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Turkish flag flies up high in Istanbul it is to remind every anti Turk bastard that the city has been ours and will be until the end of time.

The flag flying high is symbolic but also a source of unity.

Thank God, Turkey has a unifying nationalist force even if the country is divided by many things you cant deny the unity the country displays.

That makes me happy even under Georgian Watermellon seller your people still try to stay united btfo Greeks and Armos
Georgian Watermellon seller

thats an insult no criticism also an insult to all ethnic laz from wich almost all are good citizen! I am known to critisize him but you can inhale your own brainfarts! also he is our elected president go and fart elsewhere..

this guy really doesnt want to win but is afraid to tell his boss[emoji23]
Are the AKP supporters that were calling CHP PKK sympathizers watching 1000Ali today in Diyarbakir? And if so, would you like to say something, anything?
1000ali doesn't even know when the election is... lol.

I'm sorry but didn't AKP start multiple peace processes with PKK? lol.

I had said it before and will say it again. There was an attempt to destroy CHP from within. They tried to fill the party with lefties and even Western media tried to paint them as being a soft leftist party... the fact is that the west had attempted to subdue CHP. I read a very interesting article about how the west wanted to subdue and eventually dissolve CHP in order to make Islamists more powerful and push the nation towards instability.

Luckily the inner circle at CHP understood what was going on and thus have fought a decades long battle to keep the party afloat. Now their efforts are bearing fruit. With men like Muharrem Ince, Ekrem Imamoglu and Mansur Yavas the future of CHP is looking bright.

Trust me when I say this. Our army will no longer be at the mercy of traitors when CHP takes control. TSK won't be a slave of the government, and will certainly not be insulted by government allies (like what happened the other day). TSK will once again be a feared institution.

What do you know about "Muharrem Ince, Ekrem Imamoglu and Mansur Yavas" do pretend they will save CHP form "lefties" ?
I don't know much about them but Muhareem Ince tried to oppose KK which dosnt work because KK already put his men in power (which are loyal to him rather than the party).
Ekrem Imamogly was nothing before the election (did he even support Ince against KK ?) but I know he praised Demirtas which means he certainly not a hero which will save CHP form "lefties".
Mansur Yavas is the only I give the benife of doupt, and even I cannot pretend to know what is his political view.

In any case pretend that CHP will transform Kandil in glass is pure folly....they will be less likelly party to want to fight PKK, because they will want to win support form US and Europe and show they are not "fascist" like AKP.

And admit it or not, CHP and HDP are allied even if they don't dare to say it aloud.

Don't take me wrong CHP should win for Turkey's sake but not because they are good (frankly they are not so different than AKP with KK dictatorship in CHP) but because AKP become a real menace to democracy.

I hate CHP but simply taking power form AKP even only for 5 years which give some balance to Turkey.

Of course I would much rather see IYI party in power rather than 2 disgusting party.
Are the AKP supporters that were calling CHP PKK sympathizers watching 1000Ali today in Diyarbakir? And if so, would you like to say something, anything?

Why i'm not suprised about this retarted comment and incredible logic?

''Are the AKP supporters that were calling CHP PKK sympathizers watching 1000Ali today in Diyarbakir?''

If we have to reason from this logic, it means that AKP cooperates with the PKK because AKP has won the elections in Sirnak. =').... + *facepalm*

First of all, the current government has the right to speak wherever it wants because the government has speeded up the anti-terror operations in recent years. The reason why AKP won in Sirnak is also because it has minimized the influence of the PKK in almost the entire region (Hendek Operations).

This is one.

Secondly, the current government has continued its operations abroad to ensure the future of its borders but also of its citizens. The Turkish army entered Syria with its two famous large-scale operations: Operation Euphrates Shield and Operation Olive Branch. We must also mention that during these operations the CHP was working to thwart these operations. The leader of CHP and its party base (the real soldiers of Ataturk, uhum uhum) criticized the Turkish army repeatedly by saying what they were looking for in Syria, that Turkish army is invading Syria, that Turkish army should not enter the center of Afrin and this and that and so on... Also the great intellectual leader of CHP did not see the PYD / YPG as a threat and did not even associate it with the terrorist organization PKK.

Thirdly, the Turkish army is now very busy with its Pence operation in northern Iraq. Don't forget that the PKK is now monitored 24/7 by our domestic UAV's!

In short, the 40-year-old misery caused by the PKK is at the point of total destruction. This is because the current government is no longer bowing down to the west! But what is the CHP and its supporters talking about? Onion and potato prices...

What is the CHP doing in the meantime? Conducting collaborations with all powers that hate Turkey and Erdogan. Why do they hate Erdogan? Because the last 7 years Erdogan prioritises the interests of Turkey. Because Erdogan makes the Turkish army independent! Because Erdogan gives the defense industry plenty of room to develop national weapons! Because Erdogan purchased S400 systems! Because Erdogan thwarts the plans of U.S in Iraq and Syria!

While these hard facts happens in front of our eyes, the CHP supporters decides to put blinkers on. They blind themselves to such an extent that they do not want to see the facts of Istanbul elections. They all know very well that they have the votes of cemaatciler and HDP supporters which is roughly above half a million votes!!

Emre Uslu, the dog of Fethullah Gulen which said: Imamoglu has won by our votes! And he will get our (cemaat and HDP) votes for the next elections to!

Do I now expect a serious and substantive response from CHP supporters here? No, of course not because they will repeat the same song: Oho Ordogon wos boggest friend of Golon, Ordogon did everything for Golon and blablabla.

Some info of security in May.

Unfortunately, The AKP and Erdoğan keep ignoring the sociology and culture that make the difference between Turkey and Middle East countries or the rest of the Muslim geography.

Such news will keep poping up especially the summer time in streets till the point no one would like to see...


Some tweets of US presence.

The state institution for job finding has found 14.800 jobs, and some 7.400 of it for Syrians.

Meantime, The situation for Turks in Turkey:

The unemployment rate in Turkey: %14,7

The total unemployment rate in Turkey, February 2019: %22,1

The unemployment in Turkey, February 2019: 4.730 million

The total unemployment in Turkey, February 2019: 7.105 million

The Fired people in the last 1 year: 800.000

The New Business Start: - 25%

The Business Close: 20% raised

The Turk Statistical Insititute defines unemployment as such:

  • If in seek for a job for only the last 4 weeks, if less or more not unemployed.
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