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Maymuna fıstık atar gibi insanların üzerine çay atıyorlar.
I read that, in his election rallies with thousands of people participating, President Erdogan broadcast the entire footage of the Christchurch attack.

The news said he initially broadcast the footage with no censoring, showing people the point blank shooting and all the blood.

He now continues to broadcast a revised version of it in each rally.

Then, this is the first in world political history since the first TV broadcast in 1930s.

I hope no kids in those rallies.
Maymuna fıstık atar gibi insanların üzerine çay atıyorlar.
It wasn't the first time.

Can someone tell me how the AKP is faring for these elections these days
Can someone tell me how the AKP is faring for these elections these days

they are going to win, for someone who not Turkish is. You are the concerned, and when it comes to Uyghur problem you are looking to the other side, what is your real intention?
*Tank Palet

Turk Defence Factories' tragic demise since 1947 (Marshall Plan):

Some words from the video:


  • Mustafa Kemal Atatürk had founded 47 strategic facilities, mostly industrial ones especially military factories:

- Ankara Bullet Factory 1924,
- Şakir Zümre Bomb Factory 1925,
- Kırıkkale Ammunition Factory 1927,
- Nuri Killigil Pistol Factory 1930,
- Kayseri Plane Factory 1930,
- Vecihi Vahap Plane Factory 1932,
- Eskişehir Plane Factory 1932,
- Nuri Demirağ Plane Factory 1936,
- THK Plane Factory 1938,
- ...

  • Most of them were closed due to the Marshall Plan.

'' We(USA) give free or cheap what you(Turkey) need, just close them all.''

  • In 1974, Turkey realized the importance of national defence industry. Facilities since then:

- ASELSAN 1975, and Day/Night Binoculars produced by ASELSAN,

- Tank Palet Factory 1975, and Upgrade of Leopard Tanks, Production of The Fırtına 155 mm self-propelled howitzers made by Tank Palet,

The Turk Telekom had been ''given'' to Hariri Family with the amount of $6.5 billion , $5 billion of which had been credited by Turk Banks. An article in the agreement said no estate could be sold; however, the Hariri family had sold them all, after 15 of which had been sold the scandal had been brought up in the parliament, but nohing happened. On top of that , The Hariri family fled and left $4 billion debt for Turkey to pay.

SEKA, TEKEL etc. 'privitizations'' are ...

The partner of the BMC is the Qatar Army; and the General Staff of Qatar Army is also the board member of an Qatari Real Estate company.

Therefore, They could sell the land of the Tank Palet.

Turk Colonel who is in charge at Tank Palet may now be under command of the Qatari Army...

As Hariri Family did...in case of war if The BMC could leave what will happen...

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F tipi şeriatçı cemaatin para kasası Fettah Tamince.
Fetullahçılarla ilişkisini itiraf ediyor. Buna rağmen beraat ediyor.
Kararı veren hakim Fetullahçı olduğu için tutuklanıyor.
AKM ihalesi Tamince'ye veriliyor.

Ne güzel hayat de mi?
*Tank Palet.

Turk Colonel who is in charge at Tank Palet may now be under command of the Qatari Army...

As Hariri Family did...in case of war if The BMC could leave what will happen...


Nihal Atsız Bey was exluded from military for refusing salute a non-Turk higher rank officer...

By the military law, it is not possible to work under a civilian.
we will see. This is Akape...
Nihal Atsız Bey was exluded from military for refusing salute a non-Turk higher rank officer...

By the military law, it is not possible to work under a civilian.
we will see. This is Akape...

Giving your very qualified military factory to a foreign army, changing the design of a qualified tank without producing it since 2016 tell more than that.

Tank Barrel/Election Box ''experts'' keep being ''Fanboy'' with their dreams here, but the reality is very tragic.
The AKP, Israel and Agriculture in Turkey.


- Ülkemizde kullanılan tohumların önemli bir kısmı yabancı menşeilidir. Örneğin Mısırda % 95, Pamukta % 80, Soyada % 80, Sebzede % 75, Patateste % 95, Ayçiçeğinde % 82, Buğdayda % 5 oranlarında yabancı menşeili tohum kullanılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak tohumculuk pazarının % 70`i yabancı firmalara aittir.

- Piyasada denetim ve sertifika verme yetkisi Türk Tohumcular Birliğindedir. Sertifikalı tohum kullanımından esas kârlı çıkacak olanlar da bu tohumların sertifikasını elinde tutan çokuluslu şirketlerdir. 2015 yılı sonu itibarıyla Türkiye`nin tohum ihracatı 103 milyon, ithalatı ise 202 milyon dolar olarak gerçekleşmiştir.

- Türkiye`de yaklaşık 5 milyon çiftçimiz bulunmaktadır. Bunun yaklaşık 2-2,5 milyonu Çiftçi Kayıt Sistemine kayıtlıdır. Türkiye`de toplam tarım işletmesi içinde küçük işletmelerin oranı ise % 80`dir.

- Sadece sertifikalı tohumlara destek verilmesi durumunda;

1- Küçük ölçekli tarım işletmelerimizde kullanılan yerel çeşitlerimiz bu durumda yok olacaktır.Örneğin; Adana`nın yuvarlak patlıcanı, Pembe domates, Deli bezelye, Ayaş domatesi, Urla börülcesi vb. gibi. Yerel çeşitlerimiz ortadan kalkacaktır. Çünkü sertifika firmaları, bu çeşitleri verimli olmadıkları için sertifikalandırmaya gitmeyecekler, daha verimli kendi buldukları çeşitlere yöneleceklerdir. Böylece yerli çeşitlerimiz zaman içerisinde yok olacaktır.

2-Bu politika neticesinde Tohumculuk sektörümüz tamamıyla yabancı firmaların tekeline geçecektir.

3-Bu uygulamayı yapan birçok ülkede yerli çeşitlerin tarihe karıştığını da unutmamamız gerekir.

The source: http://www.zmo.org.tr/genel/bizden_detay.php?kod=27037&tipi=3&sube=0

An example, Adıyaman/Besni cotton is very unique quality due to its unique seed and environment; however, the government wants farmers to use certified Israeli seeds which need periodic medicine due to soil of Adıyaman if they want subsidy from the government.

The result, the small farms cannot produce that unique quality cotton.

Who wins?
a chp supporter telling akp mhp hdp together?really?how old is this news?
aq on which planet are you?planet of the 3 apes?no tv,no newspaper,no radio,no internet!?! just the toilet papers sözcü and cumhuriyet?? do you really believe that! man just one time,just one f*ckn time,use your brain.
you may not like or hate Erdo or mhp but telling that those are with hdp together.....while chp kolkola with these MF...
and the election is just in 2 weeks
i just can´t believe it! for gods sake!
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Avcılar’da düzenlenen Çanakkale Zaferi anma etkinliğinde, Askerlik Şubesi Başkanı Albay Önder İrevül, yapılan duada Atatürk’ün adı anılmadığı için salonu terk etti...
The source: https://odatv.com/ataturk-adi-gecmedi-diye-tepki-koyan-albayla-ilgili-flas-iddia-19031952.html

A Turk colonel asked a teacher why not to mention the name of Atatürk in the pray for the Çanakkale soldiers, and left the room.
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