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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

Lol, i hope you have also visited and commented on the topic where indian army killed one Pak Army person, did you told this to your fellow indians who are making fun there....

India escalating already and they started it, so after Pakistan called for flag meeting, it was india who declined it, so Pakistan paid back...

good job guys ... well done... keep it up and we are proud of you...

We will pay back soon! Never ever the Indian army let Indians down against Pakistan!

Are you proud of them beheading... Wow this shows how cultured Pakistani's are!
Watch out mamba, so much love for ummah brethern of Pakistan may lead you into trouble .Don't forget you are in USA and certainly under surveillance.

Oh so da real gangsta from hoping into his maruti and wrecking havoc on LOC has stooped to snitching now :D

Well atleast things are de escalating over here.... Indian trolls are retreating till some new statement comes out. Now lets get the remnants.....
Its ironic you tell anyone else except your self to 'wake up' because officials never lie. Protectors or truth and justice, unfortunately these roles only work in movies and games.

Your agenda however is not to mourn these dead soldiers but of staying dumb so I feel you are not fit for any more replies.

May the families of the dead gain courage to survive the tragedies both sides are victims of.

Border fighting and soldiers getting killed is not very common RIP to soldiers on both the sides...

What boils my blood is that many were saying that there will be payback and seeing how soon this has happened sickens me and actually forces one to think that the same attitude would not be uncommon from across the border by the unprofessional army..
Another bullshit from India. What is the result gained from both sides..
1) Loss of life on gain nothing
2) Now if the climate of war created than it is the responsibility of poor Authorities and will led toward massive destruction and India find Flame every where if it has ambition of power with size of troops...
3) Now the disputed of Kashmir solved on the Wishes of Kashmires..
4) UN and Security Council must take important notice to save the South Asia..
5) Finely India Must Remember the Unseen Army of Pakistan Which come in to Action on Country Interests..
May be he works for NSA. :D

Nainital Science Academy.

Regardless he should be more worried about his own countrymen because you are planning on leading India into war on horseback. :D
'Must' betrays a lack of 'independent' & 'inquisitive' thought - They're both narratives peppered with jingoism & a thirst to demonize the other !

My contention is the same (for either side) - If we did it then take us to the ICJ...if you did then we should take you to the ICJ; whats the point of creating a media frenzy when neither side can back their claims up ?

How do you expect us to prove you did it? without CCTV or someone who was hiding in the bushes with a video recorder filming the torture and mutualisation how can we prove that?

Remember he was captured and taken away across the LOC (our version of events) so this notion of taking one to ICJ is not plausible.

There are some still today which doubt 9/11 was done by al qaeda or the Holocast denial folk so proving something without a shadow of a doubt is like I said before like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

All I have to go on is what the Indian army confirms on what happened and I must accept that as I am just a civilian not in the military or on the ground level fighting.
Search the net, there are many accounts by western journalists... Do some searching yourself..

You want DNA of people in 1971? It was 40 years back :blink:

I have thank you ! And I've also seen the accounts by others, the manner in which those 'journalists' obtained their information & how much 'evidence' they've provided in any of their news excerpts or articles or even books later on to substantiate their aspersions. Not to mention I've seen the role that the media played throughout contemporary wars which peaked during Iraq & now Libya & Syria.

Mass Graves - DNA testing, in that context ! Hadiii kiii bhiii DNA testing hoo jatiii haii; 2012 mein yaa 1990 !
Speaks volume of the professionalism of PA if the news is true. Talibans chops off heads of Pakistani personnel and in return they retalliate against Ingia. Great :cheers:
Oh so da real gangsta from hoping into his maruti and wrecking havoc on LOC has stooped to snitching now :D


It is funny because I never brought up Pakistan, we were just talking to Krait about his trolling. :D

Anyway he can run to whoever he wants FBI, CIA, NSA, I got nothing to hide. :coffee:
He should be more worried about his countrymen who come over here acting like hyphenated Americans and never getting their priorities straight.
head chopped off???????? Who could have done that??? Must be mujhahideens......usual story.....
Yeah,,, Whatever Pakistan Army says is a lie and whtever your Saint Army says is a truth? What a load of bull shyte being spread by over whelming majority of Indians... have some shame all of you. An Eye for EYE. never forget that. When you provoke someone than don't cry like babies if you are hit in revenge.

Pakistan Army is a big time liar and very irresponsible army when it comes to taking responsibility and following geneva convention. I do not need to shout here as every one knows what your army did to Captain S. Kalia, Sqdr ldr Ajay Ahuja , how they were tortured after taken as PoW in no war situation in our own territory. Your army is lucky that we have no leaders like Lal Bahadur Shastri or Indira Gandhi. I am bloody damn sure if they were there, after this LOC seize fire overule, Pakistan army would have faced blood bath. So do not be happy because your happiness will be contained soon.
Pakistan troops cross LoC, kill 2 army jawans brutally - Hindustan Times

In a gruesome attack, Pakistani troops on Tuesday crossed into Indian territory and ambushed an Army patrol party killing two soldiers whose heads were reportedly chopped off.

The attack took place along the Line of Control in Poonch district when Pakistanis came about 100 metres
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into Indian territory and assaulted the patrol party. Besides killing two Lance Naiks, Hemraj and Sudhakar Singh, they also injured two other soldiers.

During the brutal assault on the patrol party, the Pakistanis are said to have chopped off their heads, one of which they carried with them, informed sources said.
Is there any truth in bolded part..?
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