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Turkish Naval Programs

This thread had gone a littile bit different way cause of posting amateur 3D pictures for TF-2000... but There is something new about TF-2000 project in Turkey...I want to share those informations with you brothers...

According to reportage of Murat Bayar, SSM to Janes defence source, Design prosess of TF-2000 is being continued according to schedule... By the end of 2010, TF-2000 3D design will be ready.

-Battle management system will be Genesis...
-Some Weapons and Sensors will be foreign.... The most probably, Turkey will order one of the SPY series air defence radars from LockheedMartin to integrate TF-2000 like Spain, Norway and S. Korea did for their own AAW frigates or destroyers...


- Anti-Ship Weapon will be one of the SAAB RBS-15Mk3, NSM Norway or Harpoon USA.... I hope, RBS15Mk3 will win the Turkish anti-ship missile tender to integrate future naval platforms of Turkey because You know, SAAB has offered us to re-develop a Turkish anti-ship missile based (similar with) on their RBS's....


-Anti-aircraft missiles will be SM-2 missile with VLS lauchers...
The Standard SM-2 Block IV missile is the latest version of SM-2. In addition of the Mk-104 rocket motor, it features an Mk-72 booster providing extended range capability. The Block IV missile has also been optimized against low radar cross section (RCS) targets in heavy countermeasures environments. The Block IV airframe has been reinforced over preceding models and is only available for AEGIS-equipped fighting ships.

Dimensions: Diameter 350 mm, Length 6.6 m, Width 920 mm
Weights: Max Weight 1,450 kg (3,197 lb)
Performance: Max Range 168 km (91 nm)



-Sonar, The most probably, The hull Sonar will be indigenous but middile body sonar will be foreign, If Tubitak will not reach the schedule of TF-2000 development phrase...

-Sonoboys are on development for everytype ships in Aselsan institues...
-Torpedo jamming systems will be Turkish Aselsan...

-The radars different from Long range mast radar will be Turkish developed ones...

-Many of Navigation systems electronics and consols will be Turkish...

-Command Control center electronics and Consols will be Turkish...

-Light Weight Torpedos will be indigenous Turkish one called "Mavi Kopekbaligi" but I do not know heavy weight one...

- All communication systems including X band satellite communication radar and systems will be indigenous one...

-Small arms will be indigenous Turkish... STAMP-STOP...

-Submarine bombs ASelsasn-Roketsan

-All softwares and fire control systems will be Turkish...

-All another detail parts will be Turkish...

-Engine will be MTU Germany....
The AAW ships using SPY mast radars around the World...

F100 Alvaro de Bazan Multi-Purpose Frigate, Spain
AN/SPY-1D Aegis


The Fridtjof Nansen class of frigates of the Royal Norwegian Navy
Lockheed Martin AN/SPY-1F 3-D multifunction radar

Kongo-Class AEGIS destroyer USA

KDX-3 Destroyer S. Korea...
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i cant wait to see them in pn colours does Pn is serious about these corvetes man they are ausum ships to be faced by an enemy
Yes Turiksh Frigrate is best. Pakistan Navy should try to start Production with mutual cooperation with Turkey.
I can not show you any official source but I sure that Pakistan and Turkish authorities signed a cooperation agreement about national ships which is involved one of the Milgem or TF-2000 / both of them... (?)

Because, When our media or TV's tried to issue a subject about military projects between foreign countries, It means that Turkish authorities and related country start discussing to do something together....but The results are not released on public by SSM, so Our medias do not sure to broadcast those style news...

so Some littile announcements have been reported about Pak-Turk Naval cooperations on TV's.... but The results are not known... :)
A very general statement --- but i am glad that Pak and Turk navy are working closely together.

Milgem project will be very exciting. The fast attack mrtp corvettes are truly phenomenal. I live about 1 hour away from the Golcuk shipyards, where ship-building industries take place.

p.s. ASELSAN STAMP is a very cool weapon

Turkiye kardes ulkedir
for anybody who is in Istanbul on the week of May 27, they will be having their defence expo.

POF, HIT, and many other Pakistani companies private and public will be attending.

i hope the deal should be signed we need them to counter indian naval submarines
Presently Each TF-2000 frigate is estimated to cost $500 million to Turkey.
Presently Each TF-2000 frigate is estimated to cost $500 million to Turkey.

??? Where did you get that? The detail design of the TF-2000 is expected to be finished at end 2010, how can there be already a price when the design is not even there yet. $500mln may be a target, but what is your source if I may ask?
??? Where did you get that? The detail design of the TF-2000 is expected to be finished at end 2010, how can there be already a price when the design is not even there yet. $500mln may be a target, but what is your source if I may ask?
Source = TF-2000
??? Where did you get that? The detail design of the TF-2000 is expected to be finished at end 2010, how can there be already a price when the design is not even there yet. $500mln may be a target, but what is your source if I may ask?

I got it from same link already provided above by "Penguin"...globalsecurity.org
Naval ship solutions for Turkish future naval programs...Some of them are production phrase. Anothers are waiting for their tenders...

Istanbul Shipyard...


DISPLACEMENT : 19400 tons
LENGTH (Loa) : 145.00 m
BEAM (Moulded) : 21.60 m
DRAFT (T) : 8.6 m
SPEED MAXIMUM : >16 knots
RANGE (in 14 knots) : min 6000 nautical miles
PROPULSION : 2 X (4600 kW @ 720 rpm diesel enginee + CPP)



That Model is under production phrase in Adik-Furtrans shipyard now a days...

LENGTH (Loa) : 72.28 m
BEAM (Moulded) : 13.15 m
DRAFT FORE (Tf) : 1.02 m
DRAFT AFT (Ta) : 2.16 m
SPEED MAXIMUM : >20 knots
RANGE (in 18 knots) : min 400 nautical miles
PROPULSION : 2 X (2290 kW @ 2100 rpm diesel enginee + FPP)



DISPLACEMENT : 6440 tons
LENGTH (Loa) : 112.06 m
BEAM (Moulded) : 20.00 m
DRAFT FORE (Tf) : 2.50 m
DRAFT AFT (Ta) : 5.00 m
SPEED MAXIMUM : >18 knots
RANGE (in 15 knots) : min 4000 nautical miles
PROPULSION : 2 X (4440 kW @ 1300 rpm diesel enginee + FPP)



RANGE (in 14 knots) : min 4500 nautical miles


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