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Turkish Meko Class enters Greek Waters.

An analysis also casts some serious doubts on the Meko actually being Turkish and here is why.

When the Greek president met up with his Armenian counterpart he blamed the financial crisis that Greece is currently experiencing to the arms race between Turkey and Greece and not on:

1. Mass tax evasion.
2. Fungooli (13 months of annual pay in a 12 month calendar).
3. Falsified reports on the financial strength of Greece (Olympics were the final back breaker upon an analysis conducted in hindsight).
4. Over employed government sector that has a vast number of workers who do not do anything other then sit in the office.
5. Over employed services sector that has zero incoming work and very little to do on a day per day basis (studies show that Greeks are the biggest social network website users on (based on percentage of users to total population) and this only reinforces this point (ie: even at work they browse defence.pk, youtube, facebook etc..)).
6. A widespread cash economy that has leaves a very little or non existent paper trail (for government taxation purposes, ties in with point 1).

So rather then blaming the failure of the Greek economy on the above mentioned points the Greek president has decided to use the arms buildup of both Turkey and Greece as the reason. Being the personified image of Greece along with the Greek FM this then presents to the world the thinking of the nation of Greece (or at the least the politicians).

Requiring a scapegoat to take the media's attention away from the Greek economy and the recent blasting by human rights groups of the Greek detention centers for illegal immigrants it is not far fetched then that the Meko class frigate spotted of the coast of Athens to be a Greek Meko flying a Turkish flag.

The objective of such a operation is simple, fool the Greek populous into the aggressive Turk and turn their minds away from internal problems to the external threat.

Another reason for this being a false flag op so to speak is the fanaticism that is present in the Greek defense force, the world and the Greek media was shocked when last year Greek defense personnel were chanting slogans on Independence day such as "we are going to skin the Turk/Macedonian/Albanian and make clothing from their skin", and who can forget the incident two years prior when Greek recruits were caught on tape singing that they are going to land on Izmir with a LCT and cut a bloody swath to Istanbul and liberate Hagia Sophia.

Finally it can be hypothesized that Europeans referencing Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain as P.I.G.S only adds to this argument as the Greek government desperate to justify their military and massive spending would do anything to gain the support of the people that they represent.
An analysis also casts some serious doubts on the Meko actually being Turkish and here is why.

When the Greek president met up with his Armenian counterpart he blamed the financial crisis that Greece is currently experiencing to the arms race between Turkey and Greece and not on:

1. Mass tax evasion.
2. Fungooli (13 months of annual pay in a 12 month calendar).
3. Falsified reports on the financial strength of Greece (Olympics were the final back breaker upon an analysis conducted in hindsight).
4. Over employed government sector that has a vast number of workers who do not do anything other then sit in the office.
5. Over employed services sector that has zero incoming work and very little to do on a day per day basis (studies show that Greeks are the biggest social network website users on (based on percentage of users to total population) and this only reinforces this point (ie: even at work they browse defence.pk, youtube, facebook etc..)).
6. A widespread cash economy that has leaves a very little or non existent paper trail (for government taxation purposes, ties in with point 1).

So rather then blaming the failure of the Greek economy on the above mentioned points the Greek president has decided to use the arms buildup of both Turkey and Greece as the reason. Being the personified image of Greece along with the Greek FM this then presents to the world the thinking of the nation of Greece (or at the least the politicians).

Requiring a scapegoat to take the media's attention away from the Greek economy and the recent blasting by human rights groups of the Greek detention centers for illegal immigrants it is not far fetched then that the Meko class frigate spotted of the coast of Athens to be a Greek Meko flying a Turkish flag.

The objective of such a operation is simple, fool the Greek populous into the aggressive Turk and turn their minds away from internal problems to the external threat.

Another reason for this being a false flag op so to speak is the fanaticism that is present in the Greek defense force, the world and the Greek media was shocked when last year Greek defense personnel were chanting slogans on Independence day such as "we are going to skin the Turk/Macedonian/Albanian and make clothing from their skin", and who can forget the incident two years prior when Greek recruits were caught on tape singing that they are going to land on Izmir with a LCT and cut a bloody swath to Istanbul and liberate Hagia Sophia.

Finally it can be hypothesized that Europeans referencing Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain as P.I.G.S only adds to this argument as the Greek government desperate to justify their military and massive spending would do anything to gain the support of the people that they represent.

listen ..the fanatism thing is a bit untrue.. every army has it's little songs and chants.. they don't mean much ..Trust me i was in the Greek military and it is one of the least fanatic.. take my word for it.

on the rest you said.. well.. i have to say .. we are on the same wavelength ..
The greek politicians are not the best you can get.. down right corrupt most of them...
The viewpoint from Turkey is once the approx 2990 islands get the 12nm approval and are recognized by both sides then it wont take long for Greece to use it's European connections to push forward with the remaining 10 islands.

Sorry but this is the truth and not just paranoia as any Turk can point to several additional and unfair clauses for Turkey in entering the EU as a comparison such that the source of these additional clauses for EU membership is for Turkey very obvious.

Now do you understand the reason?

It is not a two part agreement.. everything will be settled at the same time with third party guarantors, such as Russia and US or EU .. I think it is a bit simplistic to fear that particular scenario you painted

i hope turkey bombs these greeses back to the stone age.

are you a psycho ? or some sort of crazy person ?
listen ..the fanatism thing is a bit untrue.. every army has it's little songs and chants.. they don't mean much ..Trust me i was in the Greek military and it is one of the least fanatic.. take my word for it.

on the rest you said.. well.. i have to say .. we are on the same wavelength ..
The greek politicians are not the best you can get.. down right corrupt most of them...
It is not a shock to me that a person of Greek background is agreeing since I have a few Greek friends here in Aus who are also shaking their heads and wandering where the common logic of Greece is.

The majority of them being not fanatics may very well be true but such incidents do not portray the Greek military in any positive light especially since given the readily apparent power of the media to broadcast such images worldwide.

My point is though given the negative media about Greece the Greek government may be desperate to switch the attention of the Greek populous to another problem and that such a hypothesis as I explained may not be far fetched.
It is not a shock to me that a person of Greek background is agreeing since I have a few Greek friends here in Aus who are also shaking their heads and wandering where the common logic of Greece is.

The majority of them being not fanatics may very well be true but such incidents do not portray the Greek military in any positive light especially since given the readily apparent power of the media to broadcast such images worldwide.

My point is though given the negative media about Greece the Greek government may be desperate to switch the attention of the Greek populous to another problem and that such a hypothesis as I explained may not be far fetched.

If it wasn't for the fact that the government covered the ship transgression and it was the press than brought it to the light, i might have said your theory holds water, but the government denied it up until the very last moment.. so...
If it wasn't for the fact that the government covered the ship transgression and it was the press than brought it to the light, i might have said your theory holds water, but the government denied it up until the very last moment.. so...
Or it could be a deliberate tactic to further strengthen the people's belief that it was a Turkish Meko once it became public knowledge.

At this point given the two nations distrust each other and our mutual bad history coupled with the increasing bad world media about Greece, anything is possible. However I will continue to have these doubts to it being a Turkish Meko only lifted and removed when the Turkish media start showing these pictures (they always have Matrix/Star Wars theme songs to the media report lol) therefore validating without a doubt that the Meko in question was Turkish.
i hope turkey bombs these greeses back to the stone age.
Clearly, you do not understand the language of negotiation and the nature of this particular incident. Since you are relatively new, I would suggest a silent reading of various such issues mentioned on this forum and how members of concerned parties debate.
Or it could be a deliberate tactic to further strengthen the people's belief that it was a Turkish Meko once it became public knowledge.

At this point given the two nations distrust each other and our mutual bad history coupled with the increasing bad world media about Greece, anything is possible. However I will continue to have these doubts to it being a Turkish Meko only lifted and removed when the Turkish media start showing these pictures (they always have Matrix/Star Wars theme songs to the media report lol) therefore validating without a doubt that the Meko in question was Turkish.

Fair enough. :tup:
i hope turkey bombs these greeses back to the stone age.

You are an embarassment to your flag. Read how the Turkish and Greek posters have had a civilised and mature debate on this issue and learn from them that everything in life is not about bombing and maiming. :disagree:
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