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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

These type of incidents will happen again. I have a feeling that India will try to do the same to seek revenge for the two soldiers that were killed by Pakistani Army. Pakistan is very weak at the moment. Pakistani Army is split and deployed all over Pakistan, mostly in troubled areas. This would be the best time and the best opportunity for India to make use of their cold start stratedgy and enter their forces in to Kashmir if they want to get the rest of the Kashmir. Once USA leaves the region then Pakistan army will have a chance to regroup and deploy most of the forces towards the Indian border and once again all the attention would be towards India all over again. I have a bad feeling that India is going to try to escalate the situation so they have a reason to attack Pakistan. Maybe 2013 is the year of war between India and Pakistan. Hopefully this doesnt happen but this is just my analyses.
What can one expect from an Army that has a history of being barbaric.

Seems some of Tamerlanes genes are still lingering around.

What can one expect from an Army that has a history of being barbaric.

Seems some of Tamerlanes genes are still lingering around.
this will be either 3rd time I will be saying that we have given enough links where MoD says that mutilation has been done. The recently I gave was from a government channel DDnews.

And I will explain again that I am referring to the initial reports where it was denied.
My allegation is that the mutilation has been added as an additional extra due to popular support and belief in that theory.
I could be quite wrong, but I am basing my hypothesis on the fact that the initial reports vehemently denied any mutilation.
I suspect "gol maal"..

It may also be true and gol maal may be on this side .. since "non-state" actors are quite capable of such acts as compared to regular troops.
And I will explain again that I am referring to the initial reports where it was denied.
My allegation is that the mutilation has been added as an additional extra due to popular support and belief in that theory.
I could be quite wrong, but I am basing my hypothesis on the fact that the initial reports vehemently denied any mutilation.
I suspect "gol maal"..

It may also be true and gol maal may be on this side .. since "non-state" actors are quite capable of such acts as compared to regular troops.

Here is an excerpt from TOI.

"The bodies of two soldiers were brutalised — one head was severed and another body was beheaded... It (the head of one of jawan) has not being recovered — probably they have taken it along with them", deputy commander of the 25 Division Brigadier J K Tiwari told reporters in Rajouri.

Severed head of Indian soldier yet to be found: Army - The Times of India
Here is an excerpt from TOI.

"The bodies of two soldiers were brutalised — one head was severed and another body was beheaded... It (the head of one of jawan) has not being recovered — probably they have taken it along with them", deputy commander of the 25 Division Brigadier J K Tiwari told reporters in Rajouri.

Severed head of Indian soldier yet to be found: Army - The Times of India

Is there any way to ascertain if these were the same troopers that attack the Pakistani position??
Mutilation accusation is standard indian practice whenever indian misadventure across international border fails. In 2001 indian BSF/army troops intruded 2 kn inside Bangladesh attacked BOP. When only handful of BDR (Bangladesh rifles) retaliated more dozen BSF died. Bangladeshis later recovered these indian intruder bodies but indians used the same "mutilation" propaganda screen to shield indian intrusion, attack and killing. So indians can die screaming about "mutilation" but its is standard indian propaganda to hide their crime.
Mutilation of enemy soldiers is a standard practice of Pakistan for boosting its soldiers morale. while Indian army boosts its morale by defeating Pakistan or breaking it in two.

There are numerous reports about Kashmiri's background, including some claiming that he was once a member of the Pakistani Army's elite Special Services Group (SSG) and trained mujahideen fighting Soviet forces in Afghanistan in the 1970s-80s.

But in a 2009 newspaper interview with Asia Times Online - to disprove claims that he was killed in another US drone strike - he denied he was a soldier, and instead stated that he had fought with Huji in Afghanistan during the 1980s. He is believed to have lost his eye and an index finger in battle.

Following the Soviet withdrawal in 1989, Kashmiri joined Huji members fighting Indian rule in the disputed Kashmir region.

He later became the commander of Brigade 313, a special unit within Huji comprising experienced fighters, which carried out high-profile missions against Indian targets, allegedly with the support of the Pakistani military and security services.

During one such raid in February 2000, Brigade 313 famously attacked Indian soldiers near the Line of Control (LoC) - in retaliation for the alleged massacre of 14 Pakistani civilians. One infantry soldier was captured and beheaded.

Kashmiri is said to have crossed back into Pakistani territory with the head in a bag, and later driven through the town of Kotli with it on top of a pick-up truck.

Several newspapers published photos of the incident, gaining Kashmiri instant notoriety. Pakistani generals are even alleged to have paid him a reward.

BBC News - Obituary: Ilyas Kashmiri
Mutilation of enemy soldiers is a standard practice of Pakistan for boosting its soldiers morale. while Indian army boosts its morale by defeating Pakistan or breaking it in two.

There are numerous reports about Kashmiri's background, including some claiming that he was once a member of the Pakistani Army's elite Special Services Group (SSG) and trained mujahideen fighting Soviet forces in Afghanistan in the 1970s-80s.

But in a 2009 newspaper interview with Asia Times Online - to disprove claims that he was killed in another US drone strike - he denied he was a soldier, and instead stated that he had fought with Huji in Afghanistan during the 1980s. He is believed to have lost his eye and an index finger in battle.

Following the Soviet withdrawal in 1989, Kashmiri joined Huji members fighting Indian rule in the disputed Kashmir region.

He later became the commander of Brigade 313, a special unit within Huji comprising experienced fighters, which carried out high-profile missions against Indian targets, allegedly with the support of the Pakistani military and security services.

During one such raid in February 2000, Brigade 313 famously attacked Indian soldiers near the Line of Control (LoC) - in retaliation for the alleged massacre of 14 Pakistani civilians. One infantry soldier was captured and beheaded.

Kashmiri is said to have crossed back into Pakistani territory with the head in a bag, and later driven through the town of Kotli with it on top of a pick-up truck.

Several newspapers published photos of the incident, gaining Kashmiri instant notoriety. Pakistani generals are even alleged to have paid him a reward.

BBC News - Obituary: Ilyas Kashmiri

I heard that he carried the severed head in Musharraf's office and Musharraf paid him Rs. 100,000 for bringing the head of an Indian soldier.

It does not matter whether the story is true or not, what really matters is that this stupid act was considered so honorable among Pakistanis that Ilyas became a revered figure among the Mujahiddeen and the Pakistani Army.

Yet, the Pakistanis loathe the Americans for waterboarding KSM and even for trying Afia Siddiqui.

And then they wonder why their words don't mean a thing to the world.

No where it said PA had done any such thing. You indians are desperate to stack lie over lie over lie but at the end its all lie. Indian army committed genocide in Kashmir killing 70,00 people. If Kashmiris had taken head off of one indian soldier, its 69,999 fewer than "proportionate response" indian EAM talking about.
No where it said PA had done any such thing. You indians are desperate to stack lie over lie over lie but at the end its all lie. Indian army committed genocide in Kashmir killing 70,00 people. If Kashmiris had taken head off of one indian soldier, its 69,999 fewer than "proportionate response" indian EAM talking about.

did you get any sugar?
What can one expect from an Army that has a history of being barbaric.

Seems some of Tamerlanes genes are still lingering around.

What can one expect from an Army that has a history of being barbaric.

Seems some of Tamerlanes genes are still lingering around.

Perhaps you seem to forget that your so called super duper army has raped thousands and thousands of innocent civilians and slaughtered them and still you proclaim to be angels, seriously you are too deluded, get a life. You need to look at your army's track record then question the other side.
And I will explain again that I am referring to the initial reports where it was denied.
My allegation is that the mutilation has been added as an additional extra due to popular support and belief in that theory.
I could be quite wrong, but I am basing my hypothesis on the fact that the initial reports vehemently denied any mutilation.
I suspect "gol maal"..

It may also be true and gol maal may be on this side .. since "non-state" actors are quite capable of such acts as compared to regular troops.

I am not taking initial reports as credible information. What government says is the only credible information for the time being on which a debate can be lead. If it changes governmnt will bring it in notice.
Pakistanis are brothers by virtue of faith (as well as neighbor and friend), you must live in incest environment and DONT know the difference between father and brother.

back to topic....

and you are daddy of trolling what you just wrote is funny.
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