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there were no invaders called aryans....:hitwall:

i can understand the pakistani mouthing off...after all they are also the people who claim they are the scions of indus vallye civilization..not knowing that had there been an aryan invasion, then the harappans fled them into mainland india and we are the scions of it....but an indian falling for it....

Now you see for yourself what happens when you start tampering with history? Every amateur thinks he knows history, because it reads like a story, and has no difficult mathematical symbols, it is concerned with people and not with scientific concepts, and all the rest of that.

It isn't easy, unfortunately. It is possible to do history only if you are trained for it, not by skimming through a few web-sites. I cannot too strongly recommend that you stay away from these idiots who seek to reconstruct things to their own satisfaction, for cultural and social reasons which have nothing to do with the facts on the ground, and which guide their selection of facts to present.

I have no hope whatever that you will read that advice seriously. It is my duty to offer it, and i have done so.

thanks to joe shearer this has become another race thread...

You mean you prefer religion threads?
He will find it difficult.

Persians have a distinct liking for Arabs.

More so for Arab wannabes.

I once asked the Iranians, does they consider their last Zoroastrian king as tyrant and Arabs as liberators just like Pakistani case of Bin Qasim and Raja Dahir.

And their answer was f*** No.
can you post some evidences of Aryan invasion ??

Kindly do not make it a religion based thread, this is about facts.

There was no Aryan invasion, as you would have known if you had read my original post carefully.

For the rest, kindly look up the text-books. It is not my role to cut and paste text books until you are satisfied. Please do your own homework, and get into these discussions once prepared.

Finally, the thread started with an assumption about religion. You should go back and look at that OP.
I once asked the Iranians, does they consider their last Zoroastrian king as tyrant and Arabs as liberators just like Pakistani case of Bin Qasim and Raja Dahir.

And their answer was f*** No.

Lets come back to Indian subcontinent now.

I think he has been suitably chastised.

Or is on Google for more "evidence."
lolz invaders been invading india before islam even existed. india machi bazar hua karta tha us jamane me. sare invaders punjab se hokar andar ghuste the :D

These are fights between Adivasis and other people and they are completely different from Islamic invasions.

Adivasis and the tribes which invaded them worship same gods and they do not come under Islamic invasion category.

This Aryan Invasion myth was inducted into Indian minds by Britsh to create divide among us and to deny the civilization and scientific achievements of this land and people nothing more.
There was no Aryan invasion, as you would have known if you had read my original post carefully.

For the rest, kindly look up the text-books. It is not my role to cut and paste text books until you are satisfied. Please do your own homework, and get into these discussions once prepared.

Finally, the thread started with an assumption about religion. You should go back and look at that OP.

dada alexander ki dravidian chilo ??? :partay:
Civilizational sphere. Collaboration among kingdoms did happen.

Collaboration? These were conquered lands. Have you ever read the Behistun inscription? Do you know who Skylax was, and what he did?

I am rapidly losing respect for you.
Finally, the thread started with an assumption about religion. You should go back and look at that OP.

And why should we shy from it Joe?

Because it makes you uncomfortable and you'd rather talk history and eugenics?

The advent of Islam and the British colonialization that followed are a tipping point for us.

No doubt about that.

If you must cry a river about the Aryans 10,000 years ago, why not go further back and talk about early man wiping the mammoths off the face of the earth?
Both ANIs (Ancestral North Indians) and ASIs (Ancestral South Indians) have been in the subcontinent and influencing each other for many millenia BCE.

And that proves what? Or disproves what?
When the Rg Veda arrived.

When Rigveda arrived Brahmin domination of Hindu society began that is not the same as foreign invasion. The vedas were absorbed into Hindu society just as the western culture to day we follow in some aspects. This do not come under the cultural invasion.

What ever culture and civilization we are following has evolved through centuries and every community contributed to this. Our culture is not biased in favor of particular community. Mentioning the facts related to this culture is not favoring any community or sect.

My Emphasis is on highlighting the achievements of our ancestors that are originated in this great land.
These are fights between Adivasis and other people and they are completely different from Islamic invasions.

Adivasis and the tribes which invaded them worship same gods and they do not come under Islamic invasion category.

This Aryan Invasion myth was inducted into Indian minds by Britsh to create divide among us and to deny the civilization and scientific achievements of this land and people nothing more.

I agree with Joe here man.

We live in difficult times.
Prothomei bhool.

Drabeer bolay kono jat ba upojati chhilo na; shei nam-ta shudhu ek borgo bhasha -ke deoa hoy.

Alexander greek bhasha bolten. Otoyeb uni drabeer chhilen na.


I am having Acid flashbacks of Geetanjali during summer vacations.
brahmanism man..that was one of our biggest pitfalls....stupid beliefs like one should not cross the borders of bharat...not cross the oceans...

no offence to any brahmin...

You actually answered the OP's question. Puranic Hinduism pretty much castrated this country. Everything was either maya or Karma, what incentive was there for people to strive? The golden age of Hinduism that is often mentioned is more accurately the golden age of Buddhism though the rulers, the Guptas happened to be Hindu. As Buddhism declined & puranic Hinduism took hold, India slipped into a morass.By the end of the Gupta period, caste was firmly entrenched & that pretty much doomed "India". The Kshatriyas were pretty useless in fighting & essentially needed to count on the Shudras to provide the numbers. What incentive was there for the Shudras to fight against one bunch of oppressors when the other bunch, already existing, were doing the same oppression for years? Stupid clan rules, rigidly followed, were taken to such extremes that artisans were not even allowed to change their tools across generations disincentivising any innovation. When "thinking" was made the monopoly of the few, it was the death blow whereby the intelligence of the large majority of people was rendered unusable guaranteeing a rapid civilisational decline. Regardless of individual brilliance or philosophical genius of a few, Hindu India was pretty much doomed by puranic Hinduism. The Bhakthi movement which revived Hinduism for some time was a far cry from the extraordinary metaphysical postulations of the Upanishads, a dumbing down if you will. Islamic invasions only hastened that decline by wiping out the "thinkers" in the cities. Hinduism remained in a slump, dying & decaying slowly till ironically the advent of the British helped breathe new energy into it..
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