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Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria


May 11, 2012
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United States
we shoot the hellll out of somethings....

bravo erdogan at lastttt:woot:
Turkey should act, Syrian violations against Turkey made it looks helpless and weak. Although no Jordanian was killed by the shells that mistakenly fell inside Jordanian territories but after a girl injury the army got a direct order to respond immediately to any violation, two Syrian soldiers were killed by the army after they shot dead a Syrian child inside Jordanian territories. Turkey should respond this time.
let the Muslims settle their difference on table not on battle field, I feel someone is trying hard to indulge turkey into war, prosperous turkey should take decisions very carefully.

let Muslims don't kill other fellow Muslims, better agree on terms that avoid conflicts.
According to FSA, Turkish army is bombarding the assad militia in tal abyad now

Well done Turkey, may Allah protect you.:victory:

let the Muslims settle their difference on table not on battle field, I feel someone is trying hard to indulge turkey into war, prosperous turkey should take decisions very carefully.

let Muslims don't kill other fellow Muslims, better agree on terms that avoid conflicts.

Yes, yes, of course...:pop:
Seriously?You made a thread with one sentence without any sources?
It says 'targets' have been hit by Turkish army,it didn't say what are those targets and that they belong to Syrian army or not.
Who knows?Maybe some terrorists fired the rockets to Turkey to provoke them for invasion on Syria.
So,Turkish army may have attacked their installation.
It doesn't make any sense for Syrian army to launch rockets to Turkey,there is absolutely no reason for it and it's not in their interests.

It says 'targets' have been hit by Turkish army,it didn't say what are those targets and that they belong to Syrian army or not.
Who knows?Maybe some terrorists fired the rockets to Turkey to provoke them for invasion on Syria.
So,Turkish army may have attacked their installation.
It doesn't make any sense for Syrian army to launch rockets to Turkey,there is absolutely no reason for it and it's not in their interests.

According to Syrian media, Turkish artillery hit targets in the province of Idlib.

also it wasnt rockets Era it was artillery , because that border has been secured by FSA so i believe assad shot it against them but it came to our country which is just right next to it.
It says 'targets' have been hit by Turkish army,it didn't say what are those targets and that they belong to Syrian army or not.
Who knows?Maybe some terrorists fired the rockets to Turkey to provoke them for invasion on Syria.
So,Turkish army may have attacked their installation.
It doesn't make any sense for Syrian army to launch rockets to Turkey,there is absolutely no reason for it and it's not in their interests.
The accuracy of Assad's shellings is +-2 km. All neighboring countries (Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon) were hit by Assad's shells before.
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