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Turkistan Islamic Party claims western China attacks

Lately i have been seeing a lot of Pakistanis speaking against Pakistan's all weather reliable ally China. It really disappoints me indeed to see that many of my countrymen still suffer from the "Ummah" disease and are defending the terrorist organization "East Turkistan Movement", a movement that is behind riots, and suicide bombings in China.

People need to seriously wake up and understand that in Pakistan's times of need, when the whole world turned its back on Pakistan, it wasn't any "Ummah" that came to Pakistan's aid, it was the Peoples Republic of China. It is this very "Ummah" mentality that has turned Pakistan into a breeding ground for international terrorism. Why is it that every Terrorist scum be it from Arab lands, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang, North Africa, Balkans is traced back to Pakistan? These people are not even Pakistanis, they are foreign criminals who damage Pakistan's national interests and its global image. There should be a nationwide crackdown and execution of every terrorist sympathizer. No Muslim country will ever come to Pakistan's aid if ever Pakistan were to be attacked in any way.

I sincerely apologize to my Chinese friends on behalf of some of my countrymen who have been misled by the imaginary "Ummah" concept (which is a myth BTW).


No it's ok. Obviously this is a concern for fellow Muslims, but this should stop at condoning what are undeniably terrorist actions. Muslims are treated no differently than any other religious groups. Religion in China faces restrictions, that is just how things are right now, no doubt this will get better but it will take time just like other political reforms in China.

Compare the status of religion 30 years ago to today, there has been much more freedom and even promotion of minority culture and religion in China. This will no doubt continue as a trend.

But that's OK. We'll probably shoot some more Uighurs for fun and there's nothing you can do about it.

You shouldn't let people like that get to you.
No it's ok. Obviously this is a concern for fellow Muslims, but this should stop at condoning what are undeniably terrorist actions. Muslims are treated no differently than any other religious groups. Religion in China faces restrictions, that is just how things are right now, no doubt this will get better but it will take time just like other political reforms in China.

I understand your point, but its getting annoying how these delusional people always defend their imaginary Muslim brotherhood, Turkey participates in Military exercises with india, Pakistan's worst enemy, but i'm sure if Pakistan were to engage in military-military exercises with Greece or Armenia the Turks would most likely object to it. We need to have an independent policy, we should not let others influence us because of some imaginary brotherhood.
I'm very disappointed in your post, it reflects ignorance.

Turkiye has one of the most modern fleet and version of F-16's.

Turkiye has developed and manufactured many indigenous platforms and technology. Indigenous Altay tank MBT, indigenous manufacturing of F-16's, UAVs, APCs, firearms, warships, engines, parts, missiles/rockets, etc. They have also recently upgraded/modified and the T-129 an attack helicopter superior to the WZ-10.

Many Turks living in urban areas have a higher income, income in rural areas and other areas have been gradually rising.

They've had military coups temporarily but they didn't bring instability. So what is your point? The coups were done to keep the country on track.

Turks are a race of conquerors and have been this beyond all doubt. They have had 13 empires each which ruled and conquered and was mighty in it's time. They rank as one of the very few Eastern civilizations to actually have conquered most of Eastern Europe and colonize and integrate it into their Empire. Turkey is the only nation with a city Istanbul that strides two continents a jewel of their conquest. Turks ruled the Meditteranean sea for hundreds of years, destroyed united European armies, conquered vast lands, subjugated their rulers, and brought Islam to new regions. Turkey is one of the few nations to ever have an empire that stretched across three continents!

You have a lot of nerve calling Turks a "typical loser slave race". You are blinded by hatred it seems.

So let me get this straight: license manufacturing someone else's plane, not even reverse engineering but being GIVEN the technology and then following the book to make it, is "high tech". Hey, Zimbabwe's high tech too then. Singapore, a tiny city of 5 million, has more indigenous technology than all of Turkey, is that a joke or what?

What does Ottoman Empire have to do with modern Turkey? Kemalists destroyed all remnants of Ottoman Empire. They BANNED THE ARABIC SCRIPT, now they use Latin letters. They banned the fez and the veil. So you tell me, what does modern Kemalist Turkey have to do with Ottoman Empire? On the other hand, after 50 years of begging for aid from USA and IMF, what does Turkey have to show for it? Contrast with what Japan has done with the same 50 years of aid from USA and IMF?
I understand your point, but its getting annoying how these delusional people always defend their imaginary Muslim brotherhood, Turkey participates in Military exercises with india, Pakistan's worst enemy, but i'm sure if Pakistan were to engage in military-military exercises with Greece or Armenia the Turks would most likely object to it. We need to have an independent policy, we should not let others influence us because of some imaginary brotherhood.

I just have to say this: Uighurs are immigrants to China. If they want to get out, they are welcome to immigrate to Turkey. If they rebel, they will be put down.

Pakistan is a great country. I really like the modern feel of Karachi and Lahore. But unfortunately, foreign terrorist scum is damaging Pakistan's image. What people should associate with Pakistan, is fast paced and modern life in financial centers like Karachi. What people should NOT associate with Pakistan is extremism.

I always say to other Chinese, don't look at blood, look at the attitude. China for Chinese, not for Indonesians or Americans or Filipinos, with a Chinese name and yellow skin. Pakistanis should also think: Pakista for Pakistanis, not for any person who CLAIMS to be a Muslim, when they're actually damaging the reputation of both Islam and Pakistan by spreading lies and hate.
Lately i have been seeing a lot of Pakistanis speaking against Pakistan's all weather reliable ally China. It really disappoints me indeed to see that many of my countrymen still suffer from the "Ummah" disease and are defending the terrorist organization "East Turkistan Movement", a movement that is behind riots, and suicide bombings in China.

People need to seriously wake up and understand that in Pakistan's times of need, when the whole world turned its back on Pakistan, it wasn't any "Ummah" that came to Pakistan's aid, it was the Peoples Republic of China. It is this very "Ummah" mentality that has turned Pakistan into a breeding ground for international terrorism. Why is it that every Terrorist scum be it from Arab lands, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang, North Africa, Balkans is traced back to Pakistan? These people are not even Pakistanis, they are foreign criminals who damage Pakistan's national interests and its global image. There should be a nationwide crackdown and execution of every terrorist sympathizer. No Muslim country will ever come to Pakistan's aid if ever Pakistan were to be attacked in any way.

I sincerely apologize to my Chinese friends on behalf of some of my countrymen who have been misled by the imaginary "Ummah" concept (which is a myth BTW).


Although I do not like to say, as some Indians are often cheaper to use it, but than an illusion Muslims as a whole , there is no principle to the defense of all Muslims, just to make all non-Muslim world to become your enemy, comparing it to develop own interests in the real world, if you can begin to have five or six prosperous Muslim countries in the world, it would be better for Muslims, yes, better for Muslims as a whole.
China also has own interests, there is no problem and almost all Muslim countries, Pakistan \ Egypt \ Saudi Arabia \ Iran \ Syria, etc., please remember this point.
No it's ok. Obviously this is a concern for fellow Muslims, but this should stop at condoning what are undeniably terrorist actions. Muslims are treated no differently than any other religious groups. Religion in China faces restrictions, that is just how things are right now, no doubt this will get better but it will take time just like other political reforms in China.

Compare the status of religion 30 years ago to today, there has been much more freedom and even promotion of minority culture and religion in China. This will no doubt continue as a trend.

Cardsharp, there is little point trying to talk sense to people who have given up on sense a long time ago - see, when you begin to use religion, of all things, religion, to justify acts of political violence (terror), then you have already given up not just on sense but on morality itself. In Pakistan and among Pakistanis, this dysfunction, and that what it is, it's a mental problem, is growing -- but also there are growing numbers of people who reject such dysfunction.
Not to mention lack of development opportunities will make things worst because it turns people towards religion for consolation and reassurance.
Not to mention lack of development opportunities will make things worst because it turns people towards religion for consolation and reassurance.

Well then how do you explain the prevalence of extremist ideas emanating from Arabia and the Gulf? After all, they have plenty of development opportunities there and still, well, you know
What I suggested is just one of many contributing factors. The guys in the Gulf are mainly funders. But majority of grunts usually comes from underdeveloped/unconnected backgrounds.

Poverty and lack of choice can have a hand in making people more extreme. Influence of cults/politicised religions is greatests when people are poor and uneducated and lacking positive secure outlook on their future. They then default on their self-confidence and place their trust on a power figure that can offer them assurance, or sometimes any power figure. Alot of uprising in historical china were fanned by desparate living conditions + religious/charismatic leader influence.

There are few real good men and few real evil men. Most of us wallows in between. We can be good because we still have excess capacities to help. When push into a corner majority of people will turn ugly.

Secular society is the way to go, but religion is often just another tools used by politicians to deflect energies/discontent of people. The same politicians then see no need to develop society and educate the members, which makes it easier for them to control.

Until they too get burned when it startes to move outside their control.
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