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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Five Turkish troops were killed in the shelling of an observation post in Syria’s Idlib province, Ankara has said, blaming Damascus for the attack. Turkish forces then fired on Syrian Army positions.

“Five of our troops were killed and five others were injured in the shelling by the Syrian regime,”
the Turkish Defense Ministry said on Monday, adding that “return fire was opened.”

It’s not the first shelling incident between Turkish and Syrian forces in Idlib. A week ago, six Turkish troops were killed by Syrian artillery fire in an incident that Russia said was a result of miscommunication.

The casualties could have been avoided if Ankara properly notified Damascus that it was moving troops in a border area where Damascus was holding an anti-terrorist operation at the time, Moscow said.

Turkey retaliated for the Monday attack, claiming that dozens of Syrian troops were killed, and called on Moscow to put pressure on Damascus to halt its offensive in Idlib.

The Idlib province in northwestern Syria remains the last terrorist enclave in the country. The area has been declared a “de-escalation zone” under an agreement between Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Ankara is expected to use its influence on anti-government militants to prevent fighting with Damascus troops in order to create the basis for a peaceful resolution.

However, jihadist groups in Idlib continue hostile activities, with Russia saying there were several thousand attacks in the last two months alone, in which hundreds of Syrian troops and civilians died.


You can never hear these words from these POS politicians.

None of them have any hunger of winning.
Inna Lil Lahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rauji Oun, brothers :(

It's payback time...Assad must pay for this.


Mods, plz merge the threads @AgNoStiC MuSliM @The Eagle



But why ?? These Turkish soldiers are on another country's sovereign territory. Would you like Afghan soldiers to be on Pakistani territory and kill Pakistani soldiers ??

Incorrect argument, dear. Syria is a failed entity now...Every fucker is involved there so why not Turkiye, being the most affected one? Turkiye is neighbor of Syria.......Turks can't afford to allow everyone to play in their backyard and do nothing.
With Kafr Halab taken just now, SAA/RU are shelling/marching on Kafr Nuran and then Mostly Sarmada, So yesterday info was correct... They want to cut the only main TR-Idlib access... Defacto cutting the main way back of TR forces already in Idlib.
They are forcing TR hand... either to go back home or Fight or Get surrounded like the OB points.
You Pakistanis always look to worship a foreign country, at one point it was Saudi Arabia and Arabs in general, today it's Turkey. Just **** off already and sort yourself out

Turks will always be brothers for Pakistanis and we'll help them. Any Problem?

No, Pakistanis don't worship anyone but Allah.

Now, back to topic...

Turks need to be cold calculated and ruthless...No one should take Turkiye for granted.

Greeks must be smirking on this.
Incorrect argument, dear. Syria is a failed entity now...Every fucker is involved there so why not Turkiye, being the most affected one? Turkiye is neighbor of Syria.......Turks can't afford to allow everyone to play in their backyard and do nothing.

It was not always a failed state. Turkey along with the rest of NATO plus GCC plus tens of thousands of proxy terrorists have brought Syria to this state.

If Turkey complains of a Syrian refugee crisis within Turkey, it is Turkey responsible for this.

What should happen is simple. Turkey + rest of NATO + GCC should withdraw themselves from this big war and let Syria and its allies bring Syria back to normal.
If erdogan doesn’t have balls to retaliate then he should resign that’s how things stand from my perspective
Every move that he has made was called a bluff by putin he starts “fake” offensive thinking this would give turkish delegation leverage over russians instead putin responds with killing 5 or more turkish soldiers just wanted to say one thing russian UAV was in the air when regime artillery targeted turks that means russians are complicit
I would respond either with full scale invasion or targeting/destroying what’s left of assad miserable economy would continue peace spring and especially qamislo city should be conquered where russian helicopter base is located that would be great message to russians any other moves are joke if you ask me

Iranian observation posts should be targeted as well **** those sectarian dickheads
But why ?? These Turkish soldiers are on another country's sovereign territory. Would you like Afghan soldiers to be on Pakistani territory and kill Pakistani soldiers ??
The correct analogy would be foreign forces going into an unstable, violence and chaos wracked Afghanistan to conduct security and stabilization operations to prevent said violence and chaos from impacting countries outside of Afghanistan.

You Pakistanis always look to worship a foreign country, at one point it was Saudi Arabia and Arabs in general, today it's Turkey. Just **** off already and sort yourself out
It's not about 'worshiping' a foreign country, it's about public support for those countries that have actually remained loyal and steadfast allies, which the GCC Arabs & Iranians simply have not been over the last several years/few decades.

I mean, was there really a need for the GCC to award the Butcher of Gujrat their highest awards WHILE the Modi government was in the midst of a brutal crackdown in J&K and unilaterally changing its status?

And this will be the only warning - refrain from derogatory generalizations about an entire nation and people. You want to criticize State policy, that's fine, but don't drag the entire nation and its citizens into it.
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