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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

Well we will also ask UN report whether TTP beheaded Pakistani soldiers or not. May be PA did it to its own people to show that they are victim of terrorism.
Seems the incident has knocked some one off his balance.....all the mantra about off-topic seems a thing of the past. :D

Well if TTP killing of PA Soldiers has effected your emotions...then by all means fire at will.
Well, next time don't blame India of ties with TTP and BLA. Let the UN ratify.

@KingMamba93 Also read this.

There's a huge difference between blaming that one supports proxies and alleging direct and overt involvement.
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That is what I am saying, as @Icarus, the rhetoric of non-state actors can be floated any seconf to give complete immunity to PA, hence there is no way of engaging in any meaningful dialogue. If IA is sure about what has happened and it has relayed it's position to the New Delhi, the ball is in the policy makers court now. Army expects a certain course of action, but trust me nothing will be delivered from our political establishment, as always. It is a new low for political impotency of India.

IA is sure what has happened, they know it was retaliation, the other day PA lost its soldier.. At the same it is quite possible that entities who don't want good relations between India and Pakistan are sabotaging recent developments. Better if a third party investigate into both the incidents, you never know someone else is triggering the clash.
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first your members were shouting on us that there is no official statement about mutilation or whatever you call beheading or sar kalam karna etc. Now when there is a official statement we provided now your members are twisting words and saying the term mutilated is been used but not beheading.

This is illogical debate.

My member's? Since when were they "My" members?
Let's not bring morals into the equation because until a neutral party sustain's India's claims, to me they are lies and thus India needs to work on their morals.

Morals are standalone, they don't need any vetting ! Its not about claims, its about your stand on morality ! Condemn the incident and punish whoever is responsible IF proved guilty ! This stand doesn't require any vetting whatsoever..
I think Pakistanis find tough to interpret statements. That's why they always land up in a denial mode.

Whatever helps float your boat mate... Fact is you people have got failed to substantiate your claims!
A third party arbitration, will include teams that will investigate what happened on the scene and review the evidences on both side. PA has a huge advantage up it's sleeve of non state actors which will exonerate PA anyways and India will be on the loosing side. hence there is no point of India putting its trust in a commission of inquiry by any arbitrator. From your flags, when there were terror attacks against your country were any third party arbitrators used to implicate the party against which the actions were takes??

Hence unlike what is being suggested here, the ball is not in pakistans or UN's court, the ball is in Indian Policy makers counrt, and as always they have geared up to disappoint the people of India/ military of India/ Intellectual Elite, alike.

OBL accepted responsibility so it wasn't needed, AQ never dodged the opportunity to brag about it. You are right the ball is in India's court, they will decide what happens next. Like I said they can freeze all ties which will be frowned upon internationally, they can call for peace while quietly giving the order for retaliation, or they can call this an act of war and get all riled up taking things to the brink without letting any third party investigate which will also lead to India being blamed the world over for what follows. So 2 out of 3 options will cause India harm to its prestige internationally so they will got with the one that won't. Meanwhile PDF Indians can warmonger all they want.
There's a huge difference between blaming that one supports proxies and alleging direct and overt involvement.
Seriously ? What's wrong with asking proofs of India's link with TTP and BLA when you blame us every time.

Isn't it same, we blaming you but asking for proofs.

Pakistan Army has said it may be non-state actors with no link to Pakistan, we are also saying TTP and BLA are non-state actors and with no link with India.
Morals are standalone, they don't need any vetting ! Its not about claims, its about your stand on morality ! Condemn the incident and punish whoever is responsible IF proved guilty ! This stand doesn't require any vetting whatsoever..

For that someone has to be proven guilty in the first place, and how can we do that? Neutral Investigations.......
Seems the incident has knocked some one off his balance.....all the mantra about off-topic seems a thing of the past. :D
Well if TTP killing of PA Soldiers has effected your emotions...then by all means fire at will.
Its perfectly on topic. You blame us without proof and now you don't accept when we blame you ?

BTW off topic was when you said Indian Army have have done to their soldiers.

main karun to saala character dheela hai....:lol:
If nothing else, it might just help turn public favour overwhelmingly in India's favour as far as the Kashmir issue goes. Might just end with Pakistan having to vacate their positions in place of a UN Peace Keeping Force. It's always in India's favour to malign Pakistan's image because it makes diplomatic arm twisting and opinion moulding all the more easier.

Dear sir, You think a arbitration for such case will weaken pakistans position if found guilty when pakistan has vehemently ignored the UN's security councils resolution on kashmir even though it was a signatory to the same.

please refer to and do read it. http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...lebiscite-un-security-council-resolution.html
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