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Turkish writer says it's time for Muslims to take responsibility - and accept Zionism

Is he an influential figure in Turkey? Is he invited on Turkish television regularly? Or just an over-hyped clown?
on youtube you can find many videos about him during tv shows, yet im sure no one takes him serious. i can't even understand who allows such a r-e-t-a-r-d on tv, because his claims are seriously so alien and awkward. creepy guy over-hyped clown.
Please read a bit more carefully; there's more than the one article here. The confusion is understandable, I've tried to fix the indent formatting, hope that helps.

I did read carefully, there is one thing, HER article. And then the input of the Zionist blog.

I read the whole thing in Arabic, nowhere did she say anything about Zionism let alone mention accepting Zionism. This is the input of the author of the blog. Your title is misleading. This is an example of Jewish right wingers trying to make something out of an opinion article and twist it to suit their cause.
If this women is going to solve middle-east problems, may the almighty tengri be with us. What is this women saying what thinktanks are not saying? I have seen these girls on TV with that hoca. They cannot even utter simple sentence. They look and are like barby dolls. They can only make one word noise. As last I don't even want to begin about the make-up, botox, silicons and whatnot.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I did read carefully, there is one thing, HER article. And then the input of the Zionist blog.
The EoZ piece starts with the article that was recently re-run in Arabic, then adds a second article on Tezyapar's website that doesn't appear in the Arabic. I've been trying to clarify who wrote what using the indent function, but the page seems to keep re-setting itself. It's mostly correct now. Next time I'll use different fonts for the EoZ and quoted pieces - but that can be even less reliable than the indents, as sometimes different computers render different fonts the same way.
Nobody takes serious Adnan Oktar and his kittens in Turkey.

I mean look at this.

I suspect, he is head of a prostitution ring.

These are his "students"
I am in agreement with her observations.

It is futile to believe that terror committed by Muslim extremists will fade away any time soon for precisely the reason she gives. Muslims have been killing each other for 1400 years, yet they find a convenient and intellectually lazy way to shift blame to one's own failing. The conspiracy mindset is such a red herring that it results in nothing short of collective intellectual malfunction. When there is no tradition of objective self-introspection, and religious authoritarianism and tyranny have a free hand, the rot sets deep from within. Solutions are not expected, because the problems are not admitted in the first place.

That much we can agree on.

Muslim masses by large are indoctrinated with the idea that Islam and Muslims are inherently higher in nature, rank or authority than non-Muslims, and that the 'other' (even Muslims from other denominations or sects) are inherently inferior. With such a fixed mental attitude, everything that goes wrong is to be blamed on the 'infidels' (in practice this usually means the West or Jews) and everything that favours Muslims or Islam is inherently correct. Denial, relegating blame and responsibility, and victim mentality ("everybody is trying to get us") is the natural result of such a particular way of thinking.

This I don't agree on especially when you leave aside the faith and religion and that view of the world look at the rest, what each group has to show for in worldly affairs.

central Idea of this article .....

Are you a Stanley Kubrick fan by any chance?
The EoZ piece starts with the article that was recently re-run in Arabic, then adds a second article on Tezyapar's website that doesn't appear in the Arabic. I've been trying to clarify who wrote what using the indent function, but the page seems to keep re-setting itself. It's mostly correct now. Next time I'll use different fonts for the EoZ and quoted pieces - but that can be even less reliable than the indents, as sometimes different computers render different fonts the same way.

Okay, thanks for fixing that, it was your fault. Her arguments are still very weak and she makes a definition of 'Zionism' for her own self.

For example, she says...: All they seek is to love in 'Israel' alongside Muslims....etcc..

This is bullshit, if all they wanted to do was live alongside ArabsArabs within the vicinity of the area they would agreed to be citizens of an independent Palestine. That's not the case however, they sought their own state with their own parameters even if such land was Palestinian land. She disregards the Palestinians in this, the only why such an 'Israel' could exist is to go out of their way to create one. Such as pay the British empire to take unilateral action to legitimize a state, ethnically cleanse original inhabitants, wrongfully seize the valuable resources available, expand their borders...etcc...israel doesn't declare their borders to this day.
Are you a Stanley Kubrick fan by any chance?

watched some of his movies and liked it ..... but 'fan' thing .... no ... y u asked about it janaab ....... :what:
Sunni scholars say Shias are unbelievers and their death is obligatory: Shias say that it is obligatory to kill Sunnis, as they are enemies.
no sunni or shia gives death fatwa to each other. its only the Al Qaeda / Wahabi (or taqfiris as are normally known) that declare the death of the shias and sunnis alike. shia and sunnis do call each other misguided but never call each other kafirs or punishable by death otherwise it will be a chaos of 1 billion muslims hacking each other to death.. she has tried to be politically correct by painting all the Muslim sects equally in order to remain neutral but in the end has been unfair

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