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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

May be the US should do what the Arabs have been doing all this time regarding the Palestinians, that is to loudly condemn Israel but nothing more than that. After all, the oily ME despots do make a lot of noise about the plight of the Palestinians but it is the West that contribute the bulk of aid. So we should do something similar to Israel: Condemn Israel for this and that but nothing more. Hmmm...Am starting to feel the love already.

these installed rulers don't represent the public opinion in Muslim countries. Once upon a time we had Shah of Iran then a revolution came and the american dog was thrown out of Iran. and the American mercenaries think that they can keep the status quo forever, wake-up , history will soon repeat itself
Diplomatically/Internationally everything is going Turkey's way with the U.N. now officially condemning Israel demanding the aid be taken to Gaza and the civilians returned. So there is no need for military involvement at this point. Of course we still need too look to Israel to honor these set remarks by the security council.
Once UN representatives takes over the aid supply, they will naturally do what Israel demanded the group do in the first place, allow assurance that no weapons are with the aid supply. Then when the aid supply reach the Palestinians, much of it will be taken and/or fought over by Hamas and Hezbollah and 'the world' will say/do nothing about that...:lol:
I read news sources from all over the world. I would say the Wall Street Journal and BBC are my favorite sites to visit.

Well sir I am glad that you do! your comments presented otherwise. But still I was more disappointed in BBC yesterday the way they had presented the whole news story. Any ways :cheers:
these installed rulers don't represent the public opinion in Muslim countries. Once upon a time we had Shah of Iran then a revolution came and the american dog was thrown out of Iran. and the American mercenaries think that they can keep the status quo forever, wake-up , history will soon repeat itself
Do you know how by bringing up the Iranian revolution you actually debunked your own excuse? If Iran can overthrow a US puppet, then why not the rest of the ME? Looky here...I have been to the ME many times. The 'muslim street' are satisfied with the current crop of rulers they have. These despots knows how to play rough when necessary, how to play nice and when to distract the muslim public. If the Iranians can do it, why not you?
Once UN representatives takes over the aid supply, they will naturally do what Israel demanded the group do in the first place, allow assurance that no weapons are with the aid supply. Then when the aid supply reach the Palestinians, much of it will be taken and/or fought over by Hamas and Hezbollah and 'the world' will say/do nothing about that...:lol:

When did Hezbollah get into Gaza thats new.
The world is not living in agony...:lol:...I have to applaud you for being a master of the hyperboles. Before you speak of 'the world', look at the ME first. Look at the region's apathy for decades as each despotic regime exploit the Palestinians for their own purposes. Even Arafat and his cronies stole who knows how much aid money destined for the Palestinians.

All eyes on the loot and Arafat's widow - Middle East Conflict - www.smh.com.au

What utter BS...
Sadistic that you come up with such a lame and pathetic approach to fend off the sentiments against Israeli reign of terror.

One can only have an idea of the depth of hypocrisy..:rolleyes:
Once UN representatives takes over the aid supply, they will naturally do what Israel demanded the group do in the first place, allow assurance that no weapons are with the aid supply. Then when the aid supply reach the Palestinians, much of it will be taken and/or fought over by Hamas and Hezbollah and 'the world' will say/do nothing about that...:lol:

And that if it happens like you stated....is funny to you ?
Do you know how by bringing up the Iranian revolution you actually debunked your own excuse? If Iran can overthrow a US puppet, then why not the rest of the ME? Looky here...I have been to the ME many times. The 'muslim street' are satisfied with the current crop of rulers they have. These despots knows how to play rough when necessary, how to play nice and when to distract the muslim public. If the Iranians can do it, why not you?

it will happen all across the Muslim globe, just have some patience.
And that if it happens like you stated....is funny to you ?
It is funny but in a sad way. The ME had many chances of being a positive force to a peace between Israel and a Palestinian state. Instead, they KNOWINGLY allowed outsider like Iran, to whom Israel had no original grievance against, to run roughshod over the Palestinians for their own apocalyptic religious purposes.
Diplomatically/Internationally everything is going Turkey's way with the U.N. now officially condemning Israel demanding the aid be taken to Gaza and the civilians returned. So there is no need for military involvement at this point. Of course we still need too look to Israel to honor these set remarks by the security council.

Might i add the blockade is the main issue to be pushed now imo.

I doubt the blockade will end until Hamas steps down. And allows full and free elections administered by the U.N. Which Hamas will not allow becuase of the chance they will be voted out.

I think there is a greater chance of an Israeli v. Iranian/Hezbollah war happening first. which would completely sideline the Palestinians for some time to come.
Then let me bring the news to you...

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hezbollah wins hearts in Gaza

That ain't Fox.

I serisously thought that you were a mush smarter person then that. You had mentioned this
much of it will be taken and/or fought over by Hamas and Hezbollah
And then you give me an article that says that Hezbollah wins hearts in Gaza. :rofl:
Seriously do you have any thing that proves their physical presence there or you are going in circles chasing the tail.
Turkish Air Force put on alert. Fighters move forward on base towards Israel, ALLAHU AKBAR!
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