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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Both sides need to stop killing each other simple if i get in details we will be here all day both sides are wrong . The arabs need there own land and all this blockade bs needs to stopthe arabs need to stop these attacks towards the israeli's and vise versa plus look at what the israeli's did a few days ago in int'l waters it was uncalled for. Iam againt any crimes and killings towards any human being anywhere in the world its sad and sad over again we are human beings they need to learn to live together its not a one sided story at all they need to come back to the peace table both of them its the only way forward enough blood shed has drawn and only humans die .:coffee:

I am glad that not all Muslims want to drive the Jews into the sea.
But Ahmadinejad has wowed to nuke Israel out of the face of the earth.
He is also building atomic bomb and his allies, Hamas and Hezbollah, are just around the Israeli borders to whom he supplies missiles. You don’t need to have all Muslims wanting your extinction. Only a few mad ones are enough.
Not all the Germans were supporting Hitler, but nonetheless Hitler massacred six million Jews. For Israelis it is a matter of survival.
They have nowhere to go. Palestinians have enough land to build their country and live happily. But that is not what they want. They want revenge and are readly to kill themselves for that. Most Palestinians prefer being killed in a nuclear bomb if the Jews are also going to be killed than leave side by side with the Jews and share the land with them.

---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

Palestinians are not homeless. After sixty years they are not refugees. Israelis built thier country from scratch during these years, Palestinians could have done the same. But their leaders got the money from USA, filled their bank accounts and financed war with Israel instead.
Now the question is, if not in their ancestral land, where the Israelis should build their country. Where do you think they should go? Would Antarctica satisfy you or rather you’d prefer they are sent to Mars?
like i said earlier , Jews have historic right over Israel. There is a detailed history about them, and not just their own that traces them to that land for almost $3,500 years. Many ancient towns in Israel, like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, etc, still have Hebrew names. In fact the Quranic stories narrated by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) about Moses and the Israelites, confirm that the Jews called that part of land home at least 2000 years before Islam was invented.
anyone not agreeing with this is not agreeing with what prophet muhammad(pbuh) had said
If the Palestinians stop their violence and hatred against Israel, they can live in Israel and have full citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are treated well. If the rest of them abandon violence the problem will be solved. But you don’t want peace. Poor Anwar Sadat was assassinated for making peace with Israel. Any Palestinian politician who porposes peace with Israel will be killed on the spot.
If the Palestinians stop their violence and hatred against Israel, they can live in Israel and have full citizenship. Palestinians in Israel are treated well. If the rest of them abandon violence the problem will be solved. But you don’t want peace. Poor Anwar Sadat was assassinated for making peace with Israel. Any Palestinian politician who porposes peace with Israel will be killed on the spot.

LOL get ur facts right.

black jews are called not pure jews in isreal.
jews from african countries are not welcomed in isreal
arabs in isreal, living in isreal dont have any rights as vote etc.
LOL get ur facts right.

black jews are called not pure jews in isreal.
jews from african countries are not welcomed in isreal
arabs in isreal, living in isreal dont have any rights as vote etc.

Today, more than half of the Jews residing in Israel are refugees from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and other Islamic countries. palestinaies /arabs treat the Jews as second class citizens, and even today the Jews in Europe fear for their lives.

any jew in palestine will be killed at sight , and ure talking about voting rights..???
Israel is the land promised by the Lord to them... and Muslims occupied their land and built a dome on the top of the Church Of David. they have the right to defend their land and offend their enemy when their rights are at a stake... if they can be called as terrorists then why cant the Muslims occupied their land can be called as terrorists??? would someone leave their homeland for some has occupied it...
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Today, more than half of the Jews residing in Israel are refugees from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and other Islamic countries. palestinaies /arabs treat the Jews as second class citizens, and even

, and ure talking about voting rights..???

today the Jews in Europe fear for their lives.

this is the biggest B*u*l*l*s*h*i*t i ever heard.

any jew in palestine will be killed at sight

what else do you expect? if the israeli army kill palestinian kids and civilians, destroy their houses, can you expect anything better?
this is the biggest B*u*l*l*s*h*i*t i ever heard.

what else do you expect? if the israeli army kill palestinian kids and civilians, destroy their houses, can you expect anything better?

and if those kids happen to be wearing suicide jackets , what do u expect israelies to do with them..??
I am also puzzled that you don’t see anything wrong in the act suicide bombing and killing Israeli civilians but think the destruction of a house made of brick and mortar is a major tragedy. There seem to be something skewed in your judgement.
yes i expect better from them.
There will be peace in Palestine the day Palestinians put down their arms and start negotiating on equal terms. This is not happening because they hate the Jews gutturally.
and if those kids happen to be wearing suicide jackets , what do u expect israelies to do with them..??
I am also puzzled that you don’t see anything wrong in the act suicide bombing and killing Israeli civilians but think the destruction of a house made of brick and mortar is a major tragedy. There seem to be something skewed in your judgement.
yes i expect better from them.
There will be peace in Palestine the day Palestinians put down their arms and start negotiating on equal terms. This is not happening because they hate the Jews gutturally.

i have never justified the suicide bombings anywhere, you can read my old posts to see how i have always condmned them. some of you guys have totally turned a blind eye of the suffering of palestinians, even today in europe and might as well in america people are calling israelis cruel, but some peoople here are becoming more zionist than the zionists.
Israel is the land promised by the Lord to them... and Muslims occupied their land and built a dome on the top of the Church Of David. they have the right to defend their land and offend their enemy when their rights are at a stake... if they can be called as terrorists then why cant the Muslims occupied their land can be called as terrorists??? would someone leave their homeland for some has occupied it...

You act like the Bin Laden of Jewish world.
i have never justified the suicide bombings anywhere, you can read my old posts to see how i have always condmned them. some of you guys have totally turned a blind eye of the suffering of palestinians, even today in europe and might as well in america people are calling israelis cruel, but some peoople here are becoming more zionist than the zionists.

---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------

You act like the Bin Laden of Jewish world.

let me assure you that we are not oblivious of the plight of the Palestinians. However, unlike palestininas and arabs i don’t think driving the Jews to the sea is the solution. Israelis have always been ready to negotiate, but the Palestinians want nothing short of destruction of Israel.

yes people are calling israelis cruel , becoz they are the victims of false propaganda.

What concerns me is why you are so worried about the Palestinians and not about other Muslims that are being butchered by fellow Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, etc?
palestine is actually a land of jews. palestinians have no right over that land.

:lol:, this is the most dumbest thing I have ever heard in this forum, have you ever seen how a cancer spreads through out the body??, let me give you a little demonstration by a famous example


this is how cancer spreads :lol:
:lol:, this is the most dumbest thing I have ever heard in this forum, have you ever seen how a cancer spreads through out the body??, let me give you a little demonstration by a famous example


this is how cancer spreads :lol:

hahaha... dont give me these funny pictures...

and read what i wrote in my previous comments.

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