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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

I think you`ve got that back to front m8.The iranian,russian and hezbollah forces are in syria at the express request of the recognized legitimate syrian government

Radical sectarian dicdator Assad is not leader of Syrian People
He killled over 800.000 Syrian People and forced over 7 million Syrian People to move from their lands to another countries including Turkiye

and Turkish Armed Forces will never allow Assad and Iran backed Terrorist Groups in Idlib

You sound like a sectarian ethno-racist.

Then brave Turkey should also send its military to the US and France and Israel for their crimes against humanity.

My point is that whatever the crimes are, in-fighting among Muslim countries ensures a lack of unity and benefits nobody except our shared enemies. Peace.

Dont worry
Brave Turkish Army kicked the US-France-Israel backed Pkk/Ypg terrorists in Syria

its time to kick Russia backed radical secratian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups who killed over 800.000 Syrian civilians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )
1. There are currently more than 4 million civilians in Idlib. Regime and Russian attacks are raining as deaths to these people without any sensitivity.

2. The excuse that Iran and Russia use to destroy 4 million(Like 7 million refugees and half a million of murdered people) people is HTS. HTS is an organization with a "maximum" of 20-to-30 thousand militants today. However, for the last month, HTS mostly withdraw without resistance at any point. This reveals the factor that increases the expectation of a city war and accelerates exodus.

2. 3.5 million of these total population are currently refugees; families from cities which are destroyed before, by regime's sectarian gangs like Shebbiha's and some orgs affiliated to the IRGC, under heavy russian air bombings. Idlib's pre-war population is around 750 thousand. 100/150 thousands of registered Syrians staying in Turkey which theirs homeland Idlib. So others peoples in Idlib are people of dragged by Iran and Russia.

3. There is a huge humanitarian crisis in the region. Half a million people fell to the borders in just the past month. Around 60 NGOs struggle for the shelter and nutrition needs of these people. No one else from Turks. People from Damascus, from Deira, from Deyrizor from Aleppo from Hama and others, all gathered/exiled to this region by regime and Iran affiliated orgs. These people have nowhere else to go.

4. I repeat, Any "offensive" military operation by TAF has not launched. The title was incorrect. And its content began to fill with nonsense. There is a lot of information pollution and manipulation efforts in here and also in twitter right now.

5. There are still civilians on the contact line as like there is a major humanitarian crisis across region.Military transfers and tactical maneuvers of the TAF continue. Ammunition distributions continue. However, the most important issue is the evacuation and security of civilians.

You can continue your discussions without seriousness here, but states are not the mechanisms you dream of.
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Assad and Russia and Iran and Hz ... are going to lose ... even if the US joins them ... even if Turkish military is not involved ... even if HTS and NSA are defeated ... Allah SWT is the best of planners
Assad and Russia and Iran and Hz ... are going to lose ... even if the US joins them ... even if Turkish military is not involved ... even if HTS and NSA are defeated ... Allah SWT is the best of planners

Thats true brother but you have to work for it, unfortunately they are going to talk. Stupid nothing more, i have wrote on twitter to a minister. Why the fak did you bring all that equipment and manpower if you are not going use?
Thats true brother but you have to work for it, unfortunately they are going to talk. Stupid nothing more, i have wrote on twitter to a minister. Why the fak did you bring all that equipment and manpower if you are not going use?
To bluff and ''show force'' you can do this once, twice but it wont work the third time if you only talk but dont walk, now we see what happened.

AKP ruined this country whether you admit or not, whatever they touched it went shit.

Targeted Turkish convoy
I think this pictures are from week ago where are 8 our soldiers martyred this is not Taftanaz airport.
I think you`ve got that back to front m8.The iranian,russian and hezbollah forces are in syria at the express request of the recognized legitimate syrian government,they are certainly NOT "invaders" unlike the us/turkish nato forces who are illegally occupying syrian territory and supporting illegal terrorist groups in their attempts to destroy the syrian state.
Erdo needs to wake up to reality,his little neo ottomanist terror gambit in syria has failed,indeed its chances were never going to be very good once both iran and russia got involved.The syrian government made it very clear that it would liberate and reclaim all occupied syrian territory and that includes idlib.If erdo had any brains he`d take this opportunity to take his little pet syrian terrorists off to libya were they would actually be of some value and content himself with having given the syrian kurds a good slap,but thats it period.A smarter man would use this opportunity to try and rebuild relations with the syrian government not risk getting humiliated militarily by the syrians,iranians and russia,especially when relations with fellow nato members are at an all time low,but then erdos biggest problem has always been his ability to politically alienate old friends before hes been able to make new ones,and at a certain point hes going to run out of friends of any sort.....period.
Theres no room in the middle east for erdos neo ottomanist lunacy,north africa tho.......well thats another story.

wise words....

Erdo has put himself in a bad spot though... if the Turkish population mood is the same as the Turkish PDF mood he's in deep trouble and faces imminent humiliation.

he tried to bluff with more manuveurs that got all the turks seemingly excited... and Syria called the bluff and responded with more lethal shelling killing more Turkish troops..
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