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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We need to train and arm Turkmen brothers with modern equipment, they are the MOST loyal faction to Turkey.
So what's the real news out of the mortar strike on the Turkish observation point?

Are Russians trying to spin this to create narrative which will prevent Turkey from retaliating on SAA? What is the reaction like in Turkey so far?

well, if US was willing to sell Patriots when Turkey asked for it there would be no S400 deal. If US didnt withdrown its Patriots from Turkey after downing of Russian jet, demostrating that Turkey cant relly on US air defence there wouldnt be S400 deal. And with a pullout of US from Iranian deal, which raised risk of posible regional war in which Turkey would be posible target cause of NATO presence there formidable air defence system became even bigger priority. If Israel, Cyprus, US reconized Turkish interests in East Med, there wouldnt be S400 deal.
So, Russia just exploited shorshited US/western policies towards Turkey and bullying to insert itself in the midddle, cashing 2,5 billion while also undermining NATO cohesion.

**** off, filthy Assadist. Go cheer on bombing of hospitals, killings of women and children in their sleep.

Will Russia really sell the S-400 to Turkey?

Somehow I just don't buy it...
So what's the real news out of the mortar strike on the Turkish observation point?

Are Russians trying to spin this to create narrative which will prevent Turkey from retaliating on SAA? What is the reaction like in Turkey so far?

I believe so.

As for S400, its done deal. Delievery is expected next month. I think turkish personel is in Russia in training.
But if Russia and regime escalates fruther in Idlib, targets TSK troops again, I can easly see Turkey responding hard. And that may **** up the deal. Thats my opinion.

more Russian disinfo :

Don't understand you, we didn't talk about the west.

No middle eastern state is comparable to western economies, not just Arab states and Gulf Arab states economies are not either.

Are you saying Turkey has been economically stronger than the rest of the region since the 60s? Look at charts and statistics before you speak.

Are you saying Turkey is more democratic than the rest of the region, now or in the past? They have a history of military coups and the last one just 2 years ago with Erdogan responding by appointing generals loyal to him.

Just because of Tunisia's government being MB you're here parading Turkey's Erdogan project
before Cypris operation, 1 lira was 1 dollar, Turkey risk everything and attacked hundreds time weaker army. But, because of that attack, it has strong army technology today? you know why? somebody joined to Turkish radio and accted like a Turkish general and asked the jet to hit the given coordinate. after jets attack, they found out that it was actually Turkish warship and the guy was fake, probably done by americans. right after that, Turkey created todays Aselsan to manufacture turkish radios..
all turkish success comes from our being emotional or cultural things that what we have to do..
When Turks first came to Anadolu, they saw a war going on and one side is loosing. (fr some the other side was Bysantin empire and for others it was Mongols). They joined against the one who was winning the war and changed the end of war and winning it. The winner king personally accepted then and wanted to send them to Byzantin border which was most dangerous at that time because Byzans used to attack and poisen those regions nonstop. What happened? after several attack, those little tayfa, attacked the byzantin and took land. to make it short, they created Ottomans and won Mongols. basically what ever you feel the right thing, do it. that way you will be the strongest one..
In the last few weeks... TR observation points were directly targeted 3 Times in Idlib ...
In the last few weeks... TR observation points were directly targeted 3 Times in Idlib ...

They didnt directly targeted it. But in the vicinity of base, around it, where some of refugese came to seeks safty. How fuking evil the regime is, to target civilians around the base, and to send the msg Turks cant protect you. I saw faces of Turkish soldiers meating with these ppl, full of anger and teary eyed in the video. and I have personal experience with such vermin, Chetnik Serbs empoyed similar tactics, bombing civilians, hospitals, lines for bread infront of bakeries, they burned out maternity clinic in the first day of attack on Sarajevo. No wonder Assad father Hafez was an ally of Milosevic and Karadzic, sending them oil... just last week Sebian patriarh
whos priests blessed serbian units before they went to Srebrenica to , came to visit Assad. Evil atrackts evil.
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They didnt directly targeted it. But in the vicinity of base, around it, where some of refugese came to seeks safty. How fuking evil the regime is, to target civilians around the base, and to send the msg Turks cant protect you. I saw faces of Turkish soldiers meating with these ppl, full of anger and teary eyed in the video. and I have personal experience with such vermin, Chetnik Serbs empoyed similar tactics, bombing civilians, hospitals, lines for bread infront of bakeries, they burned out maternity clinic in the first day of attack on Sarajevo. No wonder Assad father Hafez was an ally of Milosevic and Karadzic, sending them oil... just last week Sebian patriarh
whos priests blessed serbian units before they went to Srebrenica to , came to visit Assad. Evil atrackts evil.

Yes, but yet those Points where ''Targets'' for X or Y purposes. And the second time, it was on the wall of the OP.
The first one, few dozens of meters away... the second on the wall... the third in it...

They knew what they were doing... they knew.
They didnt directly targeted it. But in the vicinity of base, around it, where some of refugese came to seeks safty. How fuking evil the regime is, to target civilians around the base, and to send the msg Turks cant protect you. I saw faces of Turkish soldiers meating with these ppl, full of anger and teary eyed in the video. and I have personal experience with such vermin, Chetnik Serbs empoyed similar tactics, bombing civilians, hospitals, lines for bread infront of bakeries, they burned out maternity clinic in the first day of attack on Sarajevo. No wonder Assad father Hafez was an ally of Milosevic and Karadzic, sending them oil... just last week Sebian patriarh
whos priests blessed serbian units before they went to Srebrenica to , came to visit Assad. Evil atrackts evil.

Serbians are evil simple as that its no surprise that they are fans of mass murderers.
Turkey will respond if Assad regime continues targeting Turkish observation points in Idlib, Erdoğan says

"If the regime attacks more Turkish observation points and continues to take such missteps, we cannot remain silent. We want deaths to stop in Syria, the bombing of Idlib with barrel and phosphorous bombs is inexcusable," Erdoğan told reporters in Istanbul before departing for Tajikistan to attend the Fifth Summit of Heads of State of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) to be held on Saturday.

Serbians are evil simple as that its no surprise that they are fans of mass murderers.

This is his latest statment, echoing their long held believe promoted by Serbian Church
By turkifier ( Poturica ) he refers to Bosniak muslims. It was one of main ideological arguments used to justiefy, cover and encourage ethnick cleansing and genocide ever since Balkan Wars. As you can see its still live and kicking today. Nothing has changed.

offtopic, off


This is his latest statment, echoing their long held believe promoted by Serbian Church
By turkifier ( Poturica ) he refers to Bosniak muslims. It was one of main ideological arguments used to justiefy, cover and encourage ethnick cleansing and genocide ever since Balkan Wars. As you can see its still live and kicking today. Nothing has changed.

offtopic, off


another proof of involvment of turkish trained/backed SNA from the North in Idlib.

christfags have the nerve to cry about muh genocide and muh oppression.

I literally hate christian hypocrisy!!
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