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Turkish refugee camp 'nicest' in the world


Feb 9, 2014
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A New York Times writer praises a Syrian refugee camp run by local Turkish authorities and organizations for Syrians in the south-eastern city of Kilis.
World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkey's new refugee camp in the south-eastern city of Kilis has been serving thousands of Syrians who have crossed the border seeking refuge from the three-year-old civil war.

In an article called 'How to build the perfect refugee camp', the New York Time's Mac McClelland praised the camp, known as the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency’s Kilis Oncupinar Accommodation Facility.

Praising the order and tidyness of the 2,053 container-camp, which was opened in 2012, McClelland commented on the brand new brick paths that are constantly cleaned by the Turkish authorities.

He also noted that the camp was lit at night in the same way suburban streets are, and that there are always handymen and health and safety crews ready on standby whenever needed.

Schools and kindergartens with wide, spacious corridors and decorated walls are provided for over 2,000 school children, who also get to enjoy themselves in the many playgrounds in the camp

Quoting a Polish diplomat, the camp is said to be the 'nicest refugee camp in the world,' the writer also pointed out that the camp was not run by the UN, but entirely by Turkey, who instead of designating the Syrians as refugees rather see them simply as 14,000 'guests'.

A number of refugees at the camps boasted of access to satellite TV channels, healthcare and grocery stores which are even better than the ones they left behind in Syria. One particular female refugee said she felt so safe in the camp she could go out at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning.


Turkey has spent at least $2.5 billion on serving these guests since the war began and hosts around 600,000 Syrian refugees - around a quarter of all Syrian refugees. While many reside in the camps, a little over half have opted to settle in urban settlers and make their own living.

NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/16/magazine/how-to-build-a-perfect-refugee-camp.html?_r=0
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Better then the Jordanian one where a pedophile comes to rape&buy you without anyone stopping them.
turkey has the best track record in human rights among all the countries in the region, definitely an example to look up to.

Lol only againts Arabs appearantly :D

Problem is not looking after refugees, probably is how to send them back after this war ends, they will not go back.
Lol only againts Arabs appearantly :D

Problem is not looking after refugees, probably is how to send them back after this war ends, they will not go back.

well you could use affordable workforce brother, think about the positive effects, in iran's case, afghanis, hardwoking good people living in iran willing to work for less but work more. of course i dont like that, they should be treated equally but all im saying is that u could use that to your advantage.
well you could use affordable workforce brother, think about the positive effects, in iran's case, afghanis, hardwoking good people living in iran willing to work for less but work more. of course i dont like that, they should be treated equally but all im saying is that u could use that to your advantage.

We don't need workforce, if we want there are better ways for it and we're talking about some 700k people, how many of them would become humble, hard working people ? they will just be a burden for us, many of them are already beggars(I'm seeing them everyday), many of them will surely become criminals(there are examples), and most importantly they will be permanent here and government will probably give them citizenship do they will vote as well.
This is something i can be proud this this goverment, ofcourse we learned alot from 1999 earthquake.

My aunt and her family lived 9 years in one of these Container houses built for the homeless after the earthquake, the Container city i visited looked exaclty the same.
This is really amazing. :tup:

Only in rare cases do we see international nations get it right, turkey is an example, so one possible devastating outcome turned out to be approached very well and they managed to have a success here.
consider the fact that Turkey supported the rebels who helped destroy these Syrian refugees home to begin with.

it's like I stab you in the back and then I offer you medical treatment to make up for my crime against you.

I'm sure those refugees are happy to wake up everyday with nothing to look forward to thanks to Turkish support of al Qaeda linked rebels.
Well at least Turks are not behaving like the Arabs like Saudi Arabia where 60 year old men come and take advantage of poor light skinned Syrian girls that are 10 years old by offering them marriage because of the desperate situation.
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