Urgent issue in the comment below requires paradigm shift.
@maryamali3935 9 hours ago
"As salaamu aleikum...revert from Finland 22 years ago...listen to this and Daniel and many others and try to understand situations in middle east. Africa, India, Pakistan ...its so confused...who is who ...what is rihgt...everybody just try to find faults in everybodys sayings....as revert i wreally want to understand whats going on...my umma....i dont know what to think ....Quran and prophets sunna..hadits..i want to follow the Rihgt Path....Allah help me to understand and keep me in the straihgt path....what ever happen round me."
Unfortunately, Islam in the traditional Muslim world has been badly politicized and many think their political interest is Islam and vice versa. Islamic ummah means the community of believers in the religious and moral sense, it is not political. If a so called Muslim country were politically/unjustly at war with her country, she would absolutely be right to defend her home and land. Her ummah includes her country and people, especially as there is no religious war and persecution in her homeland.
Furthermore, Finnish society is intellectually superior to the developing world and in many ways morally superior too. She is part of her larger Nordic, European, and Western civilizations ummah. Quran affirms those identities so we get to know one another.
Getting close to much of the so called Muslim ummah carries other hazard and risk as many have tribal and different cultural values. They literally have next to zero value for being Muslim as all around them people call themselves Muslim. To assert dominance, they expect submission and enslavement to sectarian and political ideologies and slaughters occur. I think Syria is the first Arab country whose leaders may have actual Muslim religious sense and values.