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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

With SAA/Pro-ASSad/Hezb/Iran who wish to push their forces to Idlib... at all cost... An Inside Fight btw HTS/FSA/TR could end up bad for the Great Idlib (and even beyond, like Afrin/Jarabulus/Albab)... Infighting will lead to instability in ranks and Border control.

Whatever HTS lose or win, the Enemies will take the opportunity to push the lines by using those "Pro-ASSad militia" that no one want to acknowledge... Like the one we saw in the Afrin Op, that came to the rescue of YPG...
But this time, their numbers will be way higher and their "Ideology" will be stronger.

Idlib and around is the last point to take for ASSad and affiliate... Whatever TR find a deal with RU or not...They will push in... They need it, to maintain power upon what is left of Syria... and cement their "legitimacy" to the throne.

RU is losing "power" or at least, is not seen as a "King maker" anymore, since we are at the End of the conflict, many sees Idlib and Northern Syria as only a formality... that is being blocked by TR-RU relationship...Nowadays,we can see discontent arising from some pro-Assad and affiliate about RU, not being "faithful" to the cause... a First since their arrival. (Another critics is being Too close and Too soft to old rebels group/demands)

TR will have to make a choice... Endorse Idlib as a region to "take/Govern" by their own hands and therefore opening the road to some sort of "Annexation/Autonomy" or Play with every players on the ground, like HTS/FSA, and use it a true "buffer zone", but in such scenario, it will be equal to gambling...Whatever or not they can handle enemy offensive...

In the End... TR could lose a lot... Whatever is Influence as a regional power, by their inability to maintain "something" against adversaries or/& giving it up for Diplomacy... and in Security for her border, by letting slip away a "buffer zone"... That's ofc in the worst case scenario...

If Russia wants to consolidate its influence, one play could be to encourage SAA to attack Turkish observation points in Idlib, drawing Turkey to respond and ofcourse destroy pro-Assad assets, and then when Turkey drives Assad back Russia would come and "save" Assad with their air force (only a show of force - no actual fighting), while coordinating this in secret with Turkey to make sure it doesn't escalate. That way their position improves both with Assad and Turkey.
If Russia wants to consolidate its influence, one play could be to encourage SAA to attack Turkish observation points in Idlib, drawing Turkey to respond and ofcourse destroy pro-Assad assets, and then when Turkey drives Assad back Russia would come and "save" Assad with their air force (only a show of force - no actual fighting), while coordinating this in secret with Turkey to make sure it doesn't escalate. That way their position improves both with Assad and Turkey.

The thing with TR observation points, is that you can't touch them... it's part of the deal... Meaning if by any chance someone outside of Idlib attack those points, then it's automatically the fault of ASSad/IR and RU combined.
For NDF or any other affiliated groups... you need the permission to pass to Idlib, Whatever from IR checkpoints/ASSad or RU...

Either way... The One who let it happen, will lose his credibility among the group... and it's influence.

Like what happened in AFrin... The one who let pass those NDF to fight against TR was RU... Many back in the days, said that it was IR/ASSad that pushed those NDF, and it's right... but the one who opened the checkpoint is RU... Why? it's simple... RU do not hold all the power... Neither can he show his allies, that he is against them ( by blocking their movement)

That's why, TR shouldn't take the word of RU as granted or as supremein Syria... But I think they already know that. Therefore it's quite tricky...
That's why, 3 solutions are in hands for TR... Keep the Buffer game and be prepared to lose all of it, by future "confrontation" or Pave the way to an"Annexation" that will lock that land... and get prepared for problems that come with it or Push With all parties to some sort of Federal state/Autonomy...
Yeah i just shared this in previous pages, there was a discussion about our government's retarded pacifist status against HTS and it's negative results that others keep trying to join İdlib theater, even China..

If our government keeps this retardation in high dosage, even north korea and maltives will join İdlib theater o_O
Well, it's from Stratfor and timing is quite interesting. It's highly possible that they are trying to undermine Turkey-China economic relations.

So after a few chinese tourists in Cappadocia, some photos of Erdogan with the BRICS leaders and a 3,6$ billion Chinese loan you think Turkey and China are now strategic partners or something? :D

Chinese will be more than happy to catch Turks in their debt trap, to continue flooding our markets with their cheap products and be sure that they didn’t forgot about East Turkestan and their appetite for Central Asia. Turkish medias and Government might have forgot about the Uyghurs and the other Turkic States but the Chinese for sure didn’t.

Years back when Stratfor was calling Turkey a future Superpower many were pissing their pants from happiness but today when they post about a possible Chinese involvement in Syria to most probably chase down Uyghur Islamists and be just a pain in the *** of Trump (which many said will happen in the past but didn’t because China wants to stay away from the Middle East conflicts) you say that Evil Americas are at it again.

More and more Turks these days show their “drowning man trying to catch a straw” mentality... Which is normal for a country with no real allies, many enemies all around them and enough people ready to exploit them in that position.
Yeah i just shared this in previous pages, there was a discussion about our government's retarded pacifist status against HTS and it's negative results that others keep trying to join İdlib theater, even China..

If our government keeps this retardation in high dosage, even north korea and maltives will join İdlib theater o_O

This time I think you are being a little hypocritical here.
Your sympathy and support to China is more disgusting than our government.
You are probably illiterate or completely retarded, it was not a support towards China being a player in Idlib, but the other way around o_O

Your lack of intelligence is more disgusting than our government's retardation.
You are probably illiterate or completely retarded, it was not a support towards China being a player in Idlib, but the other way around o_O

Your lack of intelligence is more disgusting than our government's retardation.

Rus dışişleri: "İdlib'e öldürücü darbe indirilmeli"..
Trump, Putin'i ikna etmiş olmalı ki Ruslar; "Türkiye'yi Suriye'den çıkartmakta ısrarcıyız" demiş..

Buna fırsatçılık derler! Türk Devleti kendisine kurulmak istenen komploya karşı İdlip'i gündeminde tutmalı, İdlip'in Kuzeyinden gelebilecek teröre önlem almalıdır. Çin -Rusya ittifakı kurulursa ABD-Rusya anlaşması bozulur.
Rus dışişleri: "İdlib'e öldürücü darbe indirilmeli"..
Trump, Putin'i ikna etmiş olmalı ki Ruslar; "Türkiye'yi Suriye'den çıkartmakta ısrarcıyız" demiş..

Buna fırsatçılık derler! Türk Devleti kendisine kurulmak istenen komploya karşı İdlip'i gündeminde tutmalı, İdlip'in Kuzeyinden gelebilecek teröre önlem almalıdır. Çin -Rusya ittifakı kurulursa ABD-Rusya anlaşması bozulur.

... and you are telling these to me, because? o_O I was the one who criticized our goverment's retarded pacifist status towards HTS which leads other countries to intervene amk. It really shouln't be so hard to be absorben by any human brain.
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