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Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs

15 CATS units delivered: http://savunmaveteknoloji.com/aselsandan-ihalara-keskin-goz/

3rd gen IR, 61kg, laser designator for armed UAVs and other laser-guided munitions.


Aselsan’dan İHA’lara keskin göz
ASELSAN’ın başta insansız hava araçları olmak üzere helikopterler ve uçaklar da kullanılabilmesi amacıyla geliştirdiği elektro-optik keşif, gözlem ve hedefleme sistemi olan CATS teslim edilmeye başlandı.

Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, bugün resmi sosyal medya hesabından milli İHA’larımıza takılacak, 15 yeni yerli lazer işaretleyicili kamera CATS’in (Common Aperture Targeting System) terörle mücadelede kullanılmak üzere ordumuza teslim edildiğini duyurdu.

ASELSAN’ın geliştirdiği çoklu algılayıcılı bir keşif, gözlem ve hedefleme sistemi olan CATS, insansız hava araçları, helikopterler ve uçaklar dahil, bir çok sabit veya döner kanatlı hava platformlarında kullanılabiliyor. 61 kilogram ağırlığındaki sistemde, 1.920×1.080 çözünürlüğe sahip renkli gündüz kamerası, 640×512 piksel dedektöre sahip yüksek çözünürlüklü 3. nesil IR kamera ve 650×480 piksel çözünürlüğe sahip çok dar bakış açılı düşük ışık kamerası için tek bir optik sensör yer alıyor. Çoklu ve eşzamanlı hedef takibi yapabilen CATS, yüksek irtifalardaki çok düşük sıcaklıklarda çalışabiliyor.

CATS sistemi ile elde edilen gündüz görüş görüntüsü

Common Aperture Targeting System isminin kısaltması olarak adlandırılan CATS azami 25 bin ft üzerindeki irtifalarda hassas hedef işaretlemesi yapabilmesinin yanında sistemin en önemli özelliklerinden biri de lazer işaretleyici ile lazer güdümlü mühimmatı hedefe yönlendirebilmesidir.
. . . . . . . . . .
My understanding is that CATS is a more robust and lighter FLIR compared to 300T hence more suitable to a UAV.
Interesting Article. This article claims that Aselsan sold IIT (image intensifier tubes) worth P1.2 billion all up to 4500 IITs to Philippine


Well done Aselsan 25million dollar worth 4500IITs

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana already initiated an investigation into a P1.2-billion contract for some 4,500 military night goggles, among other supplies. In the last days of the administration of Benigno Simeon, aka BS, the AFP allegedly awarded the contract to Turkish company Aselsan in record time.

Read more: https://business.inquirer.net/228765/turkish-daylight#ixzz4g7kYwXrV
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PIRI is a high performance Infrared Search and Track system designed for maritime platforms in order to passively detect and track multiple air and surface vehicles and missiles with its staring sensors. PIRI is able to observe the perimeter of the maritime vehicle simultaneously in dual-band IR. The large elevation FOV makes the system capable of observe air to surface threats effectively. Display of both MWIR and LWIR spectrum in 360° azimuth as a panoramic image makes PIRI, a comprehensive solution for ships. Distributed Sensor Architecture makes the system modular for any platform.


I think If It is in brochure, It means Aselsan has solved this issue bro.

View attachment 402970 View attachment 402971

View attachment 402975

Some more information;

Uncooled Infrared Thermal Detectors (Microbolometer)
Success gained through product focused activities on
Microbolometer Type Uncooled Infrared Detectors has in 2016
lead to the decision to invest in a mass production line within
ASELSAN’s facilities. Following the preparation of a multi-phase
investment plan, hardware procurement has started.
The facility is planned to be operational in 2018. Manufactured
detectors will primarily be used in ASELSAN’s product lines of
Thermal Weapon Binoculars, Armored Vehicle Thermal Sight
Systems and Missile Seeker Systems.

Cooled Infrared Photon Detectors
ASELSAN continued to be actively involved in the mass production of
Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (QWIP) which has a 640 x 512
format and 20 μm pitch. The process of integrating and deploying
QWIPs in EYE-Q Thermal Imaging Cameras, designed, optimized and
manufactured entirely by ASELSANfor border security purposes, has
come to its final stages.
ASELSAN has conducted research activities in developing infrared
detectors with Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) epilayers.
Company’s main focus in this area is integrating these 640 x 512
format 15 μm pitch MCT detectors in ASELSAN made thermal
imaging systems for reconnaissance and surveillance such as Eye,
Sharpeye, Falconeye and targeting systems such as ASELPOD and
Mercury Cadmium Telluride layers are deposited on Cadmium Zinc
Telluride (CZT) wafers. CZT is a militarily critical technology subjected
to export controls. ASELSAN engineers acquired the manufacturing
know-how of this critical material through their research efforts
conducted under a project contract (EYMIR) funded by the
Undersecretariat for Defence Industries.

Image Intensifier Tubes
UV solar blind image intensifier tubes are a key component
of helicopter missile warning systems. Qualification of a
the production line has been completed in 2016 and mass
production started successfully. To extend product application
to further platforms, engineering activities for the development
of new generation high photocathode sensitive tubes are in

Inertial Measurement Units
As the fiber Optic based Tactical Grade (TG) and Navigation
Grade (NG) Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) have been
developed successfully, work on qualification of mass
production line for TG IMU has been initiated. Upon qualification
of the mass production line, production is planned to commence
for TG IMU in the beginning of 2017. Work for the utilisation of
TG and NG IMUs in different platforms have been continuing.

We have pretty much caught up to Europe in IR detectors:)

KARAOK Short-Range Antitank Missile Infrared Seeker design and development contract was signed on 4 August 2016 with ROKETSAN. The project activities continue under the Planning and Requirement Identification Phase.

Something like this maybe ?
ASELSAN received the following outstanding new contracts
in 2016 for the development and production of the new radar

• To meet the Turkish Air Force’s Early Warning Radar Systems
requirements, ASELSAN is awarded the “Early Warning
Radar Systems-Phase 1 Project” contract to develop and
manufacture AESA (Active Electronic Scanning Array) antenna
based Transportable Early Warning Radar Systems, which is
capable of detecting, tracking, classification and identification of
both air breathing targets -such as fighters, helicopters-and ballistic

• A new Weapon Locating Radar System, which is capable of
detecting/tracking and calculating the launch and impact points
of rockets, artilleries and mortars from very long distances, will be
designed, developed and manufactured by ASELSAN to meet the
requirements of Turkish Army. Some of the critical building blocks
of the Weapon Locating Radar and Early Warning Radar will be
. @Quwa

• ASELSAN is awarded a new contract to supply new version of
KALKAN Air Defense Early Warning Radar. New radar will be in a
scalable and adaptable configuration to meet the requirements of
Turkish Army for different air defense applications and some of the
critical parts that are procured from abroad will be replaced with
parts that will be indigenously produced.

• “Air Traffic Control Radar System Project” contract, covering PSR
(Primary Surveillance Radar) and SSR (Secondary Surveillance
Radar) development, production and site installation has been
signed. The end product is targeted to meet the air traffic control
requirements of both military and civilian airports.

• Mass production for both Mobile Search Radar and Fire Control
Radar has been initiated in scope of the contract signed in 2016 for
mass production of KORKUT Air Defense System.

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