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Two guns to rule them all:Russia's game breaking coalition SP artillery.

I'll bet our Indian artillery guys are going to have an orgasm looking at this weapon system!! :smitten: They must get their hands on this deadly Self-Propelled Twin-Barrel Howitzer to put the fear of God into the enemy! :tup:
Don't think that heavy beast can scoot very quickly
It is a tracked self propelled platform, not towed. It can jolly-well shoot and scoot pretty quickly! But this SP artillery is not meant for shooting and scooting but for accompanying mechanised formations over long distances to provide integral fire support on the move.
Looks deadly, but wouldn't a longer-range and powerful punch be preferred over RPM? MLR should be suffice for this purpose. An idea like Jordanian 122mm Jobaria was sensible.
A gun can provide steady continous fire support,a MBRL a periodic overwhelming blitz.Both are useful.
I kind of feel for the arty observer and the officer.

If that piece of artillery are used for continuous/sustained support fire.

You know, the standard procedure is for a Arty Officer call on the radio for "Rounds Away" 3 times each time a round is launched
and the Observer would have called "Rounds out" a couple of time, Then the arty officer will come back and call "Splash over" and the Observer will call out "Splash out".

Now imagine a few of this gun is used to fire on a support mission.

You will hear nothing but an alternate round of words of "Round overs" + "Splash over" and" "Rounds out" + "Splash out" actually is it humanly possible to say these 4 word quickly in succession??
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