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Soma Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Alp Gürkan ve madenin yöneticileri tarafından düzenlenen ortak basın toplantısında madende yaşam odası bulunup bulunmadığına yönelik soruya cevap verildi.

Madende yaşam odası bulunup bulunmadığıyla ilgili madenin yetkilileri şu şekilde konuştu:

Madeni ilk işletmeye başladığımızda 1 tane yaşam odası oluşturduk. Bu oda 500 işçi kapasiteliydi. İşçilerimizin en yoğun çalıştığı yere bu alanı oluşturduk.

Ancak kurduğumuz alanda çalışmalar bitince o odayı sökerek farklı bir yere kurma çalışmalarımız sürüyordu.

O yüzden madenimizde yaşam odası yoktu. Kömür madeninin içine yaşam odası yapılamaz. Zaten kanunen yaşam odası yapma zorunluluğu yok.

Madenin yetkililerinden kahreden itiraf!

So, there was an emergency room, but they removed it once they were finished in that area, but they didnt create a new one in the new area? Did i understand that correctly?
A very sad and confused uncle was the source of that rumor. Nothing intentional...

come with the real and logical things, we must discuss these kind of problems. So how many childreen was working and who let them etc. ?

But don't blame the Government with the irrelevant things....
If i swear of your death mom and swearing of your family what will you do ?

If you would ''kill'' 300 people and visit there by making a statement that these deaths are normal in such business, And then swear them Israeli offspring with some punches , and then kick them while a few guards holding them on the ground, and then say i am actually the one WHO is attacked and injured.

What would you think?
If you would ''kill'' 300 people and visit there by making a statement that these deaths are normal in such business, And then swear them Israeli offspring with some punches , and then kick them while a few guards holding them on the ground, and then say i am actually the one WHO is attacked and injured.

What would you think?

Do you know who was that man ? relative of miners or what ?
If you would ''kill'' 300 people and visit there by making a statement that these deaths are normal in such business, And then swear them Israeli offspring with some punches , and then kick them while a few guards holding them on the ground, and then say i am actually the one WHO is attacked and injured.

What would you think?

Adamlar mafya mı hükümet mi belli değil.
Memleket Arabistan'a dönmemişse, hala iyi kötü bir teknolojik ilerleme, bilimsel atılımlar varsa bil ki daha buralardayız. İçini ferah tut, bir kaç sene içinde memleketten nasıl kaçılır hep birlikte göreceğiz :)

Biz burdayız da en ufak bir olayda niye kaçıyor sizinkiler onu anlamadık 200 yıldan beri böyle yürüyor zaten, Allah bakalım fırsat mı verecek yoksa helak mı edecek onu bekleyip göreceğiz.
Do you know who was that man ? relative of miners or what ?

I think you should tell Sümeyye to send an upgraded version of you, for you are lagging out.

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I see now why...
Don't take it personally but Minimum Three :rofl:

LOVE ARABS! :nana: and You can Hate Arabs because Islam came from them! isn't it?!?! your zionist mentality....
Don't take it personally but Minimum Three :rofl:

LOVE ARABS! :nana: and You can Hate Arabs because Islam came from them! isn't it?!?! your zionist mentality....

Lol, anyone who disagrees is a Zionist.
Lol, anyone who disagrees is a Zionist.

i didn't say you are zionist, this mentality coming from them, just you don't aware it :disagree:
asıl israil dölü onlardan yahudi cesaret ödülünü alandır ..
They were really prepared after accident they attacked with documents, instruments, long articles with provocateurs from UK and Israel (just i know two these detected maybe more) so they targetted directly government and Erdogan. As normally they must interrogate that mine-owner but they passed him because he was MASON!

These CHP and their devils really working Hard with their overseas partners! DAMN IT! After investigations we will see trues..... I Hope it was not Sabotage if IT IS!!! we must catch all THOSE criminals....

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