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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Whats wrong in showcasing a good deed? I mean pro-Israelis complain why they are getting caught committing human rights abuses.

The cameras prevent them from going too.

There is a constant attempt by the pro-Israeli gang to cheapen the efforts of the people to feed and cloth Palestinians.

It wreaks of propaganda.

There is nothing wrong in showcasing anything. I was just curious to know whether its a common practice. Whether there are journalists aboard in each aid ship.

BTW, I am not a pro Israeli or pro Palestinian, I am just seeing the incidents from a complete neutral and independent views.
Well as per Israeli official sources, they are letting through a certain amount of food and basic necessity items. They are scanning all the incoming aid to check whether some arms has been smuggled through for Hamas, which they wont like for obvious reasons.

Aid has been going through and will keep going through to Gaza. If the cursed flotilla commander would have agreed to cooperate the Israeli commandos then these ill fate would not have happened.

I am strictly against any armed conflicts in that region as that would do people of Gaza more harm.

Again, please pardon my ignorance, but is it common to have a couple of journalists on board in each aid ship? Or is it that they wanted to showcase this incident by having some?

Please don't tell me that journalists are also used in making Rockets (like cement and sugar).
Please don't tell me that journalists are also used in making Rockets (like cement and sugar).


Media has a lot of power :)

Those journalists can definitely create some storm in the tea cups :). Looking from a Israeli point of view, they would hate the world media to have access to Gaza.

I think, everyone is misunderstanding me.

My question was

"Is it common that a few journalists go in each aid ship or that its an exception and that might be the reason Israel tried to stop it so badly"

My question was

"Is it common that a few journalists go in each aid ship or that its an exception and that might be the reason Israel tried to stop it so badly"

Journalists go where there is a story. Israel's statements that it won't allow the convoy to pass and the insistence of the aid convoy organisers to do so meant there was going to be a big story. This is exactly what happened.
Some Pro-Israeli posters think it all makes sense that Israel finds it necessary to bring all the aid into Israel first, check them and send them into Palestine without Wheelchairs (has metal in them) and Cement so that Palestinians can't rebuild.

So, I am asking you now. Would you like it if all of your needs such as food, clothing etc... to be checked and delivered by your enemy? How does Israel guarantee that they are delivering everything that they have received into Gaza? OF course they are not delivering everything. Why would they want their enemies to be healthy, well fed, and all? Today, Palestinians have access to only 1/4 of food that they used to before the blockade started. Oh, that must be nice. You Indians and Americans can come here and talk all of your BS, but in reality no one is monitoring what comes into your country, so you have no friggin idea what those people are going through. So just STFU!!!
Israel Cancels Drone Shipment For Turkey

Israel cancelled a second shipment of ariel drones to Turkey meant to be part of a $180 million military contract, an Israeli Cabinet Minister said on Monday (June 7).

Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, speaking to Reuters after an economic seminar, said that major projects such as the continuing sale of ten ariel drones were on hold, in light of the deteriorating diplomatic climate between Israel and Turkey after the Jewish state intercepted a Turkish-backed aid convoy bound for Gaza, killing nine people.

"Well, we have to be realistic. I certainly believe that both big projects, I cannot see them continue right now in the near future. But again, I am a great believer that one day will come and relations will get back, then we will renew the dreams and the projects," Ben-Eliezer said.

The Heron TP Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV), developed by Israel Aerospace Industries, is a large drone capable of a variety of different tactical and strategic roles, from surveillance to target acquisition.
Israel has delivered six out of the ten UAVs purchased by Turkey, however the last four will remain undelivered for the foreseeable future.
Turkey's defence minister, Vecdi Gonul, said last week that the ongoing diplomatic crisis with Israel would not affect the planned delivery of the Israel-made drones to Turkey.
JERUSALEM, June 7, 2010 (AFP) - Israel's government on Monday easily defeated three parliamentary no-confidence motions over the deadly raid a week ago on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.
The first motion was brought by the main opposition party Kadima, while the other two were brought by Arab parties opposed to Israel's Gaza blockade.
Kadima's motion was defeated by a vote of 59 to 25, while the other motions both went down by 81 to 8.
Opposition leader Tzipi Livni accused the government of failing to take full responsibility for the botched navy raid in which nine Turkish activists were killed.
She also criticised the government for contributing to Israel's growing isolation. "A PR campaign does not replace clear diplomatic policy," she said.
Defence Minister Ehud Barak conceded that the violence on the ship "was not the result we wanted" but insisted that Israel needed to take extraordinary measures to protect itself.
"This is not Canada and not Finland," he said, noting the threats Israel faced from Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and from Iran.
Barak also defended the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
"In Gaza, there are 1.5 million people. Only one of them is truly in need of humanitarian assistance," he said, referring to captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.Israel insists it must stop vessels from travelling to Gaza since they could be carrying weapons for Hamas -- an Islamist movement committed to the destruction of Israel.
The impoverished Gaza Strip has been under a crippling blockade since militants based in the enclave captured Shalit in a deadly cross-border raid in 2006.
Israel tightened its grip after the Hamas movement seized control of Gaza the following year.
JERUSALEM, June 7, 2010 (AFP) - Israel's government on Monday easily defeated three parliamentary no-confidence motions over the deadly raid a week ago on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.
The first motion was brought by the main opposition party Kadima, while the other two were brought by Arab parties opposed to Israel's Gaza blockade.
Kadima's motion was defeated by a vote of 59 to 25, while the other motions both went down by 81 to 8.
Opposition leader Tzipi Livni accused the government of failing to take full responsibility for the botched navy raid in which nine Turkish activists were killed.
She also criticised the government for contributing to Israel's growing isolation. "A PR campaign does not replace clear diplomatic policy," she said.
Defence Minister Ehud Barak conceded that the violence on the ship "was not the result we wanted" but insisted that Israel needed to take extraordinary measures to protect itself.
"This is not Canada and not Finland," he said, noting the threats Israel faced from Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and from Iran.
Barak also defended the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
"In Gaza, there are 1.5 million people. Only one of them is truly in need of humanitarian assistance," he said, referring to captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.Israel insists it must stop vessels from travelling to Gaza since they could be carrying weapons for Hamas -- an Islamist movement committed to the destruction of Israel.
The impoverished Gaza Strip has been under a crippling blockade since militants based in the enclave captured Shalit in a deadly cross-border raid in 2006.
Israel tightened its grip after the Hamas movement seized control of Gaza the following year.

Israelis are famous for being certified liars like bush and blair. "In Gaza, there are 1.5 million people. Only one of them is truly in need of humanitarian assistance," this is quite appropriate statment for an Israeli politician.
Not a very smart idea on Turkey's part. Israel will intercept the ships as they have stated. When people challenge others, they can expect nothing less than a fight. These pro- palestinian hate activists knew that they would be stopped. Still they came. You had a bunch of thugs from the IHH, linked to Hamas swinging clubs and chains prior to the commandos boarding the ship. The minute the commandos got on board, they were punched, kicked and beaten. One Israeli was stabbed in the stomach with a knife and a couple others shot with their own weapons, which were taken from them. These activists were anything but peaceful. This is not how civilized people act. You act like animals, you get treated like animals.
Not a very smart idea on Turkey's part. Israel will intercept the ships as they have stated. When people challenge others, they can expect nothing less than a fight. These pro- palestinian hate activists knew that they would be stopped. Still they came. You had a bunch of thugs from the IHH, linked to Hamas swinging clubs and chains prior to the commandos boarding the ship. The minute the commandos got on board, they were punched, kicked and beaten. One Israeli was stabbed in the stomach with a knife and a couple others shot with their own weapons, which were taken from them. These activists were anything but peaceful. This is not how civilized people act. You act like animals, you get treated like animals.

Well strangely if the soldiers were shot with their own weapons, none of them had died, while they executed 9-10 of them point blank with the very same guns.


Well Israelis are the animals, if they had been treated that way, they wouldn't had been only wounded. That shows the Israeli animals were treated humanly in a civilized manner. If they had gotten the same treatment then you would have seen the Israeli soldiers many of them dead and in their graves, which we did not.

Enough evidence who is the animal and who are its supporters.

On a side note:

Well strangely we are seeing the effects of the Israeli and its supporters media propaganda drive on this very forum too.

Members coming and posting things in support of Israel and its barbarism.

Nice try, but it won't be helpful, as we know what the real truth is and what Israel is.
Not a very smart idea on Turkey's part. Israel will intercept the ships as they have stated. When people challenge others, they can expect nothing less than a fight. These pro- palestinian hate activists knew that they would be stopped. Still they came. You had a bunch of thugs from the IHH, linked to Hamas swinging clubs and chains prior to the commandos boarding the ship. The minute the commandos got on board, they were punched, kicked and beaten. One Israeli was stabbed in the stomach with a knife and a couple others shot with their own weapons, which were taken from them. These activists were anything but peaceful. This is not how civilized people act. You act like animals, you get treated like animals.

Israeli terrorist attacked them at the place that don't come under their boundaries.... In this case they were like uninvited guest on that ship who deserve to be killed for that , but the activist only injured them because they were CIVILIZED ......

You should not say the terrorist state of Israel as The Civilized People.. They are terrorist and will have to pay heavily for that... Your Pro Israeli CNN and Fox news will always say that Israelis were attacked but they wouldn't tell you that Israelis terrorist army had no right of boarding that ship as it was international borders...

If any country would have attacked the Israeli ship in this way then Israeli terrorist would have bombed that country and would have started crying that "they have security threats" despite the fact that Israel is the BIGGEST threat to the peace in the Middle East...

the fact is that every Attack on Israeli soil is in response to the Atrocities Israeli does in Palestine....But The CNN and Fox News never says that ...

Wake up from your dream because proving Israel's innocence is only a dream and will remain dream and will never come true because their terrorism can never be hidden....

Media has a lot of power :)

Those journalists can definitely create some storm in the tea cups :). Looking from a Israeli point of view, they would hate the world media to have access to Gaza.

I think, everyone is misunderstanding me.

My question was

"Is it common that a few journalists go in each aid ship or that its an exception and that might be the reason Israel tried to stop it so badly"

So israel is against freedom of speech by not entering journalists into Gaza and she doesn't liked that too,,,,
Whats ur point of view with that...
So israel is against freedom of speech by not entering journalists into Gaza and she doesn't liked that too,,,,
Whats ur point of view with that...

Freedom of speech?
Is that a basic right? I don't think so.
Do you think all countries implement and provide freedom of speech? Do you think any govt will allow free press while its operating in a region?

Same is the case here, just that the aggressor is Israel and thats it
Not a very smart idea on Turkey's part. Israel will intercept the ships as they have stated. When people challenge others, they can expect nothing less than a fight. These pro- palestinian hate activists knew that they would be stopped. Still they came. You had a bunch of thugs from the IHH, linked to Hamas swinging clubs and chains prior to the commandos boarding the ship. The minute the commandos got on board, they were punched, kicked and beaten. One Israeli was stabbed in the stomach with a knife and a couple others shot with their own weapons, which were taken from them. These activists were anything but peaceful. This is not how civilized people act. You act like animals, you get treated like animals.

If animals like you try to get into a place that is not under your jurisdiction I think you should be reminded with a few sticks up your *** that you're trespassing!
Israel allows some once-banned products into Gaza
By DIAA HADID (AP) – 38 minutes ago

JERUSALEM — Israel has allowed some previously banned food items into the Gaza Strip, officials said Wednesday, taking a small step toward easing its three-year-old blockade of the territory after worldwide criticism of last week's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound international flotilla.

The decision only narrowly expands the list of goods that can enter Gaza — and most of the newly permitted items are already being smuggled into the area from neighboring Egypt.

The move also does not include the most-sought items in Gaza, such as cement, steel and other materials needed to rebuild the war-devastated strip.

But it is the first tangible step by Israel to temper the uproar caused by the raid, which left nine pro-Palestinian activists dead after a clash with Israeli naval commandos on one of the flotilla's ships.

Palestinian liaison official Raed Fattouh, who coordinates the flow of goods into Gaza with Israel, said that soda, juice, jam, spices, shaving cream, potato chips, cookies and candy were now permitted. He said some products have already entered Gaza, and others would cross in the coming days.

The naval raid drew attention to the blockade, imposed by Israel and Egypt after Hamas militants violently seized power in Gaza in 2007.

The closure has devastated Gaza's already battered economy, erased tens of thousands of jobs and prevented the area from repairing damage after a fierce Israeli military offensive in Gaza early last year.

Wednesday's gesture was unlikely to blunt the international criticism since it doesn't lift the ban on materials needed to rebuild Gaza. Fattouh said Israeli officials rebuffed Palestinian requests for construction goods, raw materials for factories to operate and medical devices.

Israeli officials confirmed the decision to allow in the new foods.

They said the move was meant to defuse pressure for an international investigation of the raid. Another government official said they would continue to ease the blockade but offered no further details. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity pending a formal government announcement.

Much of the international criticism of Israel's blockade has centered on the ban on raw materials and some fuels from entering Gaza, and the arbitrary nature of some of the banned items. Israel had barred things like potato chips and cookies, while permitting gourmet items like diet yogurt and herbal tea.

Turkey has led the international criticism of Israel's policies in Gaza. The nine activists killed last week included eight Turks and a Turkish American.

Murat Mercan, head of the foreign relations committee in the Turkish parliament, said Israel's gesture was insufficient.

"Even if they lift the blockade on all food items, it would still not be satisfactory in any way," he said. "To live like humans, these people need food, medicine, construction material. The children need pens and notebooks."

"Although there is no reason to be hopeful given the past experience, we still try to be cautiously hopeful" about an eventual end to the blockade, he said.

The international uproar has also put pressure on Egypt to ease its closure of Gaza's southern border. Following the flotilla affair, Egypt opened the border to allow Gazans to exit the area. Thousands of people have been waiting to travel abroad for jobs, university study and medical care.

The Associated Press: Israel allows some once-banned products into Gaza
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