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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Of course not. Its all part of the psy ops campaign cordinated with regime and it allies.
Just like those crazy *** reports about White Helmets preapering false flag chamical attack. One more thing, as per statment for russian MOD they consider terorist all of those who refused to surrender to slavery of Assad regime in former de escelation zones and moved to Idlib; Northern Homs, Daara, Ghouta.. vast majority of which were FSA, not HTS ( most of those who stayed, their commanders and members are now being arrested or executed in those former zones. All this de escalation policy was a sham to by time for regime and Iran/Russia so they can isolate them, concentrete their forces, and finished them one by one.

Seems they thought that Turskih red line is the same as that of US/ Jordan. Well, Its not.

And, those two posters, were chearing turkish and FSA casulties in Afrin, Reyhanly bombing... they are propaganda arm of regime inteligence.

Turkish backed NLF purging regime agents in West Aleppo.

It's me or those Tanks aren't the Upgraded ones? Can't see the newly addons...
If someone can get clearer image of those few tanks that went to Inside Idlib...
So, if They are indeed the old version... Does that mean "they could be used" by others than only TSK?
It's me or those Tanks aren't the Upgraded ones? Can't see the newly addons...
If someone can get clearer image of those few tanks that went to Inside Idlib...
So, if They are indeed the old version... Does that mean "they could be used" by others than only TSK?

No, there not. co nsidering where are they going, to Morek, the most exposed of TSK outposts. I assume TSK dont want em in worst case scenario to end up in regime/russian hands, along with high end techlogy packs installed in them. Dont warry TSK crews are more then a match for for russian T72 and their syrian crews.
I wouldn recommend to the regime to target the outposts.

But those waiting on the border are upgraded versions.

let me quote US general for the third time: dont f.uck with the Turks

So, we DID NOT attack on HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorist scum when SAA & Russia were busy in Daraa for months, but instead we sit and did absolutely NOTHING for months, and now are we really begging to joing operation against HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorist scum?


Our Syrian policy is being drawn by bunch of retarded zombies.

Don't get sucked in by Assad propagandists & career liars

The SAA are openly using former takfiris in their ranks and promoting it as "reconciliation". They have no right to accuse others of supporting Nusra. Remember that ISIL is an Assad creation as he was the one who let them out of the prisons to infiltrate FSA ranks in 2013.
Don't get sucked in by Assad propagandists & career liars

The SAA are openly using former takfiris in their ranks and promoting it as "reconciliation". They have no right to accuse others of supporting Nusra. Remember that ISIL is an Assad creation as he was the one who let them out of the prisons to infiltrate FSA ranks in 2013.
There are few Thousands of Ex AQ/FSA fighters among ASSad forces that are "right now" on the Idlib Front.
They are the "reconciliation" Fighters from last 2 Months in South Syria/Daraa...

And it's because of those "reconciliation" fighter aka Traitor that Daraa Lighting hand over happen... Remember those AQ/FSA soldiers that gave Hundreds and Hundreds of Different Weapons in South Syria after 3 days of Offensive, where ASSad/RU/IR misthough many ATGM for beings Javelin and even "exposing them" in front of Journalist... Quite an Humiliation in the Process...

Anyway... Daraa fell because of those few AQ/FSA soldiers who opened the gate...And let those guys flood the area... and crush the limited Mental strength some still had...

So, That's why we've got those OP that arrest the same types of Guy in Idlib right now... Whatever they are HTS or FSA... At least they've got to see and act before it's too late...

That's why the Psychological war/Factor IS right now is the Top weapon that will dictate Idlib fall or not... And the most important "Trigger" is The Daily TR Level of Involvement... Idlib didn't fall into chaos, mostly because of TR stance in that previous week+... Otherwise it will be Daraa 2.0...
Therefore the moment TR stance on Idlib slightly change...Then one side or the other will start the fight...
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peacful protests in Idleb, North Hama,...

of course turskih flags everywhere

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President Erdogan will call em inhumane again on live TV ? :D

Hope Russians dont lead with threats. That would be a mistake.
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