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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions


Via @热武器时代的爱情 from Weibo
Interesting, no main deck guns for both ships. This will cause wild speculations.

1. Production rates of 130mm gun can't match launch rate of DDG?
2. Delay due to new upgraded variants of 130mm gun?
3. Switching to rail gun? (this one is real wild but not impossible). ;)
so on the SDF we were talking about the number of DDGs the PLAN wants to have after one or three decades, but lets forget about the far future, what about 2020? if I'm not mistaken there is now only one type 052D remaining, the one in Dalian so the question is what will be launched after that? either they continue to build more 052Ds or we will see the type 052E next year, or may be.. just may be.. next year aside from that one 052D every thing else will be a type 055 from now on.
They seems to be the RAILGUN friendly 055 DDG.

If they are indeed RAILGUN friendly 055 DDG, then
the Non COWARD & Non GUTLESS * Beijing Elites need ... ...

#1) to send multiple convoys of ( 2 054A + 3 052D + 1 055A DDG ) to
the strait of Hormuz to perform join naval exercise part 2
with ( RUSSIA + IRAN ) immediately.

#2) to patrol the Undisputed Cockroaches naval bases in
Interesting, no main deck guns for both ships. This will cause wild speculations.

1. Production rates of 130mm gun can't match launch rate of DDG?
2. Delay due to new upgraded variants of 130mm gun?
3. Switching to rail gun? (this one is real wild but not impossible). ;)
Or removing the deck gun for more missiles?
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