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umm ... you seem to be reposting the same stuff? Perhaps you can look up look up Persian suzerainty in the Gandhara area in the time of Cyrus / Darius.

It was a province, not a suzerainty, contributing soldiers, who fought in all the great Persian battles, including the ones during the invasion of Greece.
Are you certain ALL Muslims wanted to separate?

Was there a vote?

Be serious.

Yes there was and afaik the muslim league won every single muslim majority constituency.....not 100% of the muslims need to agree...if the majority agree then all would need to abide by it....isn that the essence of democracy...? for example did congress win every single of the votes polled for it to rule ?

and another factor is....lets be a bit candid here....the legacy of partition is and will be a factor that will be associated with the indian muslims for the forseeable future.....a general sense of mistrust among some in the majority......a sense of na ghar ka, na ghat ka and a sense of identity crisis among some in the minority....the complications arising out of that...
Chariots are machines of war, you don't simply build them and give them to your friend. You build them for WAR

And the Aryan invasion is only been debunked by Indian quacks who are threatened by real history. How can you guys play the victim card over and over again if your own culture/religion is a product of an invasion.
The Aryans did such a good job at not only invading the land but also the heart, that their colonial subjects will violently argue against them being the invaders even thousands of years later.

Civilization and scientific advancements always flourish in river banks not in Nomadic lands.
What is logical about the TNT?

And you want to compound it by "taking it to its logical extension"?

In 1947, there was a scramble for power.

Both Hindus and Muslims.

The easiest route was taken. The route of least resistance.


Are you certain ALL Muslims wanted to separate?

Was there a vote?

Be serious.

P.S. Joe, you should come in and play once you throw down the gauntlet.

There was a vote, All India Muslim League won on the promise of protected status for Muslims, or a new nation if the first could not be achieved.

And for partition, if you guys really wanted to fight to prevent it, you would not have supported Nehru. It was Nehru that gave us Pakistan not Jinnah. Jinnah just wanted more rights to the states, but Nehru being the socialist he was, could not accept people having more rights then the government.

End result was Pakistan, thanks 100% to Nehru.
Chariots are machines of war, you don't simply build them and give them to your friend. You build them for WAR

same can be said for brahmos or mki or even the nuke sub akula....

not only invading the land but also the heart, that their colonial subjects will violently argue against them being the invaders even thousands of years later.

believe me...you pakistanis excel in that...all the babur, abdali, gauri missiles, al-khalid tanks stand testament to that...:-)
Yes there was and afaik the muslim league won every single muslim majority constituency.....not 100% of the muslims need to agree...if the majority agree then all would need to abide by it....isn that the essence of democracy...? for example did congress win every single of the votes polled for it to rule ?

In 1947 there was no democracy.

Just the majority suckered by its power hungry leaders.

and another factor is....lets be a bit candid here....the legacy of partition is and will be a factor that will be associated with the indian muslims for the forseeable future.....a general sense of mistrust among some in the majority......a sense of na ghar ka, na ghat ka and a sense of identity crisis among some in the minority....the complications arising out of that...

I agree.

And we are ALL a part of this phenomenon.

Time we put it to rest.
Not exactly. the tools used in India which were found in Gangetic plains are completely different from that of tools from Central asia. There are lot of differences between the civilization of Gangetic plains and Central Asia.

Can you give solid proof that Aryans are from central Asia?

The word IRAN was derived from Arya and there is a region adjacent to Iran called Aria.

Don't be delusional, Most of the Indian civilization is indigenous to Gangetic plains in North and other major rivers in south.

I never said the tools in India and central asia were 100% the same. I said some thing like the chariot were introduced to India by the Aryans.

And I did provide evidence for the Aryans. The biggest evidence being linguistic. Aryans are the reason we have Sanskrit based north India and Dravidian based south India. and further proof of the invasion is that in Pakistan we have a small population that speak a Dravidian language. This means that at one point most of south Asia was Dravidian speaking, but once the Aryans invaded, they pushed them to south India. They were, however unable to extinguish a small pocket of Dravidian speakers in Pakistan tho.

And hey man, if it helps you preserve your identity and culture then feel free to believe what every you want.
Just don't expect the rest of us to partake in your delusions.
My favorite invaders are Aryans followed by Britishers and least favorite invader is Taimur.

there were no invaders called aryans....:hitwall:

i can understand the pakistani mouthing off...after all they are also the people who claim they are the scions of indus vallye civilization..not knowing that had there been an aryan invasion, then the harappans fled them into mainland india and we are the scions of it....but an indian falling for it....
There was a vote, All India Muslim League won on the promise of protected status for Muslims, or a new nation if the first could not be achieved.

And for partition, if you guys really wanted to fight to prevent it, you would not have supported Nehru. It was Nehru that gave us Pakistan not Jinnah. Jinnah just wanted more rights to the states, but Nehru being the socialist he was, could not accept people having more rights then the government.

End result was Pakistan, thanks 100% to Nehru.

Do you see me a great fan of Jinnah or Nehru or even Gandhi?

I believe we got Independence by charity from superpower licking its wounds and quite frankly having more important things on their mind.

Non violence my left you know what.
thanks to joe shearer this has become another race thread...
same can be said for brahmos or mki or even the nuke sub akula....

believe me...you pakistanis excel in that...all the babur, abdali, gauri missiles, al-khalid tanks stand testament to that...:-)

All those deals by the Russians were done by treaty, so show me the treaty that the Aryans signed to give Indians these tech.
I can be just as pedantic as you :)

The difference between Pakistanis and Indians is that we know that Islam came here from elsewhere. We don't delude ourselves into thinking that Islam 100% indigenous to Pakistan. We know our history and we are proud of it.
The same cannot be said about you guys.

Nalanda (The University) was burnt, TAxila (University) was destroyed, your ancestors were forced to follow The "Gauri's religion", Somnath was destroted. Ram temple was destroyed.. and formost

New country was born (I will refrain to Use hilary comment..) Hope u understand it.

The modern terrorism follow the same savage culture of Syrians, Mongols and Saxons..

My an ancestors were not forced to do anything.

Your whole post is wrong.
And I did provide evidence for the Aryans. The biggest evidence being linguistic.

the only linguistic proof you claim is the rig veda..and the claims are so anachronistic that one who really knew it would have this "evidence" with a truck load of salt.....

i remember a very good post by another poster Bang Galore regarding the contradictions/anachronism in the the dating if the rig veda, the date of the supposed arrival of the aryans and how this "biggest evidence" fails to stand the test of scrutiny,....
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