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Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

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You refer to human beings as parasites.

Here we go again... In order to destroy the Humanism romance in the very root of them...a test to mirror the truth about the nature of human beings over humanism romance lovers.

Your family member( little brother or your child) and a kid are equally 50 meters (in opposite side each other)away from the coast and drowning.

Who would you go/swim and save?

P.S: The test is very functional, and free to save you from those humanism hypocrites' speech and slap them in the face very hardly about their true color, and life long ''idealism''.

P.S: @Deliorman ... friendly advice.. the humanism romance lovers try to legit their humanism romance in the eyes of third parties by ''cornering'' the opposite people into anti-humanism utopia camp created by them for the opposite people's realism and reputation; and the friendly advice is... to create alternative examples about the conditions of their own blood people in family/society/nation/country as in the test above. In short, Hit and Ruin the romance with the reality.
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It must be really nice live in one of the most civilized countries out there so one can spout idealistic nonsense like this.

Talking like that about human (like calling them parasites) led to the holocaust, you know. We have over a million refugees here too, but the only ones talking like that are fucking nazis.

Here we go again... In order to destroy the Humanism romance in the very root of them...a test to mirror the truth about the nature of human beings over humanism romance lovers.

Your family member( little brother or your child) and a kid are equally 50 meters (in opposite side each other)away from the coast and drowning.

Who would you go/swim and save?

P.S: The test is very functional, and free to save you from those humanism hypocrites' speech and slap them in the face very hardly about their true color, and life long ''idealism''.

What kind of test is that, its only natural to save your family. Doesnt change the fact that humans are humans and scum is among each of those groups.
Lets see what all the millions of refugees and illegal immigrants brought to Turkey since they came in the last years:

- Tens of billions of dollars spent on their well being with all kinds of privileges you can imagine. They are running from a war but breed like cockroaches...

- How many Turkish citizens have been killed, raped, robbed, attacked with weapons etc by them? You hear about such cases if not daily then every week. Let’s not mention their bad behavior towards Turkish women and people and their total lack of civilized behavior.

- They don’t pay taxes, in most of their businesses they sell contraband goods. Let’s not mention all the drug dealing and other illegal activities that increased a lot in the last years thanks to them.

- How many of those people are Islamist or Kurdish Terrorists? Nobody knows. They might not do anything today but they will bite your hand tomorrow be sure about that.

To say it short- they don’t contribute with anything positive to Turkey. Even worse- they are negatively impacting the country... like parasites do. “Parasites” is a very mild word compared to all the other things I can call those rats.

ps Yes I am a racist and a xenofobe and I feel perfectly fine about it.

You realize Europeans speak the same way about Turks in Europe? You think they see a difference between a Turk and an Arab? Source of that: having lived my entire life in Europe.

That aside, Syria's mess is largely Erdogan's project.
. .
Yeah totaly not the genocidal dictator ruling the country, at this rate he will catch up to Saddam pretty soon.

Should have kept the borders closed, not carry out America's plan of sending in arms and organizing groups whom are no different than any other terror group. No one said Assad was good, but when you take a look at the middle east good luck finding some regime that is not going to cling to power. Iran? It's in the mindset of the middle eastern ruler, giving up power is associated with shame and weakness in their minds therefore they would rather drag the country to hell before they bring shame upon themselves. Hence we also see many middle eastern leaders raising statues of themselves, Erdogan has the same mind to a large extent. Kurds do the same thing, such retards are a massive danger when given too much power. Most in the west will cringe upon the idea of them being portrayed on a large statue or poster.

Saddam was just as insane as all the above with too much power.

As Russians say:

Net cheloveka- net problem.

That’s the best way to deal with those crazy people and their cursed offspring.

Russia which has the image of being a savage strongman is not something to be revered. It's very easy to speak of death and killing whilst in comfort, when you're actually in the situation near death you will speak different.

Besides, these are kids.
Son iki yazımızda Yunanistan'ın ABD desteğinde batıdan nasıl kuşattığını, Kıbrıs'ın oldubittilerle nasıl Girit'in kaderine sürüklendiğini anlattık.

Önceki gün Yunan Bakan Kammenos bir TV mülakatında şöyle konuşuyordu: ABD, enerji güvenliğinde Yunanistan'ın daha çok rol oynamasını bekliyor. Çünkü Yunanistan bölgede hem İsrail'le askerî ilişkilerini sürdüren ve geliştiren hem de Arap dünyası ile bağlarını kopartmayan bir ülkedir.

Larissa, Volos, Dedeağaç'ı ABD güçleri zaten kullanıyor.

Kerpe Adası'ndaki bir üssün Yunanistan için ne kadar önemli olduğunu bizzat Yunan Bakanın söylediğinin farkında mısınız? Gördünüz mü tezgâhı? Anladınız mı gittikçe sıkılaşan kuşatmayı?

Bunlarla birlikte, Yunanistan'ın 18 Türk ada/adacığını işgal ederek buralarda devlet uygulaması yapması, asker konuşlandırıp Türk topraklarına kısa menzilli top mesafesine gelmesi, Lozan Antlaşması'na göre silahsızlandırılması gereken adaları silahlandırması ve gözümüzün içine sokarcasına tatbikatlar yapması bu kuşatmanın nereye evrileceğinin diğer işaretleridir.

Yunanistan topraklarını mantar gibi çoğalan Amerikan/NATO üslerine, Rumlar da Kıbrıs'ta Fransızlara üs kolaylıkları sağlayarak, Ege ve Doğu Akdeniz'deki muhtemel gayrimeşru hamleleri öncesinde arkalarını sağlama almaya çalışıyorlar.

Doğu Akdeniz'de önümüzdeki Kasım ayı ile birlikte geliyorum diyen bir kriz var. Hem de çok ciddi.

Kaynak/the source: http://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/egede-kerpe-adasina-abd-nato-ussu-49272yy.htm

The Greek hostility continues in Agean Sea.


Adalet Bakanlığı verilerine göre; ceza mahkemelerinde TCK uyarınca karara bağlanan davalardaki çocuğa cinsel istismar suçu ile reşit olmayanla cinsel ilişki suçu sayılarının son on yıllık değişimi şöyle:

2007– 3.718
2008– 4.261
2009– 6.415
2010– 10.900
2011– 14.066
2012– 17.457
2013– 19.754
2014– 22.865
2015– 21.175
2016– 16.487
2017– 16.041
Kaynak/the source: http://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/cocuk-istismari-son-10-yilda-dort-kat-artti-209030h.htm

A report about children.
. . . . . . . . .

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