A representative from the main opposition party talks about the Ruling party and its ''achievements'', here is some of them:
- The only muslim leader in the world is Mr.Erdoğan, WHO has got the Davut star medal from the jew lobbies in USA,
- The Kürecik Radar station of NATO is installed by the permission of The AKP and Erdoğan, which protects the Israel from Iran,Syria etc.,
- Turkey has made some secret agreements with Israel during the AKP and Erdoğan government,
- The veto on Israeli participation into the NATO exercises is lifted by the AKP and Erdoğan government,
- The veto on The acceptance of Israel into OECD membership is lifted by the AKP and Erdoğan government,
- In The vote on the investigation of nukes in Israel , Turkey stayed abstained by the order of The AKP and Erdoğan government,
- The Minister of Education sent a message to the schools , which says you(school principles) do not ban any Israeli products in schools, ...etc...etc...
However, the same AKP and Erdoğan government plays the hero on Palestine issue...
feel fooled?