If I'm not mistaken, this is one of the graphics used in a seminar a few years ago. Apart from the signed projects, many of them are in the evaluation phase. For some, TCD has not even been published. So dates mostly made in hypothetical.
-For example, the TTHB project is no longer able to catch up to 2018. Also , when it starts, it will not last 14 years. All launches will be completed in 6 years.
-Launch date for the LHD project will end in 2019. (graph 2025)
-The Launch date for the TF-2000 frigate will take place immediately after İ class, not 2028.
-State of the LCAC is uncertain.
-Also, TCD has not yet been published for intelligence ship, and there is no possibility of catching up to 2019.
etc ...
Again, as far as I know there are not two separate MCM projects. Instead of the Seydi and ex-Circe class vessels, 6 vessels is planned. There are minor history mistakes in most classes. That's why we need a new list.