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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

İsrailli düşünce kuruluşu, ABD'nin Türkiye'nin katılmadığı "Doğu Akdeniz Gaz Forumu'nda" yer almasını istediğini, "bunun için başlatılacak diplomatik girişimlerden kaybedilecek birşeyin olmadığını" belirtti.
Original english source
"Greece, Israel, and five other countries of the Eastern Mediterranean have established the East Med Gas Forum. Turkey is not a member and is employing its own muscular approach in the region. The US would like the Forum to be more inclusive, specifically toward Ankara. Athens and Jerusalem could launch a diplomatic initiative to explore Turkey’s participation, as they have nothing to lose and much to gain from such an initiative."
We should promote our EEZ better and more... Look to this fakers accepting what greece is declaring.


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Back in 2008-2009 I worked as controller for danish oil corperation DONG, and at that time it cost aprox. 200.000 usd a day to move and oil rig. Add to that all other costs regarding supply, support.

The lack of transparency is what bothers me most.
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