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Two billion Muslims do nothing Shame. Retired General Asim munier is only man in 2 billions with atomic bomb

By our souls and blood we sacrifice for you, Assad.

Dying for the idol ruler (or trying to kill him) is ancient culture in the middle east. That is why democracy does not work there. Look at Iraq, the unofficial leader of the Iraqi government is Sistani, an idol-priest. The democratic Iraqi president has no clout compared to Sistani, who probably gives the final nod to the top political candidates.
An Iraqi guy above at 2:07 says the rebels were Iranians, Indians and Pakistanis. He is full of 💩. All sides there have hypocrites and liars, including the western narrator shaking his head calling the scene 'Biblical' to mean it is ancient brutality, but when Israel does worse massacring non combatants including children, then it becomes 'most moral' in the western narrative.
@metrokentenerjiteknoloji6313 3 months ago
'I am Turkish. In 1900, my grandfather served in the military in Yemen for 5 years. We Turks have fought from front to front for the Ummah for 1000 years. But now the situation has changed. We don't have a drop of blood to shed for traitors. They have lawrence'.
They "only listen and say yes" to the idol priests.

Saudi Salafi slavish mentality is suited for tyrannical idol rulers, lacks independent, critical thinking required in the noble pursuit of truth and justice. As a result you get normalization of gross injustices against humanity and hypocrisy.
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They cannot be called Muslim rulers as they do not satisfy the conditions for it. That is the point I made at the beginning of this thread.
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