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Twin Treat: BrahMos Block-III+ test-fired; Tejas fires R-73 again!


Mar 19, 2011
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Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Combo Meal! A huge post for all Tarmak007 readers! Twin Treat: BrahMos Block-III+ test-fired from Chandipur; Tejas fires R-73 again in Goa, chaff & flare firing too tested

A twin-delight for Indian aerospace and defense scientists on Thursday! The 290-km range BrahMos cruise missile was tested successfully from ITR in Chandipur. In Goa, NFTC pilots continued with their sea trials and fired yet another missile today.BrahMos CEO Dr Shivathanu Pillai told Tarmak007 over phone that "it was a text-book launch of the advanced version of the missile (Block III +) and it was 100 per cent successful."
In Goa, sources tell that the Tejas, in addition to firing a R-73 missile, also tested the chaff (to jam enemy radars) and flare (to divert an incoming missile) firing. (2:55 pm)

(Official ADA Release)

As a run up to the impending release to service, Tejas detachment has been operating from INS Hansa in Goa, conducting the last phase of flight trials before release to Service by the year end. After having successfully test-fired one R-73 air to air close combat missile on 30 November further missile firing trials are continuing at INS Hansa in Goa. On 2nd December after successful release of another R-73 missile, the test aircraft Tejas LSP-4 piloted by Gp Capt Suneet Krishna proceeded to test fire Chaff and Flares from the Counter Measure Dispensing System (CMDS) indigenously designed and developed by Bharath Dynamics Ltd (BDL), Hyderabad.
Chaff is a collection of fine fibre-coated aluminium particles released from the fighter aircraft for passive jamming of the enemy air-borne radar; while Flares are high intensity Infra Red (IR) source fired from the fighter aircraft, which acts as a passive jammer to the on-coming heat seeking enemy missile and deviates it away from the target aircraft. Today’s test firing of Chaff and Flares from Tejas assumes special significance as this is the first time indigenously developed CMDS was integrated and tested on an indigenous fighter aircraft with Open Architecture Mission Computer and Digital Stores Management System. The release and trajectory of these stores were closely monitored by another Tejas chase aircraft flown in close proximity of the test aircraft. Visual observation supported by analysis of video recording of the release event indicated that the trial was successful, meeting the stipulated design requirements of the system. The test therefore was the culmination of a long journey of Tejas from a fledgling fighter aircraft to a full blown weapon system with passive missile and radar jamming capabilities.
The achievement is the culminations of the endeavor of several scientists and engineers from HAL , IAF, NAL, DRDO, DPSUs, CEMILAC, DG-AQA and ADA. A major achievement in the Tejas programme. (5:10 pm)

Block III version of Brahmos with advanced guidance and upgraded software, incorporating high maneuvers at multiple points and steep dive from high altitude was flight tested successfully from Launch Complex III at Integrated Test Range, Chandipur at 10:55hrs. All Telemetry, Tracking stations including naval ships near terminal point have confirmed the mission success. The launch was executed from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher by the trained Army Personnel. DRDO scientists, who have significantly contributed for this advanced guidance system were thrilled to see the supersonic maneuvers of the missile in the real time display, proving their immense effort. The flight witnessed by high ranking officials of the Army, expressed their happiness to have such high potential weapon system in the Army. Dr. A Sivathannu Pillai, CC R&D (DRDO) & CEO, MD Brahmos Aerospace has confirmed from the Block House the successful mission and described it as a “text book launch”. Shri P Venugopalan, Director DRDL, Sri SP Dash, Director ITR and Sri S. Som, Project Director participated in the successful mission. Defence Minister congratulated DRDO & Brahmos scientists and Army Officers and the whole team for the success of the mission. (4.00 pm)
Deleted post .

OP trolled us with a news from 2010 .............:hitwall:
NO Kidding. Personally I don't find it unusual. There are so many projects going on currently that every week or so there will be a test, Especially in the period of 2013-2023 there frequency can be even more. Trollers will troll, haters will burn but nobody can deny the fact that DRDO has delivered on majority of fronts and its natural that some of them may not be very successful.
DRDO game-on.
Who is Tarmak007???

Personal blog of Mr Anantha Krishnan, who IMO is one of the best defence journalists in India. He works for the New Indian Express, I believe.

His blog reports mostly on Indian aerospace related defence news, with no unnecessary references to Pakistan or China or any other belligerent masala.
The post is from 2010!! :disagree:

At the very least check the dates before posting!

Sorry about that. But why Block 3? That is the part that confused me. Brahmos block 3 has not been tested before, has it?
Sorry about that. But why Block 3? That is the part that confused me. Brahmos block 3 has not been tested before, has it?

Yes, it reportedly can strike beyond 500km with steep dive feature from high altitude to attack targets behind hills.
Personal blog of Mr Anantha Krishnan, who IMO is one of the best defence journalists in India. He works for the New Indian Express, I believe.

His blog reports mostly on Indian aerospace related defence news, with no unnecessary references to Pakistan or China or any other belligerent masala.

Also better sourced infos and less interest on sensational journalism, like other Indian defence bloggers.
Why do ppl claim Brahmos is the fastest missile when there are faster missiles around?
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