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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

No, Turkey could take it within a week if not respecting human rights and protecting civilians. As the US leveled Raqqa

Wars are not as simple as you think , the US leveled Raqqa but took it after 1 year of fighting .
US Army took them over 2 years to take over small town fallujah in Iraq back during US occupation in Iraq .

These were flat regions nothing compared to Afrin Mountainous regions covered with forests .
Wars are not as simple as you think , the US leveled Raqqa but took it after 1 year of fighting .
US Army took them over 2 years to take over small town fallujah in Iraq back during US occupation in Iraq .

These were flat regions nothing compared to Afrin Mountainous regions covered with forests .
Don't waste your time explaining internet war heroes how a civil war intervention in such a quagmire like Syria works. You'll receive the usual answers like *we stroooonk*.
Don't waste your time explaining internet war heroes how a civil war intervention in such a quagmire like Syria works. You'll receive the usual answers like *we stroooonk*.

PKK propaganda relies on exaggerating Turkish army losses and showing dead civilian pictures to push domestic parties in Turkey and the international community to halt the operations.

Erdogan is a horrible president in my opinion but this operation is required to protect Syria, Turkey and Iraq from American partition plans, all Turks should support Army regardless of their political view of Erdogan.

Turkey certainly has the strong army but wars are more than Just armies, its how you plan well and minimize losses among your troops.

Turkish army has prepared well of this operation and they know better than anyone of us here how long it should take.
I hope you are joking o_O FSA has Turkish tech access, they are the advanced one, and they captured the hill, which means you also have elevation advantage.

PKK does not have any night vision goggles/optics, FSA has, and even if not they can just ask Turkish military personnel and acquire enough amount of them.

But what FSA did? They run away from the hill, at night, where they have vision and elevation advantage against PKK scum where they were in lower altitute and couldn't see anything at night o_O

They said there are so many and such long tunnels in that complex that they didn't have time to investigate all of them before nightfall. What happens if the PKK comes through one unknown tunnel at night and kills some of our troops or FSA troops, like happened at Al-Bab? The commanders in the field are doing a good job so far and I have no doubt they made the right decision in this case.
This operation will be tough and take a long time . Fas and tsk liberation 10 villages in 2 days . Afrin canton contains 367 villages and towns .

Tsk and fsa will need a least 6-8 weeks to take over all villages and towns before starting Afrin city battle which would on its own take a few weeks to .

This is a complex operation in a difficult environment where there are over 10;000 pyd soldiers armed to teeth by Americans . The kurds will fight hard for Afrin it's their most important homeland ; losing it would mean the end of the kurdish dream .

The Iraq army spent over 1 year with 100 thousand troops and American carpet bombing to liberate mosul and it's surrounding from only 3000 isil fighters
We need no haste...we should take it slow, wear them down and minimize casualties.
Oğuz did you see the Tunnels video inside that hill ? its 90 cm think concrete and they have 5 fixed positions similar like germans in normandy. And they had a tunnel that so long they coudnt find the other exit. Personally i prefer this way. We must not give casualties. This is our achilles heel.

Do you have pictures of this tunnel?
In this case slower option is better option. I know I have been vocal in past of blitzkrieg style corridors in other sdf held areas but afrin has very diverse terrain.

Its important to capture key villages, hilltops and vantage points before just driving to Afrin in 24 hours and then getting ambushed. Also slow approach will weardown the enemy, destroy their moral and have them panicking and delerious after 6 weeks.

If i was General OF TAF I would keep up pressure than after 6 weeks launch major battlespace op which would include a surge of regular Turkish troops. Maybe some grey wolves volunteers as well, football hooligans and other motivated guys for clear up ops like the Russians use.
Even though Donkey hunting was banned internationally its still going in Afrin .

Videos like this shouldn't be published. Terrorists learn from these. For example even someone with 0 knowledge on military equipment learns these from this video:
1- If you run fast you can escape grenade/rocket attacks.
2- If after an explosion you lie down the attacker will think you are dead and move on.
Videos like this shouldn't be published. Terrorists learn from these. For example even someone with 0 knowledge on military equipment learns these from this video:
1- If you run fast you can escape grenade/rocket attacks.
2- If after an explosion you lie down the attacker will think you are dead and move on.

Most men that fight are tricked into fighting for YPG. It is kind of sad since they don’t know what they got into and they probably threatened their family if they didn’t join YPG. That said you are right. Probably FBI watching this and giving instructions to YPG leadership.

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