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Turkish writer says it's time for Muslims to take responsibility - and accept Zionism

Thats a good idea al-Hasani.

I think we Iranians and Saudis should make a peace on forum.

But it wont be a genuine "peace". Im sure we'll still continue dislike each others countries and probably even each other on forum.
But it'll be more like an agreement (treaty if you will :D) where we agree to not talk about each others countries, or at least try to keep it limited, and not troll.

That way the rest of the forum will not suffer from our bickering.


Well, I do not dislike any users here LOL. Otherwise I would not be writing all this here.

Some Arabs only dislike the Iranian government not Iranians or any ethnic group in Iran be it Persians, Kurds, Azeris, Arabs, Baluch, Turkmen or others. I do not believe that the majority of Iranians dislike Arabs or other Semitic people since we have had ancient ties and our genetics are similar and history is intermingled for good and bad. We are after all neighbors and from the same ancient ME region.

Well criticism is good but we should try to be critical in a more constructive way instead of just trolling.

We two had interesting and constructive POLITICAL discussions before about the ME region and we need more of that.

It's mostly bound in ignorance I believe and stereotypes.

I will try to help stopping the childish trolling from both sides. Hopefully this makes the ME section better. I am prepared since we should be interested in a constructive section and not a troll section.
Well, I do not dislike any users here LOL. Otherwise I would not be writing all this here.

Some Arabs only dislike the Iranian government not Iranians or any ethnic group in Iran be it Persians, Kurds, Azeris, Arabs, Baluch, Turkmen or others. I do not believe that the majority of Iranians dislike Arabs or other Semitic people since we have had ancient ties and our genetics are similar and history is intermingled for good and bad.

Well criticism is good but we should try to be critical in a more constructive way instead of just trolling.

We two had interesting and constructive POLITICAL discussions before about the ME region and we need more of that.

It's mostly bound in ignorance I believe and stereotypes.

I agree.
I know I have written some nasty shit against Arabs but I honestly dont have anything against them, and I indeed have distant Arab ancestry from the Hijaz. :D
Most of it was trolling anyway. Sometimes the forum really brings out the worst qulities in people, where we just lose control.
There are few members (not me) that keep their cool and remain calm and collected, no matter what.
Thats a good quality to have. I hope I learn better to keep control in future.
Although to be honest, Im not like this in real life. No where close. This is like an internet persona LOL
However its still important to be civil and not unload hateful words.

I will be frank with you. When it comes to political issues I think it is nearly impossible to have it at constructive level.
These are some intransigent opposing views and in political discussions hateful exchange can not be avoided.
At least I think it is very difficult. I also happen to think that the moderation in ME-section leaves a lot to be desired.
I dont know if its just lacking in the amoung of moderators, or a certain standard have over time just become accepted.
But I think that even I should have been banned a few more times. lol

I think you will find Iranians one of the most accomodating people if you get to know them.
Arabs are good people too.
Meeh, he is free to think whatever he wants, just keep in mind that he is something special and ignore him.

Sorry. That comment was written before the peace we struck today. Well, he is just making anti-KSA and anti-Arab and anti-Sunni Muslim threads often. He should stop doing it and do constructive criticism instead.
Sorry. That comment was written before the peace we struck today. Well, he is just making anti-KSA and anti-Arab and anti-Sunni Muslim threads often. He should stop doing it and do constructive criticism instead.
Dont expect a constructive talk with him, recently he said something like "you sunnis will go to hell" in Turkish.

He even hates his Turkish brethren for beeing sunni, thats very uncommon in Turkey, so you can imagine how special he is.
Nobody takes serious Adnan Oktar and his kittens in Turkey.

I mean look at this.

I suspect, he is head of a prostitution ring.

These are his "students"
Wasn't this monkey jailed some years back on drug charges ?
Zionism means just support for Jewish migration and state in Holy Land. Thats it. Nothing less and nothing more.

Moses, kind David, Solomon, Curis the Great were all Zionists.
Holy Land ? ...that was not always the plan...at one stage I believe Theodor Herzl was a proponent of relocating the jews to Uganda (at that time it was British East Africa)...since he was an atheist I don't think he cared a bit about the Holy Land...he just wanted a place where the jews could live in peace without the fear of anti-Semitism. And since you guys have relocated to the one place where anti-Semitism is rampant (due to jewish actions mainly) don't you think that this version of Zionism is useless. More people hate the jews now than ever. May I recommend Australia as your next destination.
Holy Land ? ...that was not always the plan...
at one stage I believe Theodor Herzl was a proponent of relocating the jews to Uganda (at that time it was British East Africa)...since he was an atheist I don't think he cared a bit about the Holy Land...he just wanted a place where the jews could live in peace without the fear of anti-Semitism.
Herzl considered it as temporary solution and it was rejected by wast majority.

And since you guys have relocated to the one place where anti-Semitism is rampant
You'r wrong, there is no rampant Antisemitism in Israel.

More people hate the jews now than ever.
In the past our haters were superpowers Pharaoh, Assiria, Rome, Nazi Germany, nowadays our haters are primitive cave terrorists and internet trolls like u.
Huh? Yes it does.
What is Zionism?

Zionism is a movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.

The name of "Zionism" comes from the hill Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was situated.

Supporters of this movement are called "Zionists".

Today there is much confusion among Jews over the meaning of the term Zionism. It means different things to different people.

The reason for this is that historically, Zionism has been a movement dominated by secularist Jews. Herzl and most of his colleagues were assimilated Jews, who did not believe in or practice the Torah. Some Zionists were vehemently anti-religious, and saw the Torah and mitzvos as outdated rituals with no place in their modern state.

Yet the essence of the Zionist idea - that Jews should return to the Holy Land and establish a government - is not inherently secular, and in fact the Zionist movement had some religious members from the very beginning.

Some Jews today use Zionism as a synonym for Israeli secularism, and thus support the State of Israel while claiming to be anti-Zionist. These people's only complaint about the State of Israel is that it is not religious enough. They hope for the day when the state will be dominated by the religious parties.

But this is not the meaning of the term Zionism as used on this site. When we talk about Zionism here, we are refering to the concept that Jews should rise up, emancipate themselves from exile without waiting for the messiah, and establish a Jewish government in the Holy Land. Using Jewish texts, we demonstrate that this concept is against the Torah and has been opposed by rabbis in all generations.

There have been hundreds of rabbis over the past century who spoke out against the Zionist movement. But because of the ambiguity of the term, it is not always possible to prove that a given rabbi meant to oppose the concept of Zionism, rather than just secularism. For this reason, religious Zionists often make the claim that much rabbinic opposition to Zionism was only because it was a secular movement. On the "Rabbinic Quotations" section of this site, we have avoided this confusion by carefully selecting those quotations that are clearly against the concept of Zionism itself. As the reader will see, these quotations alone are enough proof that almost all of the greatest sages and leaders of the Jewish people opposed the establishment of a Jewish state.
What is Zionism? | True Torah Jews
So,it does?
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Herzl considered it as temporary solution and it was rejected by wast majority.

You'r wrong, there is no rampant Antisemitism in Israel.

In the past our haters were superpowers Pharaoh, Assiria, Rome, Nazi Germany, nowadays our haters are primitive cave terrorists and internet trolls like u.
You can not invade a land and subjugate and terrorize it's peoples and not expect to be hated...you are surrounded by people who hate you. If you dismiss that then all your government's claims contradict you. In your tone I detect the arrogance of the Pharaoh of Moses...take heed of his ending. As far as being a troll goes I am no such thing madame. I do not hate the jews...I merely hate the actions of those who claim to do them in the name of Judaism.

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