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Turkish Military is better than IDF

which 3 million pajeets are you talking about ?
The 3 gorillion hindoooz which India and Bangladesh keep bitching about along with the 93 gorillion soldiers. You aren't discrediting your own propaganda now, are you?
you know what's funny ? you guys are forced to spend millions of dollars every year to sit a couple hundered feet below indian positions. if it's worthless then why do you have soldiers there ? we can afford to spend money there, but you are bankrupting your nation by trying to match indian presence in siachen.
What pajeet math is this? It costs peanuts to maintain a presene at Siachen
your wortheless army with its joker high command crossed over to kargil to avenege siachen , as musharraf decribed it his own words. he wanted reveneg for siachen. in the end he had to withdraw lol. he was the brigade commander of the siachen area when you guys lost your grip over the entire glacier.
Dumbf*ck, if you violate the LoC with your military, obviously we will do a counter deployment at Siachen. What's so hard to understand? Pajeets are always surprised when they start chest thumping and then when Pakistan actually mobilises its military they suddenly start crying about the economy
you seem to be very proud of getting rounded up local kashmiris. again you've got the chronology wrong. the indian offensive started on 6th september , while the pakistanis started the war first through operation grand slam on 1st september where they sent a corps sized formation for offensive operations in chammb jaurian sector. we didnt start the war , you did. that's well known by everyone except delusional fools like yourself.
You pajeets are so confidently incorrect, India invaded Haji Pir before Grand Slam even commenced.
unilaterally withdrew , were you so afraid of the americans kicking your ***? you had already lost most of the peaks before the ceasefire and withdrawal,
We unilaterally withdrew the tiny outnumbered guerilla force which your shitty airforce and army failed to evict, and you fired at them as they retreated. Not the great bharat gau mata gay hind victory you think it is.
suffered more deaths and casualties than india while your air force was out of action. ideally you should have inflicted 10:1 casualties
Is this what they teach in Indian war colleges?
in the end you lost 2X more men than we did
We lost 400 men
nawaz shariff claimed 4,000 dead, although the actual estimate lies between 450-1200 dead.
Nawaz sharif barks against the army when removed and licks their boots when in power. What's the big deal? You want to believe what he says as the 331st million God of hinduism?
no one in india belives in aryan race theory, it was crap , meant to create a divide between north indians and south indians.
No one in India believes the aryan MIGRATION* theory (that is proven by scholarly consensus) because the whole narrative of "we wuz pure aryanz and they wuz converted mlechhaz" would be rubbished, however every pajeet in the cow belt believes they are Aryan and the first Aryan came from India and aryans migrated Out of India into Europe.
you did nothing in afghanistan. the mujahideen did. dont brag as if you were the ones fighting ussr all by yourself. why is that you guys always use words like 'IF THEY HADNT STOPPED US WE WOULD HAVE BLA BLA BLA....' ,
LMAO pajeets on an odd day will say Mujahideen defeated Soviets with the power of bhagwan zee, and on an even day will claim Pakistani saajish is responsible for everything from Mumbai attacks to Pooja's unknown pregnancy and insect attacks.
why cant you guys prove yourself as the warriors you claim to be ? never won a war ,
How many wars have you won? In fact, forget your embarassing post-1947 history where despite being given 500 states of South Asia on a platter by the British your country is an impotent sh!thole, what were your ancestors doing in the last 1200 years of mostly Muslim and remainign European rule?
if you read a bit of history none of the three wars gave you any area. you took the area from Dogra rulers well before the indians even got involved. after the indian involvement started pakistan only got pushed back , it didn't gain anything after 1947.
India surrendered Skardu and Pakistani forces had reached the gates of Leh a YEAR after Indian forces entered Kashmir. As your infantry and air force proved useless against Gilgitis with lee enfield rifles and chappals it was not until you brought literal tanks into the region that you stopped falling back faster than Saddam Hussein against the US Army.
yeah and pakistan is a eurasian superpower richer than india and Bangladesh @saif
if india and bangladesh are LDCs ( when actually they are classified as newly industrilaised countries) then what is pakistan's classificiation ?
Bangladesh is an LDC. India is hungrier than Sudan, Nigeria, North Korea, and Congo, let alone the LDC of Bangladesh. Buring your head in cow dung and screeching will not change this fact, no matter how intoxicating the fecal fumes are to you.

when ? couldnt remeber any of it . as far back as I remember , india formed SF in 1966.
was it as humiliaitng as this
being a resident of pathankot it fills me with pride to say that my great gramps had manhandled your elite boys with his farm tools.
Literally doing what I predicted. Gloating over manhandling soldiers from a failed paratrooper drop, while your 400,000 strong army and air force lost half of Kashmir to a few lashkars of pathans and gilgitis.
when ? are you talking about battle of longewala in 1971 when a pakistani combined arms brigade was defeated by a company of 12 Punjab with just 2 casualties on indian side. which battle are you talking about ?
The Battle of Kamalpur when 4,000 Indian soldiers with total air supremacy could not defeat a post of 40 Pakistani soldiers.

what's your ethinicity ? jat, Rajput, khatri , Gujjar ? if you are any of these 3 , then you have no right to call yourself a superior race or anything of that sort.
I'm Kashmiri, and before my family was enlightened with Islam, they were Pandits, whose lullis gangetic critters such as yourself and your Prime Minister worship.
and we desperately wait for you to prove your superiority by taking kashmir like you claim to have taken afghanistan from the russians , its been 30 years since you sent your jihadis here, some 30,000 of them in the 90s and today there are barely 200. when will you kick us out like you always tell us ? how many more years ? how long before the great rich developed country pakistan takes kashmir from poor india
Pakistan doesn't need to take anything, India is an artificial British Bastardisation will implode itself like the Soviet Union.
Any questions?

25 members support me.

What made you two emotionally collapse?

Just based on the 'majority principle'. You two should leave PDF. Any questions?
This proofs nothing that was your thread, you took a screenshot of any thread post them as yours you prove to be a liar

we are not emotionally collapse but for your baseless blabbering against us we hurts

Why should I leave PDF its our forum not yours
We are fighting with Islamic terrorism from last one thousand years .
Muslims are responsible for civilizing and industrializing India. Your most famous landmark is a Muslim monument, the Taj Mahal. The British also deserve some credit for bastardising hundreds of South Asian states into the Union of India in 1947.

Of the last 1000 years, Hindus have ruled Delhi for 40 years (+75 secular-hindu rule) and Muslims for 700. Can you guess in which period India was a superpower, and in which period India was a sh!thole?
This proofs nothing that was your thread, you took a screenshot of any thread post them as yours you prove to be a liar

we are not emotionally collapse but for your baseless blabbering against us we hurts

Why should I leave PDF its our forum not yours
What are you being stubborn about? Baby?

25 members support me.

You two are very few people who will request to close this thread. Why? According to the 'majority principle'. You should also leave PDF. Isn't it?

Tell me. What are you being stubborn about???
What are you being stubborn about? Baby?

25 members support me.

You two are very few people who will request to close this thread. Why? According to the 'majority principle'. You should also leave PDF. Isn't it?

Tell me. What are you being stubborn about???
Because you targed us on that thread and no one wants us to leave PDF but only you want us to leave PDF
Because you targed us on that thread and no one wants us to leave PDF but only you want us to leave PDF
If you cannot accept the facts. Please leave PDF or stay away from me.
You retard you're doing nothing to support Palestinian children instead of bashing and rants on me without any base and mods are not stupid that's who is abusing and insulting from day one calling us Jewish dogs serve Jewish propaganda agencies etc etc

You have a egoistic nonsense that's you're the only one who supports Palestinian children lol

Lol what a delusional you have you're the only one that's supports Palestinian cause and I am not not obsrtucting anything but trying to correct your falsehood about me
yoo need to get over it, please can’t you stop arguing
Muslims are responsible for civilizing and industrializing India. Your most famous landmark is a Muslim monument, the Taj Mahal. The British also deserve some credit for bastardising hundreds of South Asian states into the Union of India in 1947.

Of the last 1000 years, Hindus have ruled Delhi for 40 years (+75 secular-hindu rule) and Muslims for 700. Can you guess in which period India was a superpower, and in which period India was a sh!thole?
We fought with muslim terrorism and uprooted their rule and got rid of muslim rule over India . Now we have hindu rule over India .
that's what happens when you run out of arguments. name me one pakistani general of the same calibre as Sam Manekshaw or Gen Sagat Singh. forget the indians, you are nowhere close to the egyptians, they've produced brilliant men like Gen Schazly, what have you produced other than dictators who lose wars to india and can't even control terror groups on their soil. they only know how to milk people. Your army coudlnt even defend a friggin corps commander from an angry mob, a serving 3 star general's house being looted with no consequences, speaks volumes about your infantry's professionalism. My great gramps from Dadi's side with his farm tools was more than enough to handle your Special Forces when they landed near pathankot

This what happens when you bring in poor quality research and stupid arguments to the table

No body has time to read and respond to your crap

We fought with muslim terrorism and uprooted their rule and got rid of muslim rule over India . Now we have hindu rule over India .

You mean you have spread Hindu terrorism all across India

Remember islam civilized India

I don't take this guy seriously. We have no reason to fight with Israel.

You need to see the context of what he is saying .. remember he is a friend of Israel and doesn’t want any harm to come to them.

He provides a lot of historical context to what he is saying . His analysis on Ukraine over time was spot on
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However, Israelis don't like Indians at all and see them as inferior.

Hindu Indians have the believe bcos Israelis hate Muslims they are natural friends …

They don’t understand Israelis are very transactional
Has Iran's relevance stopped Israel's invasion of Gaza. Turkiye isn't mouthy. When Ankara starts threatening someone, it is ready to follow through that threat. This is why Idlib is still not captured by Russia+Iran+Hezbollah+Assad
As if Iran, Russia or Hezbollah give a shit about Idlib province, which has no strategic importance to any of these countries. Theirs no rush to bomb them, as we speak they routinely bomb Idlib. Meanwhile the SDF has been threatened for years, and they are right on the border. Still waiting for that elimination operation. Waiting for them to follow through with that threat as you say.

This what happens when you bring in poor quality research and stupid arguments to the table

No body has time to read and respond to your crap
that's a very confusing way of saying that you don't have any counters to my arguments.
my point still stands, have you ever produced any general of the likes of manekshaw, PS bhagat or sagat singh ?
here's what a US navy postgraduate school captain has to say about the kargil war in his thesis. hopefully the US navy can shatter your illusions
High Altitude Warfare: The Kargil Conflict and the Future. Naval Post-Graduate School Thesis by Captain Marcus P. Acosta of the US Army.
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