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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

Quantity always matters, anytime, anywhere.

The side has the system with proper balancing of quality and quantity will win.

and yes indeed, but this equilibrium is hard for fanboys to understand

21st century is about intelligence, computer, precision and fast reaction, and thats why USAN tossed 500 VLS S21 project off into thin air, and now we have 80 tubes DDG1000, and thats why Soviet style was ditched by PLA's think tank

Two Kolkata class ships will be inducted this year and the last one will be inducted next year.

Btw this project has been officially confirmed or this is all fanboy stuff??
055 project is real and progressed to production phase, nothing blurry about that, it is more potent than China buying Su-35 and S-400
Nope. Buddism came from present day Nepal.

Indians are majority Hindu. Hindu religion is a very incompetent religion which is why Indians are as backward and lazy as they are.

Dear Sir,

Off topic:

Please control your tongue when you are talking about our religion, its is the religion which stood more than 7000 years.

On topic:

Please discuss about only according to the title or the subject
End of 2014 or Early of 2015, China shipbuilding industry will start to build the 055 DDG project, In China 055 class is real and we will see the 1st one 055 DDG soon.

All we can do, just waiting for new 12,000ton 055 DDG launch. 052C/D DDG is not enough for PLAN's future Aircraft Carrier Strick Groups, China Navy need many powerful 055 DDGs.

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055's displacement of 12,000 tons clearly indicate that it will be the primary escort ship for PLAN's future aircraft carriers. The large displacement will ensure long endurance in pace with the air craft carrier. And it will have larger room for more electronic gears and weapon to face all type of battle scenario - air defence, surface target engagement and underwater warfare.
you guys are mad on ships man,,,,, any how much the project cost

Dear Sir,

Off topic:

Please control your tongue when you are talking about our religion, its is the religion which stood more than 7000 years.

On topic:

Please discuss about only according to the title or the subject
please leave him mate,,,,, its our fault we were never marketing our good things, its clearly our fault,, see the wester countries something useless they ll make it popular with marketing
Come from 052D's VLS, support cold-launched and hot-launched missile. 112x also will install on 055 DDG.


Where is the exhaust vents for hot launch? Perhaps it's integrated in each individual silo?
Where is the exhaust vents for hot launch? Perhaps it's integrated in each individual silo?
Like American latest MK57 VLS, the missile box is cylinder, VLS silo is square and bigger than missile box . The exhaust vent is just the space between missile box and VLS silo, we called it Concentric Circle VLS.



The missile box is cylinder, smaller than VLS silo. The exhaust vent inside each individual silo.



China Navy universial VLS regulation, one VLS silo can install 4x missiles at most (4x missile boxes), and control 4x different missiles.



you guys are mad on ships man,,,,, any how much the project cost
052D DDG cost 0.9 billion $, 055 should be about 1.0 billion. Last time i heared a officer in CCTV news said lower than 1.0billion $ ... Compared with current 052D, 055 has a new X-band AESA radar + more VLS + 4x QC280 gas turbines. The cost of 055 won't cheaper than 052D DDG.
052D DDG cost 0.9 billion $, 055 should be about 1.0 billion. Last time i heared a officer in CCTV news said lower than 1.0billion $ ... Compared with current 052D, 055 has a new X-band AESA radar + more VLS + 4x QC280 gas turbines. The cost of 055 won't cheaper than 052D DDG.
thanks man
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