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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We did not station any heavy artillery nor any tank in İdlib. They are stationed in Hatay & Kilis borders.

Should we station heavy weapons in İdlib? Yes, we should. Are we doing it? No, we are not.

As long as current retarded government stays in power, they will keep doing nothing against HTS, which will put Turkey in a disgusting position against Russia & SAA. We supposed to remove HTS months ago when Russia&SAA were busy to remove terrorist scums in Daraa. We did nothing plus nothing. Now our president cries as "what would we do if 3.5million people come from Idlib to Turkey?" amk çomarı they wouldn't come if you remove HTS by yourself.
Nothing can stop Ppl mvt... Israeli walls that are the highest on earth for a border...can't stop ppl...

Walls aren't meant to stop...but to "control" the influx...

A wall is a obstacle. Nobody said it’s insurmountable. The meaning of a wall is deterrence, demarcation, hurdle. They should prevent people to cross the line. Simultaneously, a high wall makes it easier to discover people who try to surmount the wall.
We did not station any heavy artillery nor any tank in İdlib. They are stationed in Hatay & Kilis borders.

Should we station heavy weapons in İdlib? Yes, we should. Are we doing it? No, we are not.

As long as current retarded government stays in power, they will keep doing nothing against HTS, which will put Turkey in a disgusting position against Russia & SAA. We supposed to remove HTS months ago when Russia&SAA were busy to remove terrorist scums in Daraa. We did nothing plus nothing. Now our president cries as "what would we do if 3.5million people come from Idlib to Turkey?" amk çomarı they wouldn't come if you remove HTS by yourself.
There is no clean way to cleanse Idlib from HTS, without enduring significant number of Turkish soldier loss; other than mass bombardments. You are underestimating militant groups like HTS, they can hurt conventional armies like TSK (which are structured to fight conventional territorial wars). Turkey should funnel possible refugee flow beyond the borders and let Syrian government to deal with their own mess for ONCE.
without enduring significant number of Turkish soldier loss
You probably tried to mean "zero Turkish soldier loss" since we would just give air support and artillery support to TFSA.

Seriously guys, there is a huge intelligence problem with your minds. Did you really thought that we would push our commando units on ground against HTS? Seriously? Who does that? o_O
You probably tried to mean "zero Turkish soldier loss" since we would just give air support and artillery support to TFSA.

Seriously guys, there is a huge intelligence problem with your minds. Did you really thought that we would push our commando units on ground against HTS? Seriously? Who does that? o_O
I am sorry but you still fail to see the organic relationships between TFSA related groups with HTS. TFSA can not cleanse HTS from Idlib. What do you think will happen? Will they become vapor and fly away? HTS can defeat TFSA easily, unless TSK giving massive air bombardment support; which is basically doing what Syria is trying to do anyway. Do you think civilians will not flee to Turkey in that case? The result will be the same. Let the Syrian government deal with their own problem for once, let them deal with their refugee mess for once. Let us see how they will try to house and feed millions of refugees in Syria while Idlib becomes another series of rubble towns.
Answers of your questions;

- That is a most popular fake myth, everyone on the ground knows who controls which village.
- HTS would be liquidated pretty easily in that scenario.
- No civilians have run to Turkey when 9 towns and 51 villages exchanged between HTS and FSA during last clashes between them, so nobody will run to Turkey if HTS and TFSA clash. They would run to Turkey if they see SAA & Hezbollah.
Answers of your questions;

- That is a most popular fake myth, everyone on the ground knows who controls which village.
- HTS would be liquidated pretty easily in that scenario.
- No civilians have run to Turkey when 9 towns and 51 villages exchanged between HTS and FSA during last clashes between them, so nobody will run to Turkey if HTS and TFSA clash. They would run to Turkey if they see SAA & Hezbollah.
Almost for a year with the whole support of Turkish intelligence, Turkey still couldnt dismantle HTS. Even Syrian regime intelligence is much more successful in terms of destroying command structure than Turkish intelligence. I am sorry to wake you up about your myth about how Turkish intelligence is strong and active every where; but Turkish intelligence have been unable to move HTS an inch and not even able to persuade other rebel groups to take a stance against them. I am not even talking about the inability of dismantling PKK transforming into a statelet. Lets face the reality and accept that Turkey does not have the power to change the situation in Idlib other than pushing our precious Mehmetçik to die there pointlessly.
how Turkish intelligence is strong
i didn't even claim this? o_O Do you even read?

I said that "everyone on the ground knows who control which village", our army is capable of coordinate TFSA forces on the ground, those who knows where they control and where HTS control. Come on now.

pushing our precious Mehmetçik to die there pointlessly.
Why the **** would you do that? Who does that? Nobody does that, and this wouldn't even happen in any scenario. Why you are putting such nonsense as an argument? What is wrong with you aq o_O
i didn't even claim this? o_O Do you even read?

I said that "everyone on the ground knows who control which village", our army is capable of coordinate TFSA forces on the ground, those who knows where they control and where HTS control. Come on now.

Why the **** would you do that? Who does that? Nobody does that, and this wouldn't even happen in any scenario. Why you are putting such nonsense as an argument? What is wrong with you aq o_O
I want you to ask yourself, why wasnt Turkey able to do anything at all to prevent giving Russia-Iran-Syria regime to have a casus belli to start such an Idlib operation, which is immensively damaging to Turkey. It is clear that Turkey was not able to change the current situation at all, transforming the deescalation deal into a political process. For months, rebel groups have been sending armed drones to Russian outputs in Latakia. For months, Russia has warned Turkey to take a step. As expected, Turkey can do nothing other than talking without the backing of realities on the ground; since everybody knows that we dont have any influence on the ground at all.
why wasnt Turkey able to do anything at all to prevent giving Russia-Iran-Syria regime to have a casus belli to start such an Idlib operation
Because our government is retarded, they don't understand threats towards Turkey until zero-hour comes. This is not a new thing. All previous military operations were also zero-hour attemps;

Euphrates Shield: Zero-hour operation. Our retarded government waited until PKK to pass Sajur River and come very very close to Jarablus. That was going to be disaster, we should have start ES operation years ago, but had to start that moment bcs of our government's retardation.

Operation Olive Branch: Another zero-hour operation. Our retarded government waited until US generals start talking possible US-led military operation against HTS/Al-Nusra by using PKK in Afrin. So our retarded government realizes the threat in last hour, and we immedeately started the operation to prevent possible loss of Idlib to PKK.

Al Ais observation point: We signed an agreement in Astana to put up 12 observation points, but our retarded government did not put them up for months even we had to do that due to legal agreement. When SAA starts rolling in Idlib, our retarded government realizes the threat, and they rushed military convoy in Syria to prevent such disaster, in last hour, since they are stupid af. One soldier martyred in the road to Al Ais due to we rushed in and didn't take all security measurements for no reason.

As you can see, now, Idlib actions are also another zero-hour attemp. This is the case why we did not and do not prevent such disasters until last hour; we do not have government with capable & stable brains.
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Because they are retarded, they don't understand threats towards Turkey until zero-hour comes. This is not a new thing. All previous military operations were also zero-hour attemps;

Euphrates Shield: Zero-hour operation. Our retarded government waited until PKK to pass Sajur River and come very very close to Jarablus. That was going to be disaster, we should have start ES operation years ago, but had to start that moment bcs of our government's retardation.

Operation Olive Branch: Another zero-hour operation. Our retarded government waited until US generals start talking possible US-led military operation against HTS/Al-Nusra by using PKK in Afrin. So our retarded government realizes the threat in last hour, and we immedeately started the operation to prevent possible loss of Idlib to PKK.

Al Ais observation point: We signed an agreement in Astana to put up 12 observation points, but our retarded government did not put them up for months even we had to do that due to legal agreement. When SAA starts rolling in Idlib, our retarded government realizes the threat, and they rushed military convoy in Syria to prevent such disaster, in last hour, since they are stupid af. One soldier martyred in the road to Al Ais due to we rushed in and didn't take all security measurements for no reason.

As you can see, now, Idlib actions are also another zero-hour attemp. This is the case why we did not and do not prevent such disasters until last hour; we do not have government with capable & stable brains.
These things do not happen due to lack of brains, Turkey have capable human resources. However, the whole bureacracy is out of the loop. Unfortunately, our foreign policy in Syria being driven by a certain person's personal vendetta against Assad. It is either Turkey seeks out its interests by cooperating with Syria, for new realities; or we will see PKK statelet isolating Turkey from ME becoming a reality.
As long as we don't get any refugees and sustain any casualities I don't give a **** what happens to Idlib and the scum fighting over it
As long as we don't get any refugees and sustain any casualities I don't give a **** what happens to Idlib and the scum fighting over it
I'm guessing this is also the mindset of our government currently, they have long given up their ambitions and try to fix the Syrian issue but as you said no matter what happens we should NOT accept any refugees any more instead focus efforts on bringing the rest to Syria.

This is retarded. Our retarded government could stop this by annihilating HTS pretty easily. But instead, civilians started to move towards our border even there is not any land attack. Even civilians in İdlib know that our government is utterly retarded and incapable to stop anything.

We have to start immediate military operation against HTS, in next week or so. TFSA will be our land toys, we will give them air and artillery support. It's easy amk.

Our economy cannot survive from 1/10 refugee to population ratio o_O That is impossible.
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