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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

cant wait to see 4k ultra HD combat footage. hope russia gets involved too to make it spicier :yahoo:
I think it is a limited operation with arround seraqep town to buffalo Ruasia and Regime forces....

willy nilly Russia and Turkey going to compromise on a billateral solution..otherwise Russia and Turkey sides will lose and US and Israeli side will benefit...
Today another huge Turkish Military convoy with 300 vehicles entered Idlib

Turkish Army is 2nd biggest and strongest Army in NATO after the US Army

in the last 7 days , more than 2.600 Turkish Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs , AFVs entered Idlib and still continue
also Turkiye deployed KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System to jam Syrian Regime Forces

Turkish Army 120km TRG-300 MLRS , 150km J600T and 280km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles are in service
and Turkish Airforce will join to operation against radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups in Idlib

also 20.000+ National Syrian Army soldiers are with Turkish Army in Syria

Turkish Army and NSA in Kaminas/Idlib



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عملية عسكرية جديدة لفصائل الثوار بدعم تركي على مواقع نظام الأسد بريف
A new military operation by NSA factions with Turkish support on the Assad regime's countryside locations

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The Zionist must be having a good laugh watching Muslim countries invade one another.

Russia and Iran and their ugly smelly terrorists HEZBOLLAH invaded Syria , killed over 800.000 Syrian civilians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )

also the US-France and their ugly smelly terrorists PKK/YPG invaded 1/3 of Syria ,
killed thousands of Syrian civilians and forced hundreds of thousands of Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )
Godspeed to Turkish brothers..While others are busy in slaughtering and displacing syrians from their houses, Turkey's courageous act is keeping a significant proportion of Syrians from being bombed and displaced by Iranian-Russian-Assadist thugs..
A lot of speculative information started to circulate on Twitter. The operation has not started yet. There are too many civilians in the contact line, starting a major operation before they are evacuated will result in too many civilian casualties. I know, regime militants continue to bomb civilian settlements without any sensitivity. However, the TAF has to act differently. I reported this operation decision on 1 February in the related title. However, fortifications are not completed, military transfers are still ongoing. Many more vehicles will be deployed in the Idlib/ Aleppo countryside area during the day. Currently you are seeing tactical maneuvers and preparations on the field, not any active operation. For now.
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The War has began

ERDOGAN should say to Putin ..fck off
and Turkish Army and Airforce should destroy Syrian Air Bases
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5 dead and 4 wounded in artillery shelling by pro-Assad forces on the Turkish point in Taftanaz Airport in the eastern countryside of Idlib
Russia and Iran and their ugly smelly terrorists HEZBOLLAH invaded Syria , killed over 800.000 Syrian civilians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )

also the US-France and their ugly smelly terrorists PKK/YPG invaded 1/3 of Syria ,
killed thousands of Syrian civilians and forced hundreds of thousands of Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )
I think you`ve got that back to front m8.The iranian,russian and hezbollah forces are in syria at the express request of the recognized legitimate syrian government,they are certainly NOT "invaders" unlike the us/turkish nato forces who are illegally occupying syrian territory and supporting illegal terrorist groups in their attempts to destroy the syrian state.
Erdo needs to wake up to reality,his little neo ottomanist terror gambit in syria has failed,indeed its chances were never going to be very good once both iran and russia got involved.The syrian government made it very clear that it would liberate and reclaim all occupied syrian territory and that includes idlib.If erdo had any brains he`d take this opportunity to take his little pet syrian terrorists off to libya were they would actually be of some value and content himself with having given the syrian kurds a good slap,but thats it period.A smarter man would use this opportunity to try and rebuild relations with the syrian government not risk getting humiliated militarily by the syrians,iranians and russia,especially when relations with fellow nato members are at an all time low,but then erdos biggest problem has always been his ability to politically alienate old friends before hes been able to make new ones,and at a certain point hes going to run out of friends of any sort.....period.
Theres no room in the middle east for erdos neo ottomanist lunacy,north africa tho.......well thats another story.
Russia and Iran and their ugly smelly terrorists HEZBOLLAH invaded Syria , killed over 800.000 Syrian civilians and forced over 7 million Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )

also the US-France and their ugly smelly terrorists PKK/YPG invaded 1/3 of Syria ,
killed thousands of Syrian civilians and forced hundreds of thousands of Syrians to move from their lands to another countries ( inluding Turkiye with over 3,6 million of Syrian refugees )

You sound like a sectarian ethno-racist.

Then brave Turkey should also send its military to the US and France and Israel for their crimes against humanity.

My point is that whatever the crimes are, in-fighting among Muslim countries ensures a lack of unity and benefits nobody except our shared enemies. Peace.
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