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Moreover why are we harping on one issue - polygamy when there are other reasons for having a UCC.
birth rates are LOWER in polygamous households- i will be highly obliged if u can prove it

Mormon polygamists shared the flaws of the fruit fly | Science | The Observer

Biologist Michael Wade of Indiana University has found that a harem lifestyle was bad for a female rate of reproduction

Polygamy: A Cross-Cultural Analysis - Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen - Google Books

A study of rural Arab population in South Jordan similarly found a significantly higher total marital fertility rate among monogamous wives than among polygamous wives,
I apologize if I gave the wrong impression. Please understand that I consider you to be one of the most reasonable posters on this forum and not anti-Muslim in the slightest. There are legitimate gripes against Muslims, past and present, and the mark of a reasonable person is whether they confine their criticism to the culprits or use their actions to demonize the wider community and promote racist stereotypes.

Reputations on this forum are formed over months and years, over hundreds if not thousands of posts. We know exactly which way most of the old timers lean and, a couple of posts here and there are not going to make a difference. The leopard shows his spots sooner or later.

Again, I fully admit that what I presented is a mere conjecture. It is based on my firm belief that human nature and human societies follow the same patterns across the world and throughout history. All religions are acquired ideologies; they all spread using a combination of military conquest, righteous examples, and economic incentives (convenience). Islam and Christianity are the newcomers on the stage, and did their dirty deeds during the historic period, so they get singled out. The older faiths wrapped it all up millenia ago, but human nature remains human nature.

You are right that the academics' voices are drowned out by emotional tub thumpers. Appeal to emotions often wins out over logic, but the fight must go on. To let the extremists go unchallenged is not an option.

Arundhati Roy has said that Indian Muslims are held hostage to Kashmir. Now we are told that they are held hostage to Pakistan. How on earth can you (not YOU) hold Indian Muslims responsible for the actions of the Pakistani military?

This, by itself, should raise flags that the hate mongers will latch on to any excuse to demonize and marginalize Indian Muslims. All the arguments that are used against Indian Muslims (vote bank, special preferences, high birth rates, mixed allegiance, etc.) may sound reasonable to some people but, for those of us who are familiar with the history of race relations in Western countries, these are all standard, off-the-shelf tactics used by hatemongers to stigmatize a minority.

Once again, there is nothing new under the Sun; human nature remains the same.

when did the HINDU kings went outside india and waged a war for propagating it

ever heard of a word like SWORD OF HINDUISM,

u can build upon a solid propoganda to portray hinduism as violent..... its ur insecurity and desperation
Mormon polygamists shared the flaws of the fruit fly | Science | The Observer

Biologist Michael Wade of Indiana University has found that a harem lifestyle was bad for a female rate of reproduction

Polygamy: A Cross-Cultural Analysis - Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen - Google Books

A study of rural Arab population in South Jordan similarly found a significantly higher total marital fertility rate among monogamous wives than among polygamous wives,

tell in context of indian subcontinent- whether polygamy is right or wrong

and yes whats ur viewpoint about the birth rates????
Hence the analogy that, if a Maurya Empire (mark 2) were to encompass Saudi Arabia, even to dissolve later, then Islam would magically become an "indigenous" cultural artifact.

This is some what weird conclusion, It depends on the ruler and conqueror not on the land which is conquered.
I have looked up and here are the nos - muslim women have 4.1 children on average while hindu women have only 2.9 children. But there are couple of other authors who have attribute the high birth rate to religious customs and practices. I will do some research when time permits and will come up with nos and publish here. May take days due to the time available for me during the weekdays.

When you do this, remember to discount the Muslim figure by the Sachar Factor - their relative poverty. As has already been pointed out, high birth rates are due to neither promiscuity nor to religious dictate, but to grinding poverty, and the absence of a social security system for the very poor. They depend on their children to survive their old age.
You should be, considering your state of disrepair in matters historical.

It need not be considered a weakness - there is no norm, as far as I know,in such matters - because it was 'they', not 'that'. They were a series of city states and small principalities which were no match for the ruthless fighting machine that had evolved from Greek hoplite ranks, to Theban phalanx, to Macedonian phalanx. I hope that having come to a defence forum to bash Muslims and Pakistanis, at least some faint smears of military history have rubbed off on you and you can recognise these terms as military formations. I hope that you will also realise that phalanxes did not scale mountains or assault fortifications, it was the discipline of the Macedonians and the courage of their king and commander-in-chief that won the day. And lastly, I hope you realise how stupid you sound wondering why some hill-peasants could not stand against the leading military genius of the age.

Alexander Conquests in Subcontinent are hugely Biased ones, He only conquered Persian Empire and some regions of Afghanistan that to Greeks failed to hold them soon after his death.
West always glorifies Alexander and his conquests as he is a symbol of West domination on East. Where as they fail to acknowledge Great Persian empire who repeatedly ravaged Greece.
This may be true for Abrahamic doctrines.

However, as I mentioned in another post, the organic growth of Dharma in India may be likened to the development of European Mathematics, with early contributors like Euclid, and many other contributors at various times, from various places.

That, surprisingly for me to read from its source, is precisely correct.

However, it relates to the cultural part of the overpowering. There is a good part and a bad part to this. The good part is that the multi-centered nature of cultural development has its own importance in cementing together cultural India, whether or not political India was able to keep pace. The bad part is that the process of disseminating the 'high' culture has become, which it need not have become, a zero sum game. So a successful dissemination - the technical word is Sanskritisation - becomes an instance of the cultural disenfranchisement of another, pre-existing culture. It is available for the witnessing all around us. If a location is provided, the nearest example to go and view can be provided.
when did the HINDU kings went outside india and waged a war for propagating it

ever heard of a word like SWORD OF HINDUISM,

u can build upon a solid propoganda to portray hinduism as violent..... its ur insecurity and desperation

Vedic culture spread from the North West into the rest of India. You can continue to believe that it all happened through songs and roses, but the fact is that intra-regional military conquests were the norm through the ages.

tell in context of indian subcontinent- whether polygamy is right or wrong

Facts vs. Popular Myths about Muslim Community in India - By P R Ram

and yes whats ur viewpoint about the birth rates????

Aren't you guys the ones going on about India's demographic advantage over China because of a large young populace?
Are you determined to prove that you are stupid? Is this a military rule? Is this your proof that Muhammad Ghori was captured by Prithviraj?

It was clearly mentioned that Ghori was routed and do even know what Routing means??

Don't try to stupid and try to make wrong conclusion based on it.
birth rates are LOWER in polygamous households- i will be highly obliged if u can prove it

really sir u ppl are awesome!!!

once i was having a discussion with a very SO CALLED EDUCATED MUSLIM man and he said population is not a problem for india and just because AMERICA has portrayed it as a problem we are believing so:rofl::alcoholic:

If you could spare some time from your (apparently) bibulous laughter, we Indians as a nation have been saying that for some years now, that our young population is an asset, not a liability, and allows us to deploy large numbers of young software programmers, IT maintenance staff, call centre executives, and the like. If you have reported this incident correctly, the laugh is on you.

Moreover why are we harping on one issue - polygamy when there are other reasons for having a UCC.

Well, I suggested that it might be a cause for the envy and the dislike that has been stirred up, and everybody seemed to agree! Which is why I am led back to the thought that the opposition to the distinctions between Hindus and Muslims in terms of lifestyle is due to very rural, village-society type of reasons, not very educated or thought-driven ones.
The British were not the better race and more intellectual and developed than us. They just concealed their cretins and did not allow them to post random rubbish in front of everybody else. We could learn from them.

In some aspects you are true but They always tried to undermine Indian culture and exploited the divisions in Indian society to Fullest. "Divide and conquer rule" they applied it to every aspect of India society.
when did the HINDU kings went outside india and waged a war for propagating it

ever heard of a word like SWORD OF HINDUISM,

u can build upon a solid propoganda to portray hinduism as violent..... its ur insecurity and desperation

Are you not reading the posts? Have you noticed the process taking place inside India? Want some URLs?

tell in context of indian subcontinent- whether polygamy is right or wrong

and yes whats ur viewpoint about the birth rates????

Why should the ethics of polygamy depend on the geographical location? If it is wrong in the US, it is wrong here. and vice versa. I personally happen to opposite it completely, but as long as we are in a discussion, it behoves you to be logical, not aggressive.

Nobody has undertaken research into Indian polygamy, but why should the results be different in terms of birth rates?

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