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Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

No hope for the above. Just empty talk.

I believe these guys. We have not seen the end of this.

Based on the comments of some pakistanis over here makes me think as to what makes them believe that we cannot cut the heads of their soldiers :what:
If that's how its gonna play out then thats how it will be played.. Sitting silent is not an option!!

We need to learn from the Israelis. You dont sit around quietly when $hit goes down in your own backyard. Create a buffer zone between the Indian and Pakistani borders, and shoot everything that moves in between. Not to mention completely fence your borders like Israel did.
what started the problem was mortar firing by Pak forces killing an innocent civilian on indian side...but ofcourse..that is also India's fault.. we should sit on our rear ends while you folks infiltrate militants into the valley :hitwall:

I am pretty sure PA didn't only start shelling that particular day and it had been continuing and a response to a previous Indian counter part. Only this time both sides are at each other's neck. PA has no reason to support the same people to infiltrate into India that have been a headache in recent years. You would know, when PA really does support them :)
29 Baloch Regiment named as intruding force.
Maybe you need to open the dictionary and learn what a fact means. Is there any proof to support this audacious accusation? I am yet to find an Indian member who has answered my queries here:

It does appear that Indian members like to believe whatever propaganda their Government feeds them without even looking at things from a logical point of view. Shame

Hum... As I told earlier... We have to video record how the Pakistani intruders stared their adventure across LOC and then cross into India and how they Mutilated and beheaded Indian soldiers for you accept.

Let us agree that you will NOT trust India no matter how concrete the evidence may be, as we seen in 2008 Mumbai attacks, You will jail some terrorists and provide them a treatment like he was in his mother-in-laws place!

Frankly India does not have any propaganda machine like Pakistan has.. India has a free media and neutral sources concur with that.
Better than just losing Indian lives in horrible ways like beheading.

what is the guarantee that Indian response won't result in another revenge attack by pakistan? Another attack would mean more killings. I hope our generals don't believe in an eye for an eye
what is the guarantee that Indian response won't result in another revenge attack by pakistan? Another attack would mean more killings. I hope our generals don't believe in an eye for an eye

Such an incident cannot go unanswered.

It affects the morale of the soldiers.
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