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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I think rebels in Idlib are more disciplined than for example 1 or 2 months back and won't do something big enough to provoke the enemy forces for a large offense. There are ISIS entities in Idlib already in the form of sleeping cells. I have some concerns about Assad agents and ISIS mercenaries working coordinated in a joint network in Idlib. The operations made by rebels and HTS are telling us stories about ISIS and Assad sleeping cells who make sabotages and killings. I am sure that in the needed moment ISIS can turn to Al Muhabarat agent and Al Muhabarat agent can turn to ISIS. Its very easy to claim somebody's name. The situation is really concerning at the moment. We will see what will happen. I am also wondering what happened to the rebels evacuated from Southern Syria? Did they joined some groups in Idlib or just retired :)?

Yes, Claiming something that isn't yours is easy...and that's what ASSad will try to do... You just need "few" to start that mess... And TR would not be able to do much... if they choose to move on Idlib, If TR take the decision to fight back/protect... they will need Days/weeks to mobilize her troops, the only direct support will be in the Air (If Russia let them in ofc) afterall... RU plane will mostly participate... at least...they did every other time...

As for Southern fighters, most of them joined FSA ranks,But they weren't much left alive/rdy to fight after the ASSad op in the south...
Yes, Claiming something that isn't yours is easy...and that's what ASSad will try to do... You just need "few" to start that mess... And TR would not be able to do much... if they choose to move on Idlib, If TR take the decision to fight back/protect... they will need Days/weeks to mobilize her troops, the only direct support will be in the Air (If Russia let them in ofc) afterall... RU plane will mostly participate... at least...they did every other time...

As for Southern fighters, most of them joined FSA ranks,But they weren't much left alive/rdy to fight after the ASSad op in the south...

Seems you do not understand that the state is above ruler. Disliking Assad doesn't make it ok to trash the SAA, join another side that fights against the interest of a united Syrian state and has its leaders stationed abroad. Idlib should be under the SAA as all of Syria should be.

As for claiming something that isn't yours, Idlib belongs to Syria, the state of Syria and its military.
Seems you do not understand that the state is above ruler. Disliking Assad doesn't make it ok to trash the SAA, join another side that fights against the interest of a united Syrian state and has its leaders stationed abroad. Idlib should be under the SAA as all of Syria should be.

As for claiming something that isn't yours, Idlib belongs to Syria, the state of Syria and its military.

Yeah... Let's love and Cherish a sys and his leader for a 7 years war ( and more to come) and that pushed 500K Syrians to die and 6+Mil Refugees...
Yeah... bring the flowers... Say the Iraqi who's half of his countrymen helped the US to trash their own people... Humiliate the Other half... and till this day... Making Iraq their Summer camp...

Here you can sing it...


ps: Nowadays Allah is in Option for them...

But if you need some "Bachar"... Why not do as him? You can start firing at the Basra cround...who is asking for a better life... But who knows what could happen... In the next Day headlines " Basra crowd is made of AQ/terros, don't be fooled"
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Yeah... Let's love and Cherish a sys and his leader for a 7 years war ( and more to come) and that pushed 500K Syrians to die and 6+Mil Refugees...
Yeah... bring the flowers... Say the Iraqi who's half of his countrymen helped the US to trash their own people... Humiliate the Other half... and till this day... Making Iraq their Summer camp...

Whilst the majority in Iraq hated Saddam, the majority (including the Shia) did not side with Iran during the 8 year war. They didn't fight for Saddam, he just happened to be the leader. In 2003 they welcomed regime change, not the US presence which was quickly fought against. That's completely different from you stating that Idlib doesn't belong to Assad, since when does it belong to a single person? It belongs to Syria, the SAA just as Al-Faw peninsula which was occupied by Iran for 2 years (1986-1988) belongs to Iraq. Or wait, your logic: 'It doesn't belong to Saddam'.

Syria has experienced heavy external meddling and a war largely orchestrated by neighboring Turkey, do people here have that short memories? Did everyone forget the 'FSA' leadership was residing in Turkey back in the early days of 2011 and 2012. The mess would not have become this big if Turkey didn't do what it did and if Jordan kept its borders shut, instead they worked with America to trash the country. Now you're trying to sell me some MB story in favor of Erdogan, no one needs that shit.

The sooner the SAA enters Idlib the better, it would be great if Iran deploys 20K troops to aid that.
Whilst the majority in Iraq hated Saddam, the majority (including the Shia) did not side with Iran during the 8 year war. They didn't fight for Saddam, he just happened to be the leader. In 2003 they welcomed regime change, not the US presence which was quickly fought against. That's completely different from you stating that Idlib doesn't belong to Assad, since when does it belong to a single person? It belongs to Syria, the SAA just as Al-Faw peninsula which was occupied by Iran for 2 years (1986-1988) belongs to Iraq. Or wait, your logic: 'It doesn't belong to Saddam'.

Syria has experienced heavy external meddling and a war largely orchestrated by neighboring Turkey, do people here have that short memories? Did everyone forget the 'FSA' leadership was residing in Turkey back in the early days of 2011 and 2012. The mess would not have become this big if Turkey didn't do what it did and if Jordan kept its borders shut, instead they worked with America to trash the country. Now you're trying to sell me some MB story in favor of Erdogan, no one needs that shit.

The sooner the SAA enters Idlib the better, it would be great if Iran deploys 20K troops to aid that.

Accusing a foreign country to meddle in Syria While asking Iran to Intervene with even more soldiers... The apex of Paradox... or Hypocrisy...you choose.
The Syria sh*tstorm would have been over if Iran didn't pump billions into ASSad pockets and Russian Intervention... Assad could have stepped down and put a puppet and everything could have ended... But nah... Dictator a day...Dictator for ever...

If you can't see the madness...the wrongdoing of such man and corrupted sys... then don't be surprised that your own country is falling deeper, day after day into oblivion and corruption... or Maybe "Wrongdoing" is accepted only if it's in your own home... Beyond the Borders...it's another story...
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Accusing a foreign country to meddle in Syria While asking Iran to Intervene with even more soldiers... The apex of Paradox... or Hypocrisy...you choose.
The Syria sh*tstorm would have been over if Iran didn't pump billions into ASSad pockets and Russian Intervention... Assad could have stepped down and put a puppet and everything could have ended... But nah... Dictator a day...Dictator for ever...

If you can't see the madness...the wrongdoing of such man and corrupted sys... then don't be surprised that your own country is falling deeper, day after day into oblivion and corruption...
Let them be brother. Their short memories are forgetting how Assad family were harboring PKK terrorists almost from their beginning till present days. We had to enter Syria with our tanks back in 1998 if someone asks me.
Lots of talks of an Idlib operation by the SAA, no surprise YPG / Kurds have sold there arses already to Assad apparently they will liberate Afrin after Idlib lol.
... But if we keep ignoring Al Qaeda existence in Idlib, we will have a huge problem. Assad and Putin can use the existence of AQ in Idlib as justification for new operation. We need to cleanse AQ as soon as possible.
Either i am a super duper genius in foreign policy or current government is utterly retarded. (second one) o_O

How couldn't they see this simple fact? Aq çomarları running our national benefits into garbage bin.
Can you see any "intense shelling", or even "any shelling" in Jarablus/Al Bab/Azez/Jinderes/Afrin?

Rebels haven't assaulted from any of those fronts into SAA territory for a very long time, unlike Latakia, where rebels did a raid a couple weeks ago. There's shelling happening there all the time and probably SAA will try to take some of those hills back too.
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