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Turks Love for Pakistanis

I know... the reason behind that is that most of the Afghan refugees who migrated to Iran were Hazaras

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and most of the Afghan refugees who migrated to Pakistan were Tajiks and Pushtuns (Pushtuns are the second largest ethnic group of Pakistan and they opened their door for Afghan pushtuns) :-

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The Hazara seem to have more European in them than Pashtuns going by the above pictures. The Pashtuns have substantial South Asian in them.
average Turk doesn't give a crap about he average Pakistani.

And you know this, how? Stop talking for others! I am an average Pakistani and I've been with average Turks in the Middle-East. What you Indians and the secularists don't understand is, it's our religion that draws us closer. Unlike others in the Middle-East we did not stab them in back and LOST Palestine!

We used to talk about the Ottomans. I reminded them of the glory days of the Ottomans who wiped away our tears, took away our sorrows, gave us respect and honour. Alhamdulilha, the Turkish brothers are shunning secularism, hence, ''others'' complaining about the Turkish president.

I have many Pakistani friends who live abroad and as soon as they say they're Pakistani in Istanbul, the Turkish brothers start giving extra hospitality! :-)
The Hazara seem to have more European in them than Pashtuns going by the above pictures. The Pashtuns have substantial South Asian in them.

The next thing you are going to suggest is that those pashtuns have a resemblance with bangla bhais lol, their is nothing south asian about pashtuns.
The next thing you are going to suggest is that those pashtuns have a resemblance with bangla bhais lol, their is nothing south asian about pashtuns.
You dickh**d. The Hazara are often close to half European (their Euro side is similar to people of the Caucuses, like Russia) half Mongolian while the Pashtuns have very little (if any European blood in them). The little Euro blood they have comes from the same area where the Hazara are from, Central Asia). The main component In Pashtuns is West Asian (like Iranian). I can instantly tell from those pictures that the Hazara have real Euro blood.

By the way, there are loads of Pashtuns from Pakistan on genetic databases and they are occasionally as much as 30% (the average is around 20%) South Indian. Look at Malala's dad as an example of South Indian looking Pashtun. The Pashtuns in the picture above will pass for gypsies in Europe and we all know gypsies have roots in India, but now mixed with Europeans and other peoples on their travels.
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You dickh**d. The Hazara are often close to half European (their Euro side is similar to people of the Caucuses, like Russia) half Mongolian while the Pashtuns have very little (if any European blood in them). The little Euro blood they have comes from the same area where the Hazara are from, Central Asia). The main component In Pashtuns is West Asian (like Iranian). I can instantly tell from those pictures that the Hazara have real Euro blood.

By the way, there are loads of Pashtuns from Pakistan on genetic databases and they are occasionally as much as 30% (the average is around 20%) South Indian. Look at Malala's dad as an example of South Indian looking Pashtun. The Pashtuns in the picture above will pass for gypsies in Europe and we all know gypsies have roots in India, but now mixed with Europeans and other peoples on their travels.
Look at pashtuns in Pakistani cricket team, most will pass better in south Europe than bangladesh or most of india
You dickh**d. The Hazara are often close to half European (their Euro side is similar to people of the Caucuses, like Russia) half Mongolian while the Pashtuns have very little (if any European blood in them). The little Euro blood they have comes from the same area where the Hazara are from, Central Asia). The main component In Pashtuns is West Asian (like Iranian). I can instantly tell from those pictures that the Hazara have real Euro blood.

By the way, there are loads of Pashtuns from Pakistan on genetic databases and they are occasionally as much as 30% (the average is around 20%) South Indian. Look at Malala's dad as an example of South Indian looking Pashtun. The Pashtuns in the picture above will pass for gypsies in Europe and we all know gypsies have roots in India, but now mixed with Europeans and other peoples on their travels.

Listen you bangla buffoon , their are plenty of people from KPK who are nakli Pashtuns, BTW bufoon correct me if I am wrong but where did I state that Pashtuns are European. Now go help your Rohinga brothers.
You dickh**d. The Hazara are often close to half European (their Euro side is similar to people of the Caucuses, like Russia) half Mongolian while the Pashtuns have very little (if any European blood in them). The little Euro blood they have comes from the same area where the Hazara are from, Central Asia). The main component In Pashtuns is West Asian (like Iranian). I can instantly tell from those pictures that the Hazara have real Euro blood.

By the way, there are loads of Pashtuns from Pakistan on genetic databases and they are occasionally as much as 30% (the average is around 20%) South Indian. Look at Malala's dad as an example of South Indian looking Pashtun. The Pashtuns in the picture above will pass for gypsies in Europe and we all know gypsies have roots in India, but now mixed with Europeans and other peoples on their travels.
Abay Bengali kya mix mix laga raka hey?, have you have seen or met Hazaras in real life?. Moron, many of them have even epicanthic folds like Mongols...........The pictures on internet of nordic looking kids ,of all ethncities of Afghanistan, are obviously selective and picked..........Only a minority of Hazaras have plain Caucasian faces let alone fair features . The ones in pictures are odd features for Hazara people. Some one posted a selected picture and you went all crazy over it like a bengali. Here is picture of average Hazara
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