in Islam bro...so in my opinion if the USA is really gona do this then its time to get prepared for a huge war..... and BTW what about the Fourth REICH?
Just nuke one capital city of our Asian enemies like for example India and everybody else will back off real fast.

lolxx...funny and damn true.....specially about US...u know these kids really fear about the attacks on thier own land so i think an experiment of an ICBM would be great before nuking India....that will keep everybody calm as the breez of winter in europe.. :-D:chilli::pakistan::china::butcher:
You dont get India do you. In India politics and policy depend heavily on peoples reaction. And no government will do a move which is largely view hostile to its own interests.

No foreign boots on Indian soil.

PS: India largely wants to be neutral i hope China realizes it and solves the border issue asap looking at the bigger picture once the issue is solved i dont see India and China having conflicting interests may be then we can stand together and guard each others interests. But time is definetly running out we should capture the moment and take the leap.


China realize it too.

It just Western controlled media who play divide and conquer as usual to anyone. But many people are being fooled by it, and even some third world country politicians too.

In my opinion, we should do some kind of "military base exchange"...I mean China build a military base in India and India build theirs too in mainland China. It will create a trust and cooperation boost!

China realize it too.

It just Western controlled media who play divide and conquer as usual to anyone. But many people are being fooled by it, and even some third world country politicians too.

In my opinion, we should do some kind of "military base exchange"...I mean China build a military base in India and India build theirs too in mainland China. It will create a trust and cooperation boost!

India dosent believe in having bases we are peaceful once the border issue is solved we dont need anything else the relations will just flourish.
India dosent believe in having bases we are peaceful once the border issue is solved we dont need anything else the relations will just flourish.

Actually, the border issue have been talked since decades ago.

China solution is to divide it to two, fair and win-win solution.
"This is just the start of the Air Force's plan to expand its presence in Asia, according to Carlisle. In addition to the Australian deployments, the Air Force will be sending jets to Changi East air base in Singapore, Korat air base in Thailand, a site in India, and possibly bases at Kubi Point and Puerto Princesa in the Philippines and airfields in Indonesia and Malaysia."

As I had mentioned, India will soon allow US to base planes first in port Blair. Then a US fleet will be based in the Indian coast line. Eventually, India will allow US to base rangers and air bases close to the Chinese border. So station in port Blair is just to get the feet wet.

Really? Enough of your BS against India in every single thread in PDF; it's time to reveal your real flags Mr. False Flagger.

Just nuke one capital city of our Asian enemies like for example India and everybody else will back off real fast.

Good! Start with my city, it's a big one....here are the coordinates: 22.5697° N, 88.3697° E. :D
Actually, the border issue have been talked since decades ago.

China solution is to divide it to two, fair and win-win solution.

That solution is acceptable where there are no people but it is not a good solution where people are living because they dont want to join the Chinese union and will feel betrayed if they are given away.
Gibberish. US companies have been in China for long and helping China develop technical infrastructure and raise revenue. From there China can easily make military equipment and it is doing so.

Like a typical propagandist you write long essays hoping the BS will stick but in essence it’s all hogwash.

And looks like you didn't actually read anything I read.

I said China is not threatening anyone, including America. It has not made any aggresive moves or indicates it wants military hegemony, its military activities are normal for a country of its size.

I said its Japan and South Korean governments which are claiming China is threatening them. Also its America telling other asian countries that China is threatening them and telling them they need help from America. China has done nothing, its all them and not China which is making the moves.

I didn't write any BS on how China is an anti american, anti imperialist champion. YOU are the one writing the BS on how China is threatening other countries. YOU are writing the BS snd hoping it sticks. I said China DOES NOT want confrontation with America or other asian countries and only wants positive relations as reflected by its media, which reports positively on other countries like south Korea. Its Japanese and Americans who WANT confrontation with China and report negatively on China in their media. The recent flareup over the islands was started by Japan nationalizing them, there was an agreement to keep the issue under the table but Japan brought it up again.

I said South Korea and Japan perceive China as a threat because of nationalism and racism in those countries. China's identity is built on inclusion of multiple ethnic groups. Being a Korean citizen is only about ethnic Koreans, Japan supressed the identity of the Ainu and Okinawans and portrayed itself as purely ethnic Japanese.

Non mainstream minority Japaese and South Koreans actually don't perceive China as a threat, like Okinawans and Jeju islanders since they aren't infected by ultranationalism and the Okinawans have suffered at the hands of both the Japanese government and Americans in the past while they had friendly relations with China.

The Okinawans view both America and the mainland Japanese government as hyping up BS on China threatening them in order to get American military bases on their island. In other words, the mainland Japanese and Americans are the bullies in their eyes. The mainland Japanese don't suffer from the base, the Okinawans do. There are no bases in mainland Japan. The Japanese oppressed and nearly wiped out Okinawan language and culture and treated them like crap during World War 2. The Americans proceded to do the same which is why they don't follow both the Japanese and American BS.


WikiLeaks: Okinawa’s Pro-China, Anti-U.S. Bent - Japan Real Time - WSJ


In Okinawa talk of break from Japan turns serious

Same with Jeju islanders and mainland south Koreans. Mainland South Koreans pushed the base on the Jeju islanders.

Island’s Naval Base Stirs Opposition in South Korea

GANGJEONG, South Korea — Dozens of banners adorn this village on the southern coast of South Korea’s southernmost major island, trumpeting anxieties that have invaded this otherwise idyllic community and divided it so deeply that residents say some fathers and sons have stopped talking to one another.

Song Kang-ho opposes the base, fearing that it could draw South Korea into a regional conflict.
“Fight to the death against the American imperialists’ anti-China naval base!” says one banner.

That declaration — and the underlying issue dividing this village of 1,000 fishermen and farmers on Jeju Island — mirrors the broader quandary South Korea faces, caught between the United States, its longstanding military ally, and China, its former battlefield foe but now its leading trading partner.

South Korean Police Detain Island Activists Opposed to Base

Former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohammed, who has no grudge against China unlike ultranationalist Koreans or Japanese, has noted that China is not militarily threatening other countries and its America which is lying to other asians and telling them China is a threat.

All throughout this speech Mahathir emphasized that China isn't threatening other countries, but on the contrary that its a positive force and a potential economic partner for its neighbors. Read the entire speech and interviews.

Koleksi Arkib Ucapan Ketua Eksekutif

Mahathir Mohamad

7. Almost every day, we are told that China is a threat because it has hegemonic and territorial ambitions. The increase in its military expenditure in recent years, it is argued, is also testimony to this. Every day we are told that the reduction in U.S. presence in the region would encourage China -- and some other regional powers as well -- to dominate the region. Finally, the icing on the China threat cake among some quarters is that it will be a leading protagonist against the "West" in a clash of civilisations.

Archives | The Star Online.

Mahathir said Malaysia should maintain its good relationship with as there was a lot to be gained.

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat

November 09, 2011

By KAZUTO TSUKAMOTO / Correspondent
Mahathir Mohamad, who served as Malaysian prime minister for 22 years, said China poses no threat to the nations of Southeast Asia or the world, in a recent interview with The Asahi Shimbun.

With the East Asia summit scheduled for later this month, Mahathir, 85, was asked about how nations should deal with an emerging China as well as his views on Japan in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

* * *

Excerpts of the interview follow:

Question: What are your views of the struggle between the United States and China in gaining the upper hand in Asia?

Mahathir: China has done very well to grow its economy and is among the leading countries in the world. This makes the United States feel threatened.

When China becomes rich and it is threatened by the United States wanting to have all other countries confront China, that, of course, makes China defend itself and led to its strengthened defense.

This will go on as long as China is threatened by the United States. But, I think this is the wrong strategy.

It is necessary to accept China as a big and rich country now.

I don't think China is a threat.

Q: How should Japan forge a good relationship with China?

A: China is quite unrealistic in asking Japan to always apologize. The main thing is to try and establish good diplomatic relations and good trade relations with China because China is a big market now. It will be very good for Japan.

Q: What are your thoughts about the confrontation between China and some members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which includes Malaysia, over territorial rights to islands in the South China Sea?

A: We don't like having outside people come in and urge ASEAN countries to confront China, which is what the United States wants us to do. We think that ASEAN countries can settle this problem by themselves. There is no fear on the freedom of the sea for the United States or anybody. These are international trading routes because a lot of foreign ships will want to go to China and transport things from China to other parts of the world. How can you stop that?

What choice do they have? China is an oppressive country (both Tibetans and Muslims in China are well aware of it). Koreans in China need to survive don't they?

Wrong. Many of those Koreans worked in South Korea and after the treatment they received at the hands of their "brothers", they returned to China with negative images of South Korea instead of staying there.

(News Focus) Ethnic Koreans from China grow resentful over discrimination in homeland | YONHAP NEWS

Chinese-Koreans feel discrimination in South Korea | Asian Correspondent

Journalist Defends Chinese-Koreans, Netizens React Negatively - koreaBANG

Ethnic Koreans face mass deportation - Asia - Al Jazeera English

And as for "Muslims", the only separatists are a minority of Uyghurs. There are no Hui, Salar, Dongxiang, or Bonan separatists. The government of Ningxia even encourages wearing the veil and the halal industry and lets local Imams have alot of influence.

Faith flourishes in an arid wasteland | South China Morning Post

You can go to Beijing, Ningxia, Gansu, Xunhua anytime and go to the mosques and ask the Muslims how they feel. The Uyghur and Tibetan separatism dates to the 1930s, before Communist rule because of separatist ideology brought by outsiders like Pan Turkic Jadidism from central asia and Soviet influence. The original Uyghur separatists who founded the First East Turkestan Republic were Pan Turkic Jadidists in 1933, and they were crushed and defeated by Hui Muslims at Kashgar in 1934 because of their Turkic supremacist ideology. The next Uyghur separatist uprising in 1944 in the Ili Rebellion was Soviet backed. The Soviet communist party member Ehmetjan Qasim set up the Second East Turkestan Republic with Soviet aid. Hui Muslims fought against them again. The Tibetans tried invading Qinghai in 1932 in the Sino-Tibetan War but they were beaten back by Hui Muslims.
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