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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

Amazing Otokar, Turkish defence industry focus heavily on quality.
Shareholder of Roketsan:


Roketsan – Wikipedia

Look these firms are something like state companies that's why it is like that... Maybe someone who have knowledge will explain this to you...

That's all by me... :wave:
Roketsan (35,5 TSKGV, %15 Aselsan..)
Aselsan (%84,5 TSKGV..)
TAI ( %54,5 TSKGV, %45,5 SSM)
TEI (%50,5 TAI...)
Havelsan (%98 TSKGV)
Mikes (%96,3 Aselsan)

2 of them are inside of top-100 lists of the World. Roketsan is going to join into that list in 2015-16.

Those are waqf institutes which has independant qualified managements/engineering teams and shareholders of eachothers like a chain. Waqf is belong to Turkish Armed Forces and accepting monetary aids from public. In additions to their own monetary sources, Those institutes are receiving funds from many different sources like Tubitak, Undersecretariat of Defence Industry and Ministery of National defence budgets, sometimes Transportation ministery as well...

It is something like Turkish Army takes initiative to design/development of technology in Turkey since 1974 (Cyprus Peace Operation).
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Hema's looks better.

HEMA with its licenced foreign 4X4's don't have a littile chance against industrial giants like Otokar, Nurol, FNSS. Hema should better do What they are able to do best. Production of driver/motor and chassis subsystems for automative industry.
HEMA with its licenced foreign 4X4's don't have a littile chance against industrial giants like Otokar, Nurol, FNSS. Hema should better do What they are able to do best. Production of driver/motor and chassis subsystems for automative industry.
Of course, they push indigenous products, but if turkey establish a self-sufficient defense industry , they will only go value for money.

Look at Hema vehicle. It looks like a beast. :)
Of course, they push indigenous products, but if turkey establish a self-sufficient defense industry , they will only go value for money.

Look at Hema vehicle. It looks like a beast. :)

SSM is not a simple procurement agency but also the head of industrial development strategies so They always aim best for both Turkish Army and Defence industry. To keep that Performance/National contribution/Feasible stability, They approach the projects with an analitic way.

Consider a missile program from the eye of SSM for example. At feasibility studies, They give points to each technological parts (such as chemicals, warhead, propulsion, guidance, subelectronics...etc) of system from 0 to 5-6. The sections that got a point near 0, is meaning an outsourcing or long term domestic development subsystem project. The sections that got a point avarage between 0 to 5-6, is mostly outsourced abroad until short-term domestic equivalent catches the schedule and The parts that got near 6, is the systems which was developed during project schedule. Overall points of projects indicates whether The project will be fully domestic development or co-development or direct procurement projects.

In that working mechanizm, At land sector, The points Turkish defence institutes got for most projects/parts are near of "6" so A Licence production or co-production can't be accepted...

Couldn't figure out what it was. Can you give us name and specs?

I guess its Nurol Ejder Yalçın, mentioned at another page.
FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. is a Turkish joint venture company owned 51% by Nurol Holding of Turkey and 49% by BAE Systems, Inc. with facilities located in Gölbaşı, Ankara, Turkey.

Nurol is %100 Turkish Company. And Ejder Yalcin is indigous project.

fnss com tr
nurolmakina com tr
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