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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

Ḥashshāshīn;3782123 said:
I agree. Pakistanis and Indians included, take cricket way to seriously. Soldier dies, no one cares, cricket match, on every channel.

This was already a revenge for the soldier killed two days ago by IA.

Don't worry about neutral_person, he won't be around for long due to his previous inflammatory posts, he will get his deportation papers soon from PDF.
Nothing will get escalated...how much time is the Govt going to tie the hands of the army for these dumb reasons..? We have more to loose..so what..let the deaths of your soldiers go unanswered..look this may all sound hot-headed..but sometimes you need to wave the stick for the message to get through..carrots alone wont solve the problem.

I agree with you too. Frankly i am confused . But i know nothing will happen , the army's hands are tied.
Dude, this is the 78th page. Lots of other sources, international and Pakistani have been given. Now you quote my post from the first page and challenge me about authenticity of the source? Does it occur to you that a million people may have said the same thing on the 78 other pages? (I'm exaggerating when I say million.)

Anyway, go through the past pages. Happy reading.:pop:

See the news was very one-sided. it showed us as the bad guys but it failed to mention that it was in retaliation to Indian forces attacking our post and killing one of our soldier and wounding another one. No where did they mention it. So it was a biased reporting.
Lets be fair. What did India expect from Pakistan? Laddoos or gulab jamuns. It was simply tit for tat. Now live with it.
Loss of a life be it an Army or a Civilian is never Good , Life is precious it is not going to come again in this world .

My Sympathies with the families of the Soldiers .

All that said , India totally had it coming , we are not some 3rd Rate Army who will only watch when IA kills one of our soldiers & do nothing , we will strike back one way or another .

now both the countries have to cool their heads otherwise this is going to get ugly pretty soon , & very fast . and no one is going to end up liking it.

Yeah cool heads after you badly mutilate and chop of soldiers heads like uncivilized animals that the Pakistani Army is? I dont think so, there will be equal revenge for this. Mark my words...
1) As for the Post-2014 Afghanistan :

On one hand the Haqannis are, in Panetta's own words, 'the veritable arm of the ISI' & on another they are going to turn back & fight us ?

That doesn't add up for me !
2) a whipping of insurgency in Kashmir isn't very big on our cards (the Kashmiris themselves are doing that peacefully as we speak !)

3) And the Pakistani Army garner public support by taking out two Indians is amusing at best ! Had the army wanted to do that they're more than qualified to put up a much...much better spectacle than just 'cross-firing resulting in two deaths' !

1) As you know, the term "Taliban" is for a collection of groups, and TTP itself was an umbrella organization, if I remember correctly. While some talibani factions (like the haqqani network) are indeed a "veritable arm of the ISI", many other factions are baying for the blood of pak army and pak state for supporting the US in the WoT. It is those factions that are expected to turn their guns on pak after the US leaves, and it is that possibility that the pak army might be looking to avoid, by answering their call for a joint fight against India - a call that was waged just a few days back.

2) Are you saying that Kashmiris are "whipping up insurgency" peacefully as we speak? That sounds oxymoronic, because an insurgency by definition has to be violent. But assuming that you meant that kashmiris are peacefully struggling for freedom, I can only say that you have bought into the common Pakistani delusion. Seperating from India is the last thing on the minds of Indian kashmiris at present. Yes, there are often protests against the security forces, like there are in many parts of the country, and sometimes demonstrations against perceived injustices. But there is no large scale "freedom movement", peaceful or otherwise. That ship sailed long ago.

3) What better spectacle do you mean? All out war? Anything bigger than this incident would have brough swift response from India, and we would have been staring at full scale war. Pakistan is in no position to do that SUCCESFULLY against India, and by that I mean wage war with favourable outcomes.
1) As you know, the term "Taliban" is for a collection of groups, and TTP itself was an umbrella organization, if I remember correctly. While some talibani factions (like the haqqani network) are indeed a "veritable arm of the ISI", many other factions are baying for the blood of pak army and pak state for supporting the US in the WoT. It is those factions that are expected to turn their guns on pak after the US leaves, and it is that possibility that the pak army might be looking to avoid, by answering their call for a joint fight against India - a call that was waged just a few days back.

2) Are you saying that Kashmiris are "whipping up insurgency" peacefully as we speak? That sounds oxymoronic, because an insurgency by definition has to be violent. But assuming that you meant that kashmiris are peacefully struggling for freedom, I can only say that you have bought into the common Pakistani delusion. Seperating from India is the last thing on the minds of Indian kashmiris at present. Yes, there are often protests against the security forces, like there are in many parts of the country, and sometimes demonstrations against perceived injustices. But there is no large scale "freedom movement", peaceful or otherwise. That ship sailed long ago.

3) What better spectacle do you mean? All out war? Anything bigger than this incident would have brough swift response from India, and we would have been staring at full scale war. Pakistan is in no position to do that SUCCESFULLY against India, and by that I mean wage war with favourable outcomes.

(a) Barring TTP which other Taliban faction has been baying for our blood ? It was Mullah Omar himself that castigated the TTP & distanced himself from the Al-Qaeeda.

(b) Peaceful Protest is what I was talking about & you are of course entitled to your opinion ! :tup:

(c) No one talked about war but taking out 2 soldiers as part of dozens of border violations in the month of December alone is hardly 'signalling' ! Besides do tell the Pakistani public & the media at large because the 'signal', apparently, got lost in the midst of Tahir ul Qadri's long march & our Inter Minister's shenanigans !
Basically PA soldiers moved 400 meters into their territory Kashmir killing 2 illegal occupying soldiers from India. Kashmir belongs to Pakistan and PA has full freedom to cross LoC as it pleases after all its Pakistan's territory.

..and behead and mutilate dead soldiers!?
unbelievable that we get fired on first and then when we retaliate then you are screaming for revenge

You see this is the catch. According to the the Indians we got fired on first and in retaliatory firing , the Pakistani soldier died.

It's a vicious cycle . Your word against mine situation.

We should probably install CCTV cameras on both sides and in the middle as well to see who fired first :P

..and behead and mutilate dead soldiers!?

Has the beheading thing been confirmed ? It was just one soldier who was mutilated i read.
..and behead and mutilate dead soldiers!?

India did that to their dead soldiers? Indian foreign minister said there will be some response. And this is india response, beheading their own dead soldiers. Shame.
You own the revenge..

i beg your pardon?

who fired first? who suffered the initial casualty?

then you own beheading of our mrtyred soldier!!

until (at least) your Army chief releases a statement about such a thing being done by PA soldiers, i don't believe it for a damn second

and i've said it so many times, im repeating myself now
India did that to their dead soldiers? Indian foreign minister said there will be some response. And this is india response, beheading their own dead soldiers. Shame.
Why stop at there. why dont u say india killed their soldier and then mutilated.
When enemy crosses lines, we should be ready for the same. I hope I can go back in time and tell this news to Indira Gandhi when she gave safe passage to 93,000 POWs.

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