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U.S.-China joint statement mentions India - Pakistan ties


May 3, 2009
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The Hindu : Front Page : Surprise over U.S.-China joint statement

NEW DELHI: Strategic analysts have expressed surprise over the summit-level joint statement by U.S. and China mentioning India and Pakistan but cautioned against “over-excitement” on the issue. India has refused to react saying there is “no point in doing so.”

The statement by U.S. President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao, issued on Tuesday in Beijing, supports the “improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan.”

It says “the two sides are ready to strengthen communication, dialogue and cooperation on issues related to South Asia and work together to promote peace, stability and development in that region.”

“In the present circumstances, I hope Mr. Obama and Mr. Hu Jintao are not confusing hope with facts,” observed the former External Affairs Minister, Natwar Singh. “India has consistently extended its hand of friendship to Pakistan but the response has been wholly unsatisfactory. The government and the people of India want warm and cordial relations with Pakistan so do the people of Pakistan. Regrettably the establishment of Pakistan is not in favour,” he added.

The former Foreign Secretary, Salman Haider, was surprised that such observations had been made because the U.S. knows it would be regarded as some sort of provocation to India. “But India should not get overexcited, for, it is a confident country which has done well and is in command of its processes. The statement should not give a message to Pakistan that it could start attempting the involvement of others in our bilateral affairs. We have repeatedly told our friends not to interfere. This is not a good formulation and is not at all helpful,” he said.

Not first time

However, this is not the first time that a U.S.-China summit-level joint statement has mentioned India. Meeting soon after the Pokhran tests in 1998, the then U.S. President Bill Clinton and the former Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, had issued a statement that was more specific on Kashmir, the main irritant in India-Pakistan relations. The statement expressed the “commitment” of the U.S. and China to help peacefully resolve “the difficult and long-standing differences between them [India and Pakistan], including the pending issue of Kashmir.”

As joint statements go, the recent as well as the earlier ones also dwell on the international situation in other parts of the world such as the Six-Party Talks on a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, the Iranian nuclear issue and the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan among others.
Obama wants China to play role in Indo-Pak ties
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BEIJING: The United States appears to have accepted the idea that China could play a vital role in the task of improving relations between India and Pakistan. This is what emerges from a remark made by President Barack Obama and the joint statement issued by the US and Chinese governments here on Tuesday.

The US and China have agreed to work together to bring about “stable and peaceful relations in all of South Asia,” Obama said during his joint briefing with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing. Hu, who spoke first in the briefing, did not mention Pakistan or South Asia.

“They (US and China) support the efforts of Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight terrorism, maintain domestic stability and achieve sustainable economic and social development, and support the improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan,” the joint statement said.

This is a rare occasion when a US president has acknowledged that Beijing has a role to play in the India-Pakistan relations. The move, if serious, runs counter to predictions of the US foreign policy experts that the US would not agree to a future Chinese hegemony in the region.

The question is whether the US was pressurised to give China a bigger role in the region in return for other favours in areas like the North Korean and Iranian nuclear issues. The Indian government, which has always opposed a third-party intervention in the Indo-Pak dialogue, is likely to be worried about the new development.

The joint statement also shows Washington is agreeable to the idea of China playing a bigger role in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is another issue that can rattle New Delhi.

“The two sides are ready to strengthen communication, dialogue and cooperation on issues related to South Asia and work together to promote peace, stability and development in that region,” the joint statement said, explaining the parameters of the Sino-US cooperation in the region.

The statement is bound to be examined closely at the Indian Foreign Ministry, which is also careful not to read too much into it. It is too early to judge the purpose behind the mention of the Indo-Pak relations in the statement, an Indian official said.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry official later said the two leaders did not discuss specifics of the situation in South Asia, because there was not much time available for that. There were a lot of other issues for them to discuss, he said. But the joint statement is the product of weeks of discussions between the two sides and the US administration officials did approve the phrases concerning the Chinese role in South Asia.

Later, Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister He Yafei briefed the media on the talks between the Chinese and US leaders. Responding to a question, he said that during the meeting between President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama, the two leaders talked about Afghanistan within the framework of meeting regional and global challenges.

He noted that both sides agreed to enhance their cooperation in addressing the world and regional challenges. Yafei said the US side mentioned that Afghanistan was very important to the US security and that it should not allow terrorism to pose a threat to the US or any other country.

The two countries shared similar position on the war on terror and both sides agreed to step up cooperation in South Asia, including Afghanistan, he said. He added that there was nothing more he wished to say on specific cooperation between the two countries. He, however, said he thought more cooperation on regional issues and fighting terrorism served the interest and benefited both countries.

Obama wants China to play role in Indo-Pak ties
‘India does not need third-party mediation for Pakistan ties’
By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: India on Thursday said it did not desire the help of a third country to improve its ties with Pakistan.

“The government of India is committed to resolving all outstanding issues with Pakistan through a peaceful bilateral dialogue in accordance with the Simla agreement,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vishnu Prakash told reporters. “A third country’s role cannot be envisaged nor is it necessary.”

New Delhi’s statement follows a joint communiqué issued by US President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao, which said the two countries were committed to support the improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan. New Delhi also stressed that meaningful dialogue with Islamabad was not possible without addressing the threat of cross-border terrorism.

“We also believe that a meaningful dialogue with Pakistan can take place only in an environment free from terror or the threat of terror,” the spokesperson said.

The US and China “support the efforts of Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight terrorism, maintain domestic stability and achieve sustainable economic and social development, and support the improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan,” the joint statement had said.

The statement, coming barely days before Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh goes to Washington as Obama’s state guest, has irked New Delhi.

US Ambassador Timothy J Roemer defended the move, calling it “a positive statement”.

Earlier, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) called the Beijing statement “another failure of Indian diplomacy”.

BJP spokesman Prakash Javdekar asked the government to strongly contest the impression that China would have a role in solving Indo-Pakistan issues.

“We believe that the Indo-Pakistan issue was bilateral and the two countries should resolve it between themselves and there is no scope for a third country, be it the US or China,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan Foreign Office welcomed the joint US-China reiteration to promote peace, stability and security in South Asia.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Obama wants China to play role in Indo-Pak ties

Before people start freaking out.....think.

If China is going to play a role, who can they dictate terms to....Pakistan or India?. To make it even more clear who can China dictate terms to .... North or South Korea? The bottom line is the US Govt. would like China to exert more control over who they have more control over. The strength of the all weather friend will soon be seen..... think.
No its not like that its a question of credibility. china may pressure Pakistan and tomorrow US will pressurise india (her would be all weather friend).

Credibility: Two nations signed Simla agreement and should stick with the same. Every now and then some one will wake up from its winter sleep in Pakistan and will start shouting this and that agreement between two nations are not according to will and desire of Pakistanis so we need mediation. This is what India has observed from last 4 decades. post Lahore agreement Kargil war was imposed on India. Every time when there is change of power and different dead snake is brought out of the bag to the table of negotiation by Pakistan.
If Pakistan can not respect bilateral agreements made then non of agreement will be credible enough (even done through trilateral tetra-lateral and so on... mediation).

Furthermore by pursuing Pakistan to respect all bilateral agreements India is not setting moral precedent for Pakistan or world but to its own people. If Pakistan will open the flood gates of immaturity demand of third party mediation. Either side of politic in India will not be able to pressurize each other to object cancellation of other agreements like Indus water treaty etc. this will further lead to war between two nations. The war which has been avoided for last ~38 years by recognising such agreement like Simla as reliable and authentic.

So for Mr. B.H.Obama it is better to talk about Tibet and china when in china. Do not devalue democratic practices you guys swear upon and country like India is pursuing with Pakistan.
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No its not like that its a question of credibility. china may pressure Pakistan and tomorrow US will pressurise india (her would be all weather friend).

Credibility: Two nations signed Simla agreement and should stick with the same. Every now and then some one will wake up from its winter sleep in Pakistan and will start shouting this and that agreement between two nations are not according to will and desire of Pakistanis so we need mediation. This is what India has observed from last 4 decades. post lahore agreeement Kargil war was imposed on India. Every time when there is change of power and different dead snake is brought out of the bag to the table of negotiation by Pakistan.
If Pakistan can not respect bilateral agreements made then non of agrement will be credible enough (even done through tri-lateral tetra-lateral and so on... mediation).

Same ole indian flames:flame: boss there is a saying before pointing fingers at other point them at your self first! your gov needs to stop playing games and stop bashing Pakistan in the worlds eyes ... & get serious and come to the table simple as that iam not saying we are perfect but still i see india not being serious when its to sit and talk . Plus your stupid media plays a big part in lies and hate i see it everday since i have dish and have over 12 indian channels .. lets work towards peace & friendship stop blaming each other and work together :what:
Same ole indian flames:flame: boss there is a saying before pointing fingers at other point them at your self first! your gov needs to stop playing games and stop bashing Pakistan in the worlds eyes ... & get serious and come to the table simple as that iam not saying we are perfect but still i see india not being serious when its to sit and talk . Plus your stupid media plays a big part in lies and hate i see it everday since i have dish and have over 12 indian channels .. lets work towards peace & friendship stop blaming each other and work together :what:

Mate if you look at the last three famous peace processes we have and the results it ended in a disaster you know why we have a genuine doubts about your intentions...and also whats the purpose of peace talks even after this innocent civilians in my country died in the hands of the terrorists nourished in your country ??
Same ole indian flames:flame: boss there is a saying before pointing fingers at other point them at your self first! your gov needs to stop playing games and stop bashing Pakistan in the worlds eyes ... & get serious and come to the table simple as that iam not saying we are perfect but still i see india not being serious when its to sit and talk . Plus your stupid media plays a big part in lies and hate i see it everday since i have dish and have over 12 indian channels .. lets work towards peace & friendship stop blaming each other and work together :what:

Topgun:1. The thread is about US china statement. Country like china /US can not monitor peace processes of two democratic nations. When both have already agreed upon bilateral resolutions.

2. No ones blaming Pakistan but mentioning facts. Why can't you give me a single so called Pakistani effort where he was serious and India not.

3.Why Pakistan is trying to derecognise itself as a nation who can not resolve its issue with India alone. Is Pakistan scared of India?

4. Please give me some logic, I have no affinity to talk good or raise the flag of India very high.

5. The words you are using like stop playing games, pointing fingers etc etc. are all media copyright words. I can assume who is more media feed here.

6. India was badly defeated by china in 1962 but we were determined afterwards. Now we are in position to negotiate with China on Ideal terms. Same kinds of opportunities Pakistan can create for itself and may dictate the terms when Pakistan will raise its self to a position. Where it can boast about its consistent democracy, or organised civilian rule like china and prosperity. I mean to say that there are no free lunches. Either you play constructive politics (Geo) or raise a war. Preaching ethical lectures or crying foul play will not help you here on this fora. India will follow its national interest against any country for sure. Same is expected from Pakistan (but not terrorism or waves of infiltrations from borders). So every other country has done so e.g. US. Why there is an urgency to resolve all issues in one day when not even a single Indian soldier has ever infiltrated into Pakistan territories(rant alert;)), which is not the case of Pakistan as per record.
No its not like that its a question of credibility. china may pressure Pakistan and tomorrow US will pressurise india (her would be all weather friend).

I always find this funny. See, there is no such thing as an 'all weather friend' in USA's dictionary other than when it is dealing with Israel. Take it from us. We know. :azn:
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