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Two Faces of Pakistani Prime Minister. Isn't Irony?

He supported military rule to be in position of power , and then he did not support another ruler again to get in power

Power play, the man even Shook hands with Zardari and got him Sweets and Ras Mali, kissed bilawal papoo on cheeks

He fired judges and courts himself because they did not pass laws while he was in power
then later he was on foot march to protect judges and lawyers because it served his cause and got him back in power

Historic fact not a story

Nawaz is a master of bowing his head down , and smiling , and not showing his real intentions
some could say its smart or fox like but that is Nawaz Sharif , how else can he be guilty and fly off to Saudi Arabia and live life of Luxury in his alleged exile ?

He was in Muslim League for his purpose when he did not see it fit , he formed his own brand of Muslim league ...
Nawaz Sharif was wrong in supporting Zia-ul-Haq Marshal Law, which I supported too in my teens. Everybody, learns from their mistakes, the problem are for those who didn't want to learn anything out of plain rigidness like Abu-jehal. May allah accords them true wisdom as well, shown by NS after his return in 2009.....Ameen!!
Yes after he had been hurt himself. See if Musharraf toppled benazir's govt then how would have he reacted. He praises zia ul haq in 96 and in 99 his govt was toppled by army then he realizes that it is wrong :woot:
remember if there wouldn't have been zia ul haq then nawaz sharif hadn't be there.
Nawaz Sharif was wrong in supporting Zia-ul-Haq Marshal Law, which I supported too in my teens. Everybody, learns from their mistakes, the problem are for those who didn't want to learn anything out of plain rigidness like Abu-jehal. May allah accords them true wisdom as well, shown by NS after his return in 2009.....Ameen!!
Some people find it hard to digest. I mean look at the history of military rulers. All of them created breeds of militancy and politicians to prolong their regimes.But as we know it that from Ayub to Musharraf, everybody died a bitter political death with their byproducts turning against them ultimately. How the great Ayub Khan and Zia ul Haq''s legacies now being reduced to a single seat. Musharraf was no exception. Ayub created PPP, Zia Created PML-N and MQM while Musharraf Created PML-Q. Irony is that the parties continue to exist but their creators have reduced to merely a mention in the books of political history.
Some people find it hard to digest. I mean look at the history of military rulers. All of them created breeds of militancy and politicians to prolong their regimes but today from Ayub to Musharraf everybody died a biitter political death with their biproducts turning against them. How the great Ayub Khan and Zia ul Haq''s legacies now being reduced to a single seat. Musharraf was no exception. Ayub created PPP, Zia Created PML-N and MQM while Musharraf Created PML-Q. Irony is that the parties continue to exist but their creators have reduced to merely a mention in the books of political history.
Two lies in your post.
1. Ayub created PPP
2. Zia Created MQM
Two lies in your post.
1. Ayub created PPP
2. Zia Created MQM
do you find it hard to digest. MQMiets usually are mentally programmed not to accept the bitter reality....MQM was created by zia to counter and break PPP's strength.
do you find it hard to digest. MQMiets usually are mentally programmed not to accept the bitter reality....MQM was created by zia to counter and break PPP's strength.
first of all i'm not mqmiet. 2nd thing i just talk about reality not myths.
I cant understand what do want to say.
For those want to understand, I think I made my point clear. Now should I be bothered if somebody can't accept the truth? No I wouldn't be.
For those want to understand, I think I made my point clear. Now should I be bothered if somebody can't accept the truth? No I wouldn't be.
How did you clear your point. can it be cleared to saying 'you don't have to be one to behave like one.'
Amazingly people here actually believe that nawaz would do something good for Pakistan.
Wa bhai wa. He is a shrewed politician. As they say, ' Pacho unglia ghee may'.
Some people find it hard to digest. I mean look at the history of military rulers. All of them created breeds of militancy and politicians to prolong their regimes.But as we know it that from Ayub to Musharraf, everybody died a bitter political death with their byproducts turning against them ultimately. How the great Ayub Khan and Zia ul Haq''s legacies now being reduced to a single seat. Musharraf was no exception. Ayub created PPP, Zia Created PML-N and MQM while Musharraf Created PML-Q. Irony is that the parties continue to exist but their creators have reduced to merely a mention in the books of political history.

do you seriously believe that BS that zia created MQM? nawaz used to literally lick zia's balls
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