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Type 075 Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) News & Discussions

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3 Type 075 is too few. They need 6 of these by the mid 2020s.

3 is okay as PLAN need to fill the decks with WZ-10/19/20, marines, hovercraft, LSU, amphibious assault vehicles, etc that require time to build too. Building too fast will end up having empty ships. The focus is more on completing aircraft carriers along with carrier based fighters to provide air cover for the fleet and also increase range of offensive capabilities
Wow 😲 ... for the first time the 'Shandong' together with the first Type 075 at Sanya.

(Image via 逆襲/@horobeyo at Twitter)

PLN CV-17 Shandong + Type 075 LHD no. 1 at Sanya - 20201228 part.jpg
PLN CV-17 Shandong + Type 075 LHD no. 1 at Sanya - 20201228.jpg


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3 Type 075 is too few. They need 6 of these by the mid 2020s.
three 40,000-ton-class LHD are too few? 😮😮😮
omg this canadian kid (from asia?) must be very rich;
first this kid should study world's naval history before arguing here;
let me tell you important facts (except for US and China);
1. NONE ever builds 40,000-ton-class LHD
2. NONE ever runs more than three LHD
3. Soviet/Russia NEVER has LHD
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Via @浩汉军事 and @别跟我抢荔枝这个昵称 from Weibo
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