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Type-99G and Type-96G in the national day parade

just compare the specs of the T-90S with the type-99 willlye?
the T-90S is operational only with the Indian army.
I am not trying to market the T-90 here...just need to know how the two tanks would fare up against each other..you don't wanna talk about it then keep shut...some other knowledgeable Chinese friend might elaborate.

1. You have to ask yourself why China simply don't import any single T-90? why even refuse to import a small batch for performance evaluation purpose? This is question number 1.

2. Because China never consider T-90 as the enemy of the Type-99. both as 40 ton tanks, T-90 is more comparable to Type-96g. If you check all those great western tanks (M1, L2, etc), none of them are in the 40 ton category, you can still argue T-90 is nice, but no one (including yourself) would believe the claim such as "T-90 is comparable to M1/L2 and thus more efficient".

Now here we have an interesting question - what kind of 50 ton tanks will be used in india army. currently the only answer is arjun - which is one of the biggest news for Chinese amry.

3. Type-99G/A2 is designed to be deployed in the northern part of China, which means it is for playing with russia. That also answers the question why not any single Type-99 is deployed in the China-india border.

Now let's conclude my answer using a single line sentence -

our Type-96g is already well enough to handle your Arjun and T-90s.
another important factor to consider is tanks are always about quantity and quality. it is very different from fighters.

you can have a dozen damn advanced fighters, say F-22 and be the kind of the middle east (no offense to the people of the region, just for technical discussion purpose), but the same won't be true even if you can get a 2030 tank which can easily disable a few L2 in minutes.

for such reason, tanks are always about how many you can produce and maintence and how good they are. T-90s is thus one of the worst choices india army has ever made.

I mean there is already plans to get thousands of T-90 based tanks, however if you check the Type-99 series, they are keep upgrading while at the same time let each batch into small scale deployment. This is a very smart move - China is seeking the capacity to develop better and better thanks, while india is still seeking to own more tanks.

if you believe the capacity of our mess production, then you see the whole story.
sorry bro but i am not here to satisfy some ones ego and sorry if i have hurt any sentiments.
If you are only talking about the looks then K2 clearly has a edge over Type-99
come on, even you have to agree on that.

The Korean K2 is not comparable with other MBTs, as most of its important components have to be imported just like Arjun.
The Korean K2 is not comparable with other MBTs, as most of its important components have to be imported just like Arjun.

that is not true. as K2 is 90% domestically designed. the problem is this tanks is the most expensive one in the world. its price tag is about 3 times of the Type-99g.

given the same price range (e.g. the PLA is willing to pay 8-9 million USD for a single tank), Chinese vendors can come up with a K3 killer, not to mention K2.

for the same money, what would you pick - 3 Type-99, 2 M1 or 1 K2?

sorry bro but i am not here to satisfy some ones ego and sorry if i have hurt any sentiments.
If you are only talking about the looks then K2 clearly has a edge over Type-99
come on, even you have to agree on that.

Sure it looks 'different' from the other tanks, if that's what you mean by 'better'. From its square faces, this tank is gonna take a direct hit it's toast. Not to mention lack of modern armor. Furthermore, it's serviceability doesn't seem too convenient.

And sorry bro, but the only vulnerable 'ego' here is..... :)

Chill dude! cheers:
Well at least this discussion is interesting. We don't normally talk about tanks.

What do you guys think about the "Israeli" (aka stolen-American technology) Abrahms? How does it far with K2? T90? T99? Japans?
Well at least this discussion is interesting. We don't normally talk about tanks.

What do you guys think about the "Israeli" (aka stolen-American technology) Abrahms? How does it far with K2? T90? T99? Japans?

Israeli's Merkava? top 3 in the world, one of the best ever designed. they are bad bad boys, but when it comes to tanks, Merkava is just great.

will be cool to see a Chinese "clone". :smokin:
I dont care what is that K2 looks like.K2 are building blocks form the foreign technology.
According to the Korean say,
k2, 55ton, 1500 ph, 70km/h. nothing new. another German enginee?

Active Defense System, Guided Projectile. but still in the plan, and they need Israel IAI to help. but ZTZ99 has been on board for years.

The independent IFCS and independent guidance system? ZTZ99 has a fire control/navigation integrated system, that not only show your targets or the fire data. it also can guides your pilot to occupy the advantage point. It seems that Hughes Company did not give them the most advanced thing.

L55/Rh- 120 smoothbore, Simplified version of the m1a2's.another German tec, about its performance, please refer to my post.

I have no its armor information, but I think it is equal to the m1a2 at the best, Should the American give Korean something better than their own?I dont think so.
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I dont care what is that looks like.K2 is a building block form the foreign technology.
According to the Korean say,
k2, 55ton, 1500 ph, 70km/h. nothing new. another German enginee?

Active Defense System, Guided Projectile. but still in the plan, and need Israel IAI to help. but ZTZ99 has been on board for years.

The independent IFCS and independent guidance system? ZTZ99 has a fire control/navigation integrated system, that not only show your targets or the fire data. it also can guides your pilot occupy advantage point. It seems that Hughes Company did not give them the most advanced thing.

L55/Rh- 120 smoothbore, Simplified version of the m1a2's.its performance please refer to my post.

I have not its armor information,but I think it is equal to the m1a2 at the best, Should the American give Korean something better than their own?I dont think so.

you are wrong.

K2 is based on their own technologies, they even recently signed a deal to license the production line to foreign country.
Sure it looks 'different' from the other tanks, if that's what you mean by 'better'. From its square faces, this tank is gonna take a direct hit it's toast. Not to mention lack of modern armor. Furthermore, it's serviceability doesn't seem too convenient.

And sorry bro, but the only vulnerable 'ego' here is..... :)

Chill dude! cheers:

I am afraid you are not that well informed when it comes to this subject and i came to my conclusion after reading the bold part of your post.
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you are wrong.

K2 is based on their own technologies, they even recently signed a deal to license the production line to foreign country.
Own technologies? NO.
export, maybe, we can transport the JF17's Russian turbofan to Pakistan , even the enginee's original purpose is for our Indian friend's MIG. Why korean can not do that?
I am afraid you are not that well informed when it comes to this subject and i came to my conclusion after reading the bold part of your post.
YZ1seG7MHZU[/media] - South Korea Next Generation Main Battle Tank XK2 ??

The video is not playing for me at the moment.

Regardless, you need to get that 'chip' off your shoulders. I don't know if you had some bad prior experience with some Chinese, or what. Perhaps some dude made you feel inferior in school or something, but that 'chip' on your shoulders is holding you back mate. :) :cheers:
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The video is not playing for me at the moment.

Regardless, you need to get that 'chip' off your shoulders. I don't know if you had some bad prior experience with some Chinese, or what. Perhaps some dude made you feel inferior in school or something, but that 'chip' on your shoulders is holding you back mate. :) :cheers:

seriously is this your argument? so if some pakistani does not speak in favor of chinese he or she was picked in school by some chinese? so is this your standard punch line who does not speak in favor of china? Unless the chinese equipment is really superior i am not going to satisfy some once false ego like some one here and say chinese is the best, i am just going to stick to my words. and btw, right now their isnt much superior complex difference between you and indians.
seriously is this your argument? so if some pakistani does not speak in favor of chinese he or she was picked in school by some chinese? so is this your standard punch line who does not speak in favor of china? Unless the chinese equipment is really superior i am not going to satisfy some once false ego like some one here and say chinese is the best, i am just going to stick to my words. and btw, right now their isnt much superior complex difference between you and indians.

Regardless of what excuse you make, or how you spin it, that's how it appears to the public eye. And no one is "asking" for your "compliments" -- I couldn't care less. And the one with inferiority complex is....

Chill dude! No one's asking or in need of your 'ego-boosting-compliments'. :rofl:

PS: I only postulated that plausible reason. Don't get offended as it was only trying to figure out WHY you have that chip on your shoulder.
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Look, I am not an expert, not even a decent amatuer on tanks. But looking through your guys' arguments, I can pretty much have a good idea which tank is possiblely the best in Asia based on several basic but important principles.

Likely candidates are 99G (99G-a2?) , K2 and T90s of Japan. So? One does not need to be an expert to judge.

1. Everyone knows that the best warplane is F-22A. The main reasons are its stealth and cruise functions amongst several others. However, if without stealth and cruise, do you still think that F-22A is the clearly the best , particularly in light of its outragous price tag, even tough it might has slightly better radar, electronics? Probably no...

2. The same as warplanes, except K2 can clearly offer some revolutionary techs which other don't have(aka steralth in F-22A's case), which clearly it doesn't , its price tag as the highest of all tanks has already shown that it is likely not the best. It is because tanks are not sport cars in which one solely collect names such as Ferreri, Porche for their exotic charateristics and some particular functions to argue which is the best. Tanks on the other hand are just tools, indeed mass tools of warfare, in which (1) mass production cost and (2) 100% domestic manufacturing and maintanence capabilities are almost the same important parameters of judgement --- as its amour, main gun, speed, maxi functioning areas,etc.

It makes absolutely no sense to produce something out of reach of (1) and (2), even in exchange for a slightly better individual function/s in other areas, as in war time when tanks are put into use, one can not afford the risks of not being able to mass produce it as desires due to its high unit cost , and /or having no gurantee to be able to accquire sufficient supply parts in international deals.

In an extreme analogy, if one can somehow produce a "KING" tank, 100 million per unit cost, with the NASA speceship-alike amour, etc, can we say that this is the best tank in the world? Don't be ridiculous! With the same unit cost as K2, as one memeber said earlier, Chinese ventors could likely come up with its killer and more.

Due to these 2 reasons alone, without looking into the details of K2, I can roughly dismiss it as the best.

3. Most importantly, to produce a top of line tank requires a full spectrum of techonologies across fields. That's the fundamental reason why why India's arjun fails. It is because India's overall reaseach/design/material science/heavy industry manufactoring capabilities havn't reached the level required yet!

On this note, I am reasonablely confident that only China, and Japan in Asia have this level of OVERALL capabilities to produce some best tanks, or ships, or airplane, due to the same logic. Not Korea, sorry. Even though Korea might be more advanced than China in certain areas, it definitely can not beat China in the full spectrum. Even with extensive foreign help as K2 's case , to intergrate various techs requires hollistic level of knowledge and capability in which Korea is not at top 2 pecking order!

Don't get me wrong, I am not underestimating K2. It might be a very good tank. But the best in Asia in reality war time enviroment? NO way! But it might be one of the top line "sport car" in a showroom.

Therefore I think the battle for the best of Asia is mostly the game between 99G-a2 and the latest Japanese MBT. Both countries has roughly similar level of overall capabilties, with Japan still probably having the upper hand in general. But China is rapidly closing up the gap!

Tanks, unlike ships, are tricky too. It is because environment in which tanks are put into use plays also a big part.

Which one is the current best? I don't know according to my knowledge given China seldom shows off the best functions of her leading weaponaries. The best could be either of the two in reality.
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