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Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

Nice ship.
Juan Carlos is also a contencontender for Indian LHD tender.
Will be interesting to see that it wins or not.

It is even odd india launchs such a tender, they have got their own LAC project ,why should even think to purchase a similar ship they could produce?
We are co-production Partner of the multinational F-35 program and have an Option for 100 + F-35 fighters; composition of models is not finally decided !

More than 8 Turkish Aerospace Companies are involved.


Malatya 7. main TUAF AIRBASE will be the main F-35 base, we have only some disputes cause code sharing!
We can get all models
i thought thats for the f35a only. and for the airforce. the naval air arm has not ordered the f35b.
the lhd your building is very similar if not the same to the Australian lhd and they initially planned to have the f35b as well but only recently decide not to take this option due to some problems. what makes you so sure that turkey will be able to use the f35b on your lhd?

Australian Navy Backs Off From F-35B Joint Strike Fighter | Defense Tech
It is even odd india launchs such a tender, they have got their own LAC project ,why should even think to purchase a similar ship they could produce?
Yes but Indian navy is planning on to become 200 ship navy and on its way to become blue water navy.
Also indian ports are currently packed with orders and 48+ ships are being built currently in indian ports so they are giving this tender to the country which wins the tender.
4 are ordered in which 2 will be built in the deserving country and remaining 2 in india with TOT.
Yes but Indian navy is planning on to become 200 ship navy and on its way to become blue water navy.
Also indian ports are currently packed with orders and 48+ ships are being built currently in indian ports so they are giving this tender to the country which wins the tender.
4 are ordered in which 2 will be built in the deserving country and remaining 2 in india with TOT.

I hardly think that it justifies that. Considering the rate China is pumping out warship, India should have about the same production rate. I also think he ment to ask why India would launch a tender for a LHD in the first place if there is already LAC to fill the naval aviation needs of the Indian navy. Unless they intend to use the ship solely for Helicopters or landing craft which both seems unneccesary.

i thought thats for the f35a only. and for the airforce. the naval air arm has not ordered the f35b.
the lhd your building is very similar if not the same to the Australian lhd and they initially planned to have the f35b as well but only recently decide not to take this option due to some problems. what makes you so sure that turkey will be able to use the f35b on your lhd?

Australian Navy Backs Off From F-35B Joint Strike Fighter | Defense Tech

The decision to drop the program of deploying F-35B on Canberra-Class LHD was because the ships were never intended to deploy fixed-wing aircrafts in the first place. Whilst Turkey's Juan Carlos deritive could be made from the very start to support fixed-wing. Thats the difference. It was stated that modifying the Canberra LHD's so it could support F-35's and other fixed-wing aircraft would cost even more then the price of both ships combined! (about 4 Billion USD if remember correctly).
The neighbours worry about Turkey's advancements because Turkish industry keeps constructing one of the most ambitious amphibious naval fleet of all Mediterranean along with game changer frigate/corvette programs. Such a strong amphibious, assault and auxiliary naval fleet is enough to frighten other countries that cause them taking precuations, rising their voices with using their puppet sources because amphibious fleet means invasion for them. If It was foreign source supplying all those tools to Turkey, The delivery schedule will be either delayed, or They will issue lots of restrictions on usage period. Thanks Allah that Our industry is steadily rising to new ages. The LHD project is given to Spain but The vessel will be constructed around %60 national contribution. All strategic electronic hardwares will be indigenous. Metal works will be done by Sedef shipyard and It is known that Navy wants two of them. At first, It was LPD Navy was planning to acquire but In following years, the threat perception is changed and The required type is converted to LHD. Rumours say that It will be 1 LHD + 1 LPD but Final sources underline that It will be 1 + 1 LHD Levent.
I hardly think that it justifies that. Considering the rate China is pumping out warship, India should have about the same production rate. I also think he ment to ask why India would launch a tender for a LHD in the first place if there is already LAC to fill the naval aviation needs of the Indian navy. Unless they intend to use the ship solely for Helicopters or landing craft which both seems unneccesary.
Yup china is making ships but their under water capabilities are getting old and in the near future they will be decommissioned and cuurently india is the only country were so many ships are under conatruction and not eveeven china is making so many.
Yes we do have oour AC programme but
IN currently doesn't have amphibious capabilities and that's why they are looking for LHDs also LHD can't be compared with 65,000 tonnes or 40,000 tonnes juggernaut but actually the funny and mmost surprising this is that in IN tender for LHD they want LHD to be 215m+ ship with 40,000 tonnes displacement which no one ofders other than USN so we are in for a major design adjustment even if juan carlos is accepted.
Also if we come to china tben in ASIA india will be the only country to have 3 active ACs in which one will be supercarrier and china will have only one barring their CASINO which is good for nothing and only meant for training purpose.
i thought thats for the f35a only. and for the airforce. the naval air arm has not ordered the f35b.
the lhd your building is very similar if not the same to the Australian lhd and they initially planned to have the f35b as well but only recently decide not to take this option due to some problems. what makes you so sure that turkey will be able to use the f35b on your lhd?

Australian Navy Backs Off From F-35B Joint Strike Fighter | Defense Tech

Turkish geography and our region is not a stable place so Turkey always aims to be the best. It always appears a new threat which causes to take precuations with changing target perceptions so Don't mix the Turkey's requirements with Australian one. At first, Turkey asked Navantia to remove the ski-jump to use LHD at classical helicopter landing missions like Australians do but From that time to current, Something change, Roles are re-assessed and Turkish officials decided a strong show-off in peace times, a hard punch to war times to neighbours with stationing some F-35B to those platforms. In accordance with new plan, The new deplacement is increased to around 28000 ton levels from planned 24000 ton and It is asked Navantia to construct the flight deck with resistant material to jet afterburner. The total electricity power the vessel will generate is planned to be the best among Juan Carlos and Canberra class so The propulsion units are redesigned and types are changed.
I hardly think that it justifies that. Considering the rate China is pumping out warship, India should have about the same production rate. I also think he ment to ask why India would launch a tender for a LHD in the first place if there is already LAC to fill the naval aviation needs of the Indian navy. Unless they intend to use the ship solely for Helicopters or landing craft which both seems unneccesary.

The decision to drop the program of deploying F-35B on Canberra-Class LHD was because the ships were never intended to deploy fixed-wing aircrafts in the first place. Whilst Turkey's Juan Carlos deritive could be made from the very start to support fixed-wing. Thats the difference. It was stated that modifying the Canberra LHD's so it could support F-35's and other fixed-wing aircraft would cost even more then the price of both ships combined! (about 4 Billion USD if remember correctly).

" It will be 1 + 1 LHD Levent" . I believe in it. Türkiye will dominate Mediterannean and have a respectable Ocean Capacity.

"Something change, Roles are re-assessed and Turkish officials decided a strong show-off in peace times, a hard punch to war times to neighbours.";)

ESPECIALLY economic zones !

We will see TF2000 and submarine hunters and AIP Subs together
" It will be 1 + 1 LHD Levent" . I believe in it. Türkiye will dominate Mediterannean and have a respectable Ocean Capacity.

"Something change, Roles are re-assessed and Turkish officials decided a strong show-off in peace times, a hard punch to war times to neighbours.";)

ESPECIALLY economic zones !

We will see TF2000 and submarine hunters and AIP Subs together

Defensive + Attacking group
Assault boat + Milgem + I class frigate + TF projects + U-214TN + Milden.

Put Greece like countries aside, Russia even worries about future stability against Turkish fleet so They are hurrying up to upgrade their Blacksea fleet with constructing Milgem like corvettes. Why? Because They are assessing How the power projection will be changed in favour of Turkish benefits in following years. Turkey is developing the capabilities that foreign states would never agreess to export. What those capabilities ?

-I class frigates with 16 cell MK-41, 16 cell Atmaca SSM, Ares 2N electronic attack capabilities (hundred+ of km range), Active/Passive torpedo counter measure systems, full capable Sonar.
-TF frigates with 450km radius search capability to 360 degree scale, 400+km effective IFF range, 48 cell MK-41, Gezgin LACM (1000km+) launching capability, Genesis Advent, Ares 2N Electronic attack...etc
-U-214TN with IDAS missiles, Sub-Atmaca SSM launching capabilities
-Milden with IDAS missiles, Sub-Atmaca SSM launching capabilities, Gezgin LACM launching capabilities.

Some of those ships will protect amphibious fleet LHD as well.

Egypt received their FREMM frigates with no electronic warfare systems and limited vertical launchers. The importance of developing own capabilities are paving an irrespessible ways to protect own benefits.
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Cabatli cok iyisin ! Perfect . Economic Zone protection and deterrence.
I read today an article about Kardak issue, two Greek gunboats were so near to our frigate had Problems !!!

For me ist not plausible 35 mm Oerlikons could scrapped them

Komşu ‘Kardak’ botlarını satıyor - Hürriyet Ekonomi

Aralarındaki mesafe o kadar azdı ki fırkateynlerin silah sistemlerinin kullanılabilmesi imkansızdı. Gemiler sadece birbirlerine çarpmak ile tehdit ediyorlardı. “Panagopulos 2” ile “Panagopulos 3” Türk “Yavuz” fırkateyninin ön ve kuyruk kısmı yakınında seyrediyorlardı. Yunan devriyle botlarındaki silahlar ‘Yavuz’u batıramazdı ama büyük zarar verebilirdi. Türk fırkateyninin komutanları da bunu anladıklarından heyecanlı saatler yaşadılar
I think we should start talking about what ships will protect the second LHD :)

I mean come on thats a pretty good indication that the number of TF-2000/TF-100 will rise. You cant distribute 4 AAW warship in 2 carrier groups. The older Meko's and Gabye-Class frigates are good for now but we should already be planning to replace the whole fleet.
I think we should start talking about what ships will protect the second LHD :)

I mean come on thats a pretty good indication that the number of TF-2000/TF-100 will rise. You cant distribute 4 AAW warship in 2 carrier groups. The older Meko's and Gabye-Class frigates are good for now but we should already be planning to replace the whole fleet.

Upgraded MEKO and Gabya frigates will most probably see 2030-2035 but Yavuz class will be replaced with I class frigates.
TF frigate with CAFRAD will be like a UFO for many rival countries in terms of capabilities. Foreign radars always come with software limitations. Even If Radar have capability of searching longer ranges, The software doesn't allow you to increase the range factor to max. CAFRAD sensors and heat resistant GaN based transponders will create a new era for Turkish Navy inventory. Aselsan does many additional research and investments to develop such high capable sensors having capability of reaching hundreds of km away target's highy precision dataes.
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@cabatli_53 Are you sure that Yavuz's will be outphased ? Afaik they are all modular build and can be modernized/upgraded. Of course I don't know if material tiredness is important ?
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